Objectives: -Be able to present a cultural aspect of Belgium in French with a partner.

-Learn about Belgium through student presentations


  1. Research information on an aspect of Belgium. The starting point of your project is the Panorama p. 154-155 (if applicable). Your project should include the information presented in the textbook, and expand on it.
  2. Create a Google Presentation to share the information you gathered with the class.
  3. Make a small poster that would summarize the main points of your presentation, and display pictures.

Your project will be entirely in French.

Requirements for the Google Presentation

Please, note that no other format than Google Presentation will be accepted.

-Your Google Presentation will have 6-8 slides. You will write key words/ideas on your slides. Avoid typing full sentences on your Google Presentation, but when speaking, you are expected to make full sentences. You might want to use index cards.

-Your slides will be visually appealing (illustrations, colors, an easy to read font…)

-The last slide of your presentation will show the resources (websites, books,…) you used for your research.

-You will share your Google Presentation with your teacher.

Requirements for the Oral Presentation

-Your oral presentation will last approximately 3-5 minutes.

-You will speak French only.

-You will rehearse it at home, and at school. You will train to have a clear enunciation and a near perfect pronunciation. You will ask your teacher’s help as needed.

-If possible and appropriate, include an audio/video document in your presentation (movie, song…) to make it more interesting

Requirements for le Petit Poster

You will create a small and colorful poster for your topic

-You will include 3 illustrations you showed in your presentation. You will have captions in French for each one.

-You will have a few basic facts on your poster

-You will give your poster a title that is not “Belgique”, in French.

Again, this poster needs to be IN COLOR. Remember, we have a color printer at the library. The first print is free (or really cheap). Ask the librarians for their help to print in color.


PPT presentations are due on ______

Collages are due no later than ______

You will present your PPT, starting ______

Critères de notation

-PowerPoint Presentation10

contenu (informations, pertinence, clarté…)

apparence visuelle (images, couleurs, organisation, langue…)

- Presentation Orale10

langue (grammaire, vocabulaire, expressions, …)

expression orale (articulation, prononciation,…)

- Petit Poster10


apparence visuelle

 Total: 30 points

Note: 3 points per day will be taken off the grade for late projects.


-Use French websites to do your research.

-Write down your script.

-As you do your research, save some pictures for your poster. Write down what they represent.

-As you do your research, build your resource page.

-Share the work with your partner equally. If your partner doesn’t do his/her part, talk to your teacher in private.

-Make sure you typed the accents properly.

-When you think your finish , reread the front of this sheet, to make sure you didn’t forget anything.