Sermon Questions for March 15, 2009: “A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words”


·  What insight, principle, or observation for this week's message did you find to be the most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.

·  2. Who or what does the lamp in this parable represent? (4:21)What does this passage teachhow people understand spiritual truth?

·  3.What do the man and the seed in the parable represent? Why? (4:26-29)

·  4. According to this parable what do you understand about the growth process ofthe seed? (4:28)

·  5. How is the kingdom of God like a mustard seed? How does this parable differ fromthe previous one? (4:32)

·  6. Dr. Marr outlined the sermon today in terms of 3 parables. Jesus used parables to teach his followers. Why do you think Jesus taught using parables? (4:33-34)

·  7. How can you get involved this week in contributing to the growth of the Kingdom of God?


·  Parable of the Lamp (4:21-25)

·  What did Jesus mean by saying, "whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed"?

·  Why did Jesus warn us to "consider carefully" what we hear?

·  How do you think the people listening to Jesus' teaching responded to this parable?

·  Parable of the Seed (4:26-29)

·  The Jews of Jesus' day expected God's kingdom to come physically and politically. How does this compare with the description Jesus gave in these parables?

·  What do you think Jesus is trying to teach the followers about the kingdomin these parables?

·  What encouragement can believers glean from this parable regarding their own spiritual growth?

·  What can you do in your life, and in the lives of others, to create conditions where the Word of God will grow?

·  Parable of the Mustard Seed (4:30-34)

·  Why do you think God chose to introduce His kingdom through a controversial man with a handful of obscure followers?

·  In what ways does this parable encourage you to persist in your faith?

·  Digging Deeper

·  The3 parables seem to have a progression, how are theyrelated to each other?Two of the parables focused on the Kingdom of God. Explore the following passages and see what they teach about the Kingdom of God.

·  John 3:1-8

·  Matthew 6:25-34

·  At what stage is the kingdom in your life now: Still a seed? Sprouting? Outgrowing the "weeds" producing a harvest?