FultonStudent Organizations:
Grooming New Leaders
Outgoing Officers
Use a Checklist
- Organize all notebooks, binders, files and electronic document files
- Finish all necessary correspondence
- Develop action plans and timelines for new officer transitions
- Provide feedback as an outgoing officer
Information to Pass On
- People (Contact Information)
- Outgoing officers’ contact information
- Other student org contacts
- ASU staff contacts (faculty, staff, advisor, Fulton folks)
- Vendors
- Industry contacts
- Documentation
- Responsibilities of each position
- Calendars/timelines
- Sponsorship information
- Electronic copies of promotional tools
- Templates for forms, letters, etc.
- Financial documents & budgets
- Electronic copies of all important documents (constitution, policies, procedures, etc.)
- Login information/passwords for accounts, social media, email, etc.
- Key activities, initiatives, & events
- Information on past vendors used (caterers, transportation, suppliers, etc.)
- Descriptions of past events, checklists, plans, etc.
- Words of Wisdom
- Mistakes you made that could have been avoided
- Advice you wish you had before starting the position
- Questions the new officer may have
Communicate the final details
- Make sure space is reserved for all annual events
- Finish up all letters, emails, & phone calls. Notify others who the new officer will be.
- Update OrgSync
- Email with your new officer roster
- Make sure all your bills have been paid
Prepare the New Officers
- Allow incoming officers to shadow outgoing officers
- Schedule a retreat for outgoing and incoming officers to plan for the transition and mentor new officers
- Share documents (above) with incoming officers (Google docs are a great option!)
- Connect new officers with contacts either via email or personal meetings
- Inform them of necessary trainings they need to attend
New Officers
Ask Questions
- What position specific things do I want to know about?
- What are things I should or want to do over the summer?
- Who are other students, faculty and staff I should get to know?
- What are resources and services I need to know about?
- How will I work with our Faculty Advisor?
- What are the goals of our org?
- What expectations do I have of my fellow officers?
- What should be done immediately in the upcoming semester?
Focus on Supporting the Team
- Work on the morale of your group members
- Expect any changes to be accepted gradually
- Be available when others need your help
- Let the group members determine the group’s purpose
- Share the glory
- Encourage brainstorming & creativity
- Be sure your group has a common purpose
- Manage conflict, don’t ignore it
Set Goals
- Break them down. Be specific: how, when where, etc.
- Things I want to do starting right now!
- Things I want to get started on soon!
- Things the outgoing officer indicated I should do right away
- Do I have the skills necessary to accomplish my goal? Who else in my organization can help me? Outside resources and people?
Make & Implement Plans
- Read the transition resources. Orient yourself to what the organization has been doing before you assumed the new position.
- Mark your calendar with reasonable deadlines. Plan several months out.
- Communicate deadlines to your team. Celebrate meeting the deadlines.
- Clearly communicate organizational goals to your officers and members.
Tips to Remember
- Officer terms should provide at least one month of overlap so new officers have the opportunity to shadow and learn from outgoing officers.
- When new officers have been elected, orient them together as a group with all of the outgoing officers.
- Make introductions to resources.
- Recognize your outgoing officers. This could be certificates, gifts, thank you cards, etc.
- Remember you’re human. We all mistakes. Ignoring them or hiding them won’t help your organization succeed.
American University: Student Leader Transition Guide Montana: Student Organization Leader/Officer Transition Checklist
Villanova University: Student Organization Officer Transition Guide