These supporting guidance notes are to help you understand what the Central Gateway Grants Scheme is about and to help you complete the application form for 2016/18.If you are submitting an Expression of Interest Form for the Countywide Infrastructure Support Programme you will need to read the additional guidance.
In addition to this document, you are provided with additional question by question guidance in the Help with Completing your Application Form document. Please read both documents before you complete your application form.
If you are applying for an Arts Development Grant please note there is a separate application form and guidance notes, these can be downloaded from our website.
If you need further guidance or advice you can contact us on 01772 530818 or you can email us
Central Gateway Grants1
Countywide Infrastructure Model2
Who can apply to Central Gateway Grants?4
-Meeting our definition of strategic funding
-Defining significant infrastructure support
About the scheme7
-How much funding is available and what can I apply for?
-What we can fund
-What we will not fund
Meeting our criteria9
-General eligibility criteria
-Our priorities
Working with Children and/or Vulnerable Adults13
-Policy for working with children and/or vulnerable adults
-Our definition of a vulnerable adult
-Standard or enhanced DBS check?
Your application15
-What will happen once we receive your application?
-Assessment of your application
-Monitoring of grants
-Publicity of grants
Glossary of terms19
Contact information and returning your application23
The County Council continues to face an unprecedented financial challenge. Like many parts of the public sector, Councils are under acute pressure and further austerity measures are expected for the foreseeable future. The Autumn Statement and Finance Settlement for local government mean a total £303.3m reduction in central government support for the County Council over the period 2016/17 to 2019/20. This extremely difficult financial picture is the result of continued cuts in Government funding, alongside rising costs and increase in demand in our services.
Based on current spending and forecast demand for services, the Council will not have sufficient financial resource to meet its statutory obligations by April 2018, even if we no longer continue to deliver any of the non-statutory services and the Council will need to rely heavily on reserves to set a balanced budget for 2016/17 and 2017/18. Whilst we are committed to continuing our support to the Third Sector in Lancashire, at this stage, the County Council is unable to confirm whether any funding beyond 2018 will be available.
As you will appreciate, these are very significant changes that will affect everyone as we move into a new phase of reduced spending power and examine more closely than ever how we use public resources to best effect. Embracing this change and working with our partners must be the way forward. This means developing new ways of running our services and working in much closer partnership with other public and third sector organisations.
Central Gateway Grants
Central Gateway Grants offer an opportunity for organisations to apply for strategic funding in order to help deliver Lancashire County Council’s core purpose. This is to work for the people of Lancashire to enable them to live a healthy life, live in a decent home in a good environment and have employment that provides an income that allows full participation in society.
The County Council recognises and values the contribution to public services and well being within the county which is made by third sector organisations. We want to work even more smartly with partners not just to deliver services but to make the county a more resilient and vibrant place. We are also very much aware that in recent years, different economic circumstances have drastically altered the playing field in terms of how organisations are funded with the result that only well organised third sector groups can thrive and provide a valuable contribution to the local community.
The County Council makes Grants under the general power of competence set out at Section 1 of the Localism Act 2011, which replaces the well being power in Section 2 of the Local Government Act 2000 for local authorities in England. Section 1(1) of the Localism Act sets out that a local authority has power to do anything that individuals generally may do.
In recommending applications for grants, regard must be had to the County Council’s corporate objectives. The new draft Corporate Strategy for the County Council has been developed and is currently going through the County Council's approval process. The draft Corporate Strategy sets out the future direction for the County Council, covering a timeframe to 2021 and beyond. It will form a framework which sets out:
- our vision, values, high level priorities, and overall approach
- our evidence base
- thematic strategies, such as our financial strategy
- our risk, quality and performance framework
- service delivery plans
- annual budgets
A Countywide Infrastructure Support Programme
The CountyCouncil is keen to support a thriving Third Sector which is able to work with ourselves in our joint aims to provide high quality, appropriate services to the communities we serve. We feel this can best be achieved where the organisations which make up the third sector are linked into each other and work together to identify and respond to the needs of the people of the county.
During the last round of CGG funding, the County Council (2014-2016) made provision for a Countywide Infrastructure Support Programme (CISP) to be developed by the fund. Ultimately, a programme was developed and has been delivered by a number of agencies under the direction of "One Lancashire" as an umbrella body. The objective of the CISP was to ensure that high quality support in terms of third sector development and volunteering opportunities were available, consistently across the county. The CISPhas proven to be a cost effective way of providingthese services and opportunities countywide and consequently the County Council is seeking to ensure that a similar programme is developed for this next round of Central Gateway Funding.
Our model is based on 5 principles as detailed below, these principles have been updated since the last programme to help reflect the importance and need for organisations to be more self-sustaining and to look to new ways of working to generate potential sources of income in the future.
The 5 Principles ofa countywide infrastructure support programme
- The provision (either directly or through signposting) of high quality support and guidance in terms of development and sustainability and otherservices for VCFS organisations across the county.
- To increase the number of volunteers and volunteering opportunities and greater participation of residents and others within local communities.
- To create a mechanism for the wider VCFS to engage the provision of public services and in the decision making process.
- Enable communities to identify, create and deliver solutions to their needs.
- To create a platform and mechanisms to ensure VCFS organisations and the Third Sector across Lancashire are able to access alternative funds and resources to enable them to become self-sustaining organisations.
Further guidance on developing a Countywide Infrastructure Model and details on how to express an interest are available for those organisations who wish to be considered, or work alongside other Third Sector Organisations in developing a Countywide Infrastructure Model. See document entitled Central Gateway Grants – Countywide Infrastructure Support Programme Additional Guidance and Call for Expressions of Interest document.
We also recognise that not all groups would need, or be in a position to provide infrastructure support across the county, possibly because they may focus on a particular group of people, a particular need or a particular part of the county. As such we would not want to exclude such groups from applying to the Central Gateway Fund as we also recognise the valuable contribution they make to the people of the county and to the aims and objectives of the County Council.
However we would expect that any successful applications which offer infrastructure support, to link into the countywide programme, at the very least to raise awareness of what support may be on offer, but ideally to contribute to the overall programme.
The County Council feels that through such an approach we can develop a more strategic, efficient and effective programme of infrastructure support to the third sector across a range of issues and areas and across the county as a whole.
Who can apply to Central Gateway Grants?
Lancashire County Council recognises the valuable role that the Third Sector plays in Lancashire across a wide range of activities. Where we have shared objectives, Lancashire County Council and its partners will work with the Third Sectorand in certain circumstances maybe able to provide funding in the form of a grant.
Central Gateway Grants offer an opportunity for organisations providing significant infrastructure support to other third sector organisations to apply for strategic funding to help deliver Lancashire County Council's priorities as defined in ourdraft Corporate Strategy. In order to be eligible to apply through the normal CGG application process, your organisation must be able to meet our definition of strategic funding as defined in this document.
If you are an infrastructure organisation, whereby one of your main purposes is to provide infrastructure support to other third sector organisations, and you are not part of a consortium bidding to deliver the countywide programme you may wish to consider how your application can add value to a countywide programme of support. However, if you have a new project or initiative in mind, then you may still apply to CGG via the normal grants process.
For the 2016/18 funding round, it is expected that applicants will fall into one of the two categories below:
- An organisation, or an organisation that is part of a Consortium that is applying for funding for a Countywide Infrastructure Support Programme;
If you fall under Category 1, you will likelybe party to a joint Expression of Interest and you will need to evidence how your organisation, working in collaboration with other organisations can develop and deliver a countywide infrastructure model. Organisations that fall under this category are not expected to complete a standard CGG application form. Please see the additional guidance entitled Central Gateway Grants – Countywide Infrastructure Support Programme Additional Guidance and Call for Expressions of Interest document.
- An organisation that delivers a service, or provides significant infrastructure support to other third sector organisations, and wishes to apply either to deliver a specific service or an infrastructure programme which could add value to the wider Countywide Infrastructure Programme;
If you fall under Category 2, we would expect you to submit an application form under CGG. As the CGG fund is all about seeking to invest in the infrastructure of Lancashire, we would expect all applications in someway to link back to the wider countywide infrastructure support programme; at the very least to raise awareness of what may be available through the model. If you fall under this category, as in previous years, your application will need to evidence how you meet our definition of strategic funding.
We appreciate that there will be some organisations which feel that their organisation is not in a position to be apart of a consortium of bids to develop the countywide infrastructure. However should that organisation wish to deliver a specialist service to the Sector or something which they feel would add value to the countywide infrastructure programme then they should submit a CGG application form.
Falling into both categories?
Some organisations may be part of a consortium to deliver the countywide infrastructure programme but may also wish to apply to deliver an activity which goes beyond or adds value to that programme.
In such circumstances, if you have a new project or initiative in mind, then you may also apply to CGG via the normal grants process.
If you are unsure which category you fall under or would like some advice please contact us on 01772 530818 before completing an application form or expression of interest form.
The further guidance provided in this document is for those applicants who wish to submit a CGG application form and fall under category 2. If you are submitting an expression of interest for the countywide infrastructure support programme, you now need to read the additional guidance provided for Central Gateway Grants -A Countywide Infrastructure Support Programme and Expression of Interest document.
Meeting our definition of strategic funding
Our definition of strategic is very specific and in order to be eligible to apply to the CGG scheme your organisation must be able to demonstrate that it can meet the following criteria:
-You are an organisation that is providing significant*infrastructure support to other third sector organisations as defined below.
-Your organisation and your activity will benefit other third sector organisations and the residents of Lancashire, or cover at least one or more districts within the county of Lancashire.
-Your organisation/activity has clearly defined outcomes that meetone or more of our corporate priorities.
*Defining significant infrastructure support
When we say your organisation should be providing 'significant' infrastructure support to other third sector organisations we expect your organisation to meet the following criteria:
-Your organisation has been providing support to other third sector organisations for a minimum of 12 months.
-The infrastructure support your organisation provides assistsat least ten other third sector organisations.
We will contact those third sector organisations you have said you are supporting to help us verify the level of support you have stated you are providing.
About the scheme
How much funding is available and what can I apply for?
Central Gateway Grants have played a vital role in assisting organisations deliver infrastructure and capacity building services to facilitate a strong, responsive and robust third sector in Lancashire over the years.
The scheme will allocatejust over £683,000in 2016/17and £638,000 in 2017/18of County Council funding to provide strategic support to the third sector in Lancashire.This does not include the Arts Development budget which is subject to a separate application process; however, funding for theCountywide Infrastructure Support Programme will come from this budget.
Organisations will have the opportunity to apply for two year funding for 2016/17and 2017/18. Alternatively requests to fund one off projects or time limited projects for either year will also be considered. If the funding available to the scheme is not fully allocated then it may be possible that a further funding round takes place either later this year or early next year.
The minimum application to the scheme is £1,000. For anything less than this we would ask that you consider applying to our Local Member Grants scheme. There is no upper limit to how much an organisation can apply for; however, organisations are expected to bid sensibly and to take into consideration the unprecedented financial challenges we face. Applications that clearly show consideration to value for money and the desire to be more sustainable and less grant reliant in the future will be looked upon more favourably.
What we can fund
Central Gateway Grants offer an opportunity for organisations to bid for strategic funding which will in turn help other third sector organisations and the residents of Lancashire.Many third sector organisations find it difficult to secure funding towards their core management and administrative costs. In some cases we may be able to help meet some of these costs, for a limited period. We will expect organisations asking for help towards these costs to provide details of how they intend to sustain their organisation in the future without County Council support.We welcome new or one off, time limited projects whereby the outcomes of the project will help us deliver our priorities.
Your organisation:
The activities of your organisation must help to build the infrastructure, skills and capacity of the sector.
Your project or activity:
The project or activity that you are seeking funding for will have clearly defined outcomes that help us meet our key priorities.We expect all organisations submitting applications via the normal CGG process to link into the countywide programme, at the very least to raise awareness of what support may be on offer, but ideally to contribute to the overall programme.
Your project or activity may directly or indirectly help us to meet our priorities. For example a new project or initiative requesting funds to provide innovative solutions to address localised transport needs would directly aim to support our priorities by preparing us for the future. If your organisation is requesting funding to support your organisation's core costs or the salary of a post within your organisation we would deem this indirect support which would ultimately result in the delivery of our priorities and building the capacity of the sector.
Applications for funding that will directly help to build the infrastructure of the sector or develop activity within the sector which will help us meet our priorities will be favoured.
What we will not fund
We are unable to support applications for the following:
- We will not fund individuals or where the benefit is for one person only.
- We will not fund the following organisations:
- statutory bodies including Parish and Town Councils;
- schools, academies, colleges or universities; (exception for Arts Development Grants – see separate application pack for arts grants)
- health authorities or for activities that should be funded by the health service;
- animal welfare organisations.
- We will not fund religious or political activities (faith based organisations are eligible to apply).
- We will not fund groups whose sole purpose is to campaign, or any campaign activity.
- We will not fund retrospectively, meaning support for work that has already taken place prior to the agreement of funding.
- We will not fund projects for the benefit of people who are not a resident of the administrative county of Lancashire.
- We will not fund any application that is unlawful or is contrary to County Council Policies and Procedures.
If in doubt, please call us about eligibility on 01772 530818.