January 25, 2007


I.  Call to Order: President Smith called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.

Roll Call: The following Executive Committee Members were in attendance:

Mr. Greg Smith, President Moon Township

Mr. Larry Comunale, First Vice President, Lower Gwynedd Township

Ms. Stephanie Mason, Vice President At-Large (E), Doylestown Township

Mr. Geoffrey Thompson, Vice President At-Large (E), Collegeville Borough

Mr. Kevin Flannery, Vice President At-Large (W), Sewickley Borough

Mr. George Wolfe, Vice President At-Large (C), Lower Paxton Township

Mr. Adam Brumbaugh, Vice President At-Large (C), College Township

Mr. Bruce Clark, Immediate Past President, Middletown Township

Members Absent:

Mr. Roger Dunlap, Vice President At-Large (W), Oakmont Borough

Staff in Attendance:

Rick Schuettler, APMM Managing Director

Mary Beth Lake, APMM Member Services Manager


Mr. Tom Fountaine, State College Borough

II.  Approval of Minutes

Mr. Comunale made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 5, 2006 meeting. Second by Mr. Flannery. Ms. Mason abstained, as she did not attend the October meeting. The motion carried unanimously.

III.  Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Schuettler reviewed the Balance Sheet, pointing out that the ICMA obligation has been met, but not yet paid. He also noted that New Jersey has not yet invoiced us (and we have not paid) $ 12,000 for the 2006 Conference. He identified the various fund balances established by the Board, including the following restricted fund balances: ICMA 2007: $ 53,495.60; Professional Development: $ 13,036.71; and International Program: $ 13,984.70.

In reviewing the Statement of Revenue and Expenses, Mr. Schuettler reported that there is a $ 3,000 discrepancy with the Secretariat report, which he has been working on resolving. He will report back to the Committee. Revenues as of December 31, 2006, were $ 141,171.36 and expenses were $ 122,375.90, resulting in revenue over expenses of $ 19,341.46.

Ms. Mason made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report as submitted. Second by Mr. Clark. The motion passed unanimously.

IV.  President’s Report

Mr. Smith and Mr. Schuettler reported the Unemployment Compensation information received from Bob Durrant. It may be wise to pursue a legislative remedy at the state level. Bill Hansell is also looking into a case in Michigan. Bob Durrant says an IRS advisory letter may be worth pursuing. Group discussion speculated about why the problem has not been more prevalent nationally, as Pennsylvania has had four cases. It was suggested that we might first take the case to the Department of Labor and Industry. It would also be an advantage to get all municipal organizations involved. No action was taken.

V.  Secretariat Report

Mr. Schuettler reported 284 full members; 19 associate members; 36 affiliate members; 32 sponsoring members; and 21 honorary members, for a total membership of 392.

VI.  Committee Reports

·  APMM 2007 Conference Report

Mr. Schuettler updated the committee on the status of the 2007 Conference in York on May 22-24.

·  ICMA 2007 Conference Report

Mr. Smith updated the committee on the status of the 2007 Conference in Pittsburgh in October. Mr. Smith will inform the Committee when to make reservations at the Westin. It was suggested that instead of offering two

$ 1,000 scholarships, we offer 4 $ 500 scholarships. More first-timers will be able to attend and the costs will be lower due to proximity.

·  Managers in Transition

It was reported that Pam Caskie has moved to Nebraska and that Beth Sunday is now in Plumstead. Mr. Comunale will try to track down Dave Walklin, who has left Quakertown.

·  Professional Development

Mr. Schuettler updated the committee on recent training events and upcoming opportunities. In addition, 25 members are now eligible to present Capstone Projects. Last year 22 members received certificates for Professional Development of 20, 40, 60 or 80 credits.

Mr. Brumbaugh made a motion to once again be involved in ICMA’s Next Generation initiative, volunteering to take the lead in Pennsylvania. Second by Mr. Flannery. The motion carried unanimously.

·  International Program

No report.

·  Legislative Committee

Mr. Schuettler updated the Committee on legislative activity in Harrisburg.

VII.  Old Business

No old business.

VIII.  New Business

·  APMM 2007 Budget

Mr. Schuettler presented the proposed 2007 budget of $ 106,000.

Mr. Flannery made a motion to accept the budget with the amendment that the Range Rider line item be reduced from $ 2,000 to $ 1,000 and that the Next Generation initiative be given $ 1,000. Second by Mr. Wolfe. The motion passed unanimously.

·  Logo

Ms. Lake presented an alternate logo to use when reordering pins that would include the name APMM in addition to the bell.

Mr. Flannery made a motion to form a committee headed by Mr. Dunlap to investigate a logo similar in design to ICMA’s logo. Second by Adam Brumbaugh. The motion passed unanimously.

IX. ICMA Business

·  Strategic Plan Update

Mr. Fountaine updated the Committee on the work of the Strategic Plan Committee.

X. Adjournment

The next meeting will be held Wednesday, March 21 at lunch of the PELRAS Conference at the Nittany Lion Inn in State College.

The Committee adjourned the meeting at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

John A. Garner, Jr.
