The British put Wolfe in charge of the army so the war ended with. . . / Once they won the war, colonists started moving West. The Indians responded to them by. . . / To keep the peace between the colonists and the Indians, Parliament passed the. . .
Colonists had direct representation in their colonial legislatures which means. . . / Parliament had virtual representation over the colonies, meaning. . . / Parliament needed to raise money in the colonies because. . .
The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act (1765) in order to. . . / Colonists responded to the act by. . . / Britain responded to the colonists by. . .
Colonists responded to increased troops by. . . / The British Parliament passed the Tea Act (1773) in order to. . . / Colonists responded to the act by. . .
Britain passed the Intolerable Acts in order to. . . / Colonists responded to the acts by. . . / Britain responded to the colonists by. . .
The British decided to arrest the leaders of the Sons of Liberty. The result was. . . / Colonists responded to this event by actions by. . . / The British responded to the Olive Branch Petition by. . .
The Second Continental Congress responded to the British rejection of the Olive Branch Petition by. . . / The Result of the Declaration was. . . / The French were unsure whether or not to support the colonists in the Revolution until. . .
The French Alliance allowed the French to give the colonists help by providing . . . / With the French help the colonists were able to. . . / The American victory at Yorktown resulted in. . .
John Locke Thomas Paine Thomas Jefferson
What are 3 rights which Locke believed were given to people by God?