The Busch School of Business and Economics
Washington, DC 20064
Research Associate as a Scholar-Practitioner Fellow in Entrepreneurship
The Busch School of Business and Economics at The Catholic University of America seeks to fill a Research Associate position in Entrepreneurship, to begin on August 20, 2018.
Our school differs from others in that it has a very clear mission, and that mission is to take Catholic social doctrine and help the business world understand how to implement it in a way that benefits the business organizations themselves, the people they employ, and society as a whole.The principles of Catholic social doctrine are not opposedto capitalism or a free-market economy. On the contrary, they are practical, helpful, visionary guidelines about how touse resources and build organizations that will enable individuals and societies to flourish within a free economy.We integrate these principles into all aspects of business — accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing, and so forth — in a way that does not diminish academic and professional excellence, but rather lifts the whole enterprise to a higher level. It is an innovative, entrepreneurial, and rigorous approach to teaching business and economics. Our students and graduates are living proof that it works, inspiring achievementboth in the classroom and in the workplace.
We seek candidates who understand, are enthusiastic about, and will make a significant contribution to the mission of the University, which can be found here:
The Scholar-Practitioner Fellowshipsare designed to help bring insights from business practice into academia. They are the result of donor funding, provided to help us identify and develop outstanding potential future faculty membersSelected candidates will pursue a degreeat an institution of their choice, while maintaining an association with the Busch School. The Scholar-Practitioner Fellowship in Entrepreneurship provides salary, benefits, and tuition reimbursement as long as the candidate makes acceptable progress in pursuing the degree. Additional information on the Scholar-Practitioner Fellowships in general can be found here:
Successful candidates for the Scholar-Practitioner Fellowship in Entrepreneurshiptypically have the following qualifications:
- Extraordinary academic credentials and achievement, at a Master’s level or equivalent, demonstrating exceptional talent;
- Strong desire to pursue an academic career;
- Potential to contribute to the University and School missions;
- Ability to attain admission to one of the top-rated degree programs in entrepreneurship;
- A keen interest in research and teaching.
- Leadership and administrative ability, to contribute to the establishment of a degree program in Entrepreneurship in the School.
Please send your application to and include a one- to two-page personal statement indicating how your research, teaching, and service will make a distinctive contribution to our University’s mission and to the vision of Catholic education outlined in the Apostolic Constitution on Catholic Universities Ex Corde Ecclesiae, which can be found here:
Please note that the University will perform background checks on all new faculty hires prior to making the final offer of employment.
Contact information:
The Catholic University of America is an Equal Opportunity Employer.