by Gerard A. Gioia, Ph.D., Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D., and Peter K. Isquith, Ph.D.
The assessment of executive function in preschool children is often difficult for several reasons: the variable nature of behavior in this age range; limitations in motor and verbal proficiency in preschoolers; and the many neuropsychological, psychological, developmental, and medical conditions that begin to manifest during the preschool years.The BRIEF-P is the first standardized rating scale designed to measure behavioral manifestations of executive function in preschool children. As such, it permits intervention at earlier stages of development.
The BRIEF-P is a single form used by parents, teachers, and day care providers to rate a child's executive functions within the context of his or her everyday environments--both home and preschool. Completed in just 10 to 15 minutes, the hand-scorable BRIEF-P Rating Form consists of 63 items that measure various aspects of executive functioning:
Inhibit / Emotional Control / Plan/OrganizeShift / Working Memory
The clinical scales form 3 broad indexes and one composite score:
Inhibitory Self-Control / Flexibility
Emergent Metacognition / Global Executive Composite
The BRIEF-P also provides 2 validity scales, Inconsistency and Negativity.
Normative data are based on ratings of children, aged 2.0 through 5.11, from 460 parents and 302 teachers from urban, suburban, and rural areas, reflecting U.S. Census estimates for race/ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, and age. Clinical samples included children in the following diagnostic groups: ADHD, prematurity, language disorders, autism spectrum disorders, and mixed clinical.
The BRIEF-P is useful in assessing preschool-aged children with conditions such as prematurity, emerging learning disabilities and attention disorders, language disorders, traumatic brain injuries, lead exposure, and pervasive developmental disorders/autism.
BRIEF Software Portfolio (BRIEF-SP)
by Peter K. Isquith, Ph.D., and Gerard A. Gioia, Ph.D.
This comprehensive program gives you unlimited scoring and interpretation for the BRIEF, BRIEF-SR, and BRIEF-P. It generates three useful reports. An Interpretive Report gives the clinician T-scores and percentiles; intervention recommendations (educational, rehabilitative, and therapeutic); IEP goals and objectives; and an optional ADHD diagnostic classification. A Feedback Report summarizes test results for parents, teachers, and the examinee. And a Protocol Summary Report compares results from up to four different administrations (to the same client).
KIT: Includes Manual; 25 Rating Forms; 25 Scoring Summary/Profile Forms