The British Society for the History of Philosophy

Electronic Newsletter No. 8

Dear member

Welcome to the eighth edition of the BSHP electronic newsletter.

Please do send me any news you may have, including:

- Member's activities and publications. You can let us know of your recent

and forthcoming papers and books, by offering us title, place of publication and

a brief abstract. Also research projects, awards etc.

- Conferences of interest to BSHP members, and calls for papers

- Other items of news

From time to time the newsletter may also carry some advertising from


Please let me know of anything you wish to be included by emailing me. The

newsletter depends on my having news to distribute, and that can only come

from you.


1.  Latest edition of the British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Vol. 13. No. 4, November 2005

2.  BSHP Conferences

3.  Centre for the History of Philosophical Theology Seminar Series

4.  Member News

5.  Announcements

6.  New BSHP Website address

1. BJHP Contents

Animal sentience and Descartes's dualism: Exploring the implications of Baker and Morris's views

Cecilia Wee

Is Descartes a temporal atomist?

Ken Levy

Locke's representationalism without veil

Yasuhiko Tomida

Wonder in the face of scientific revolutions: Adam Smith on Newton's ‘Proof’ of Copernicanism 1

Eric Schliesser

Ernst troeltsch and the philosophical history of natural law

Christopher Adair-Toteff

The philosophy of Anselm

Jasper Hopkins

The Dutch Enlightenment

Victor Nuovo

Kierkegaard and Hegel

T. L. S. Sprigge

Michael Oakeshott — A fish too big or too slippery?

The Will and Human Action: From Antiquity to the Present Day

The Contradicentia medicorum libri by Girolamo Cardano: A new DVD

Books Received: Volume 13, Issue 4: Books in this list may be reviewed in later issues

2. BSHP Conferences

BSHP Annual Conference: Philosophy and Historiography

Robinson College, Cambridge

3-5 April 2006

The aim of this conference is to explore the relationship between philosophy and historiography, focusing on the historiography of philosophy, mathematics and science. Themes to be covered include:

• historiography of philosophy (as concerned with the theory and practice of writing history of philosophy)

• history of historiography of philosophy (as concerned with the ways in which the history of philosophy has been constructed through history, for example by particular philosophers in motivating their own work)

• the relationship between historiography of philosophy and historiography of mathematics, science and other disciplines

• the relationship between historiography of philosophy and philosophy of history

For more details go to:

The Naturalism of David Hume 101

Oxford, May 19th-20th

Barry Stroud, Louis Loeb, John P. Wright

A conference to celebrate the centenary of the publication of Norman Kemp-Smith’s two-part paper ‘The Naturalism of David Hume’ in Mind, supported by the Mind Association, Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford and the BSHP. Details to follow. Enquiries to

BSHP 2007 Annual Conference

…is now in its planning stage and its general theme will be the relation between Britain and the Netherlands in the history of philosophy. For enquires, suggestions on more specific themes and possible speakers, please contact Martin Bell () or Paul Schuurman ()

7.  Centre for the History of Philosophical Theology Seminar Series

2006 Lent Seminar

Thurdays, 4 pm

In Room 5F CHESHAM BUILDING, Strand Campus, King’s College London



26 January

Peter Adamson, King’s College London

Astrology and Freedom in Greek and Arabic Philosophy

2 February

Laurent Jaffro, Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand)

Jonathan Edwards's argument against 'the Arminian notion of freedom': a Cudworthian response

9 February

Thomas Pink, King’s College London


2 March

Robert M. Adams, University of Oxford

Leibniz on moral necessity

9 March

Martin Stone, Catholic University of Leuven

Luis de Molina S.J. and the foundations of Human freedom

16 March

Brian Leftow, University of Oxford



Maria Rosa Antognazza ()

Peter Byrne ()

4. Member News

John Yolton (1921-2005) The great Locke scholar and historian of philosophy, John Yoltondied in November in hospital near his home in New Jersey. For nine years he was the General Editor of the Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke. He was the author of fifteen books, many of which were veryinfluential onLocke scholarship and the history of early modern philosophy, and of very many articles and chapters.He was alsoa remarkable teacher who made the texts on which helectured come alive to his students, often through the careful analysisof a single paragraph orsentence. He was a great friend of the British Society for the History of Philosophy, attending many of its early conferences before health problems curtailed his travelling, and a powerful supporter of its journal. He will be greatly missed by many around the world.

(The next (February 2006) issue of BJHP will contain a personal tribute to John Yolton by John Rogers)

Desmond Clarke has recently completed a biography of Descartes for Cambridge, in the same series as the one by Steve Nadler on Spinoza and the earlier one on Kant by Manfred Kuehn. It will appear early in 2006 as: Descartes: A Biography.

John Haldane reports that‘Pope Benedict XVI has nominated me to the position of Consultor to the Pontifical Council on Culture, and by that act I am appointed’. I am sure everyone would like to join me in congratulating him.

5. Announcements


The Rare Books and Special Collections Division of the McGill University Libraries and David and Mary Norton have established the McGill David Hume Collection Research Grant. This grant will be open to established scholars carrying out research on any aspect of the work of David Hume, philosopher, essayist, and historian. The grant will provide financial support (a grant-in-aid) to assist a scholar to spend one three-month term (fall or winter) utilizing the David Hume Collection and other relevant resources of the Rare Books Division and the McGill libraries. Grantees will be provided an office with up-to-date computer equipment and internet access within the Rare Books Division, and ample opportunity to discuss their work with members of the lively academic community encompassing McGill and the three other universities located in Montreal. In continuing support of the grant the Nortons are committing the royalties from their Oxford University Press editions (Oxford Philosophical Texts and the forthcoming Clarendon edition) of Hume’s Treatise of Human Nature and associated pamphlets. It is expected that the grant, with a value of $5000.00, will be offered annually beginning in 2006-7. Further information and application procedures will soon be available at The David Hume Collection held at McGill is the most important collection of Hume materials outside Edinburgh. In addition to fifty manuscript letters by Hume, the collection includes a nearly complete set of the lifetime editions of Hume's works and translations of them. The collection also includes many later eighteenth-century editions of these works, a wide range of the known eighteenth-century commentaries on them, and significant holdings of nineteenth- and twentieth-century editions and commentaries, including many nineteenth-and twentieth-century theses devoted to Hume. The McGill libraries also support Hume scholarship by systematic acquisition of relevant recent publications, particularly those in English, French, German, and Italian. Additional information can also be obtained from: Dr. Richard Virr Rare Books and Special Collections Division McGill University Libraries 3459 McTavish Street Montreal, Quebec, H3A 1Y1 Canada Tel: 514-398-4708 E-mail:

NEW CENTRE FOR INTELLECTUAL HISTORY at the University Of Sussex, under the directorship of Knud Haakonssen. For details

6. New BSHP Website Address

Please note that the new website address is