Your Research Topic-

the big picture and your key questions

Instructions for the listener

You’re going to listen to a fellow student briefly outline their research topic and their progress to date. While they’re explaining, if any of the information answers the questions below, jot the information down by the question.

NB. Not all the questions on this sheet may be addressed and the information may not be presented in the order given by the questions on the sheet.

Once your colleague has finished telling you about their research ask them any remaining unanswered questions on this sheet.

Questions for listener to complete

1.  What’s the big picture/ the general field of study in which you’re working?

2.  More specifically, what are your overall research aims?

3.  How do your research aims fit within the wider field of study?

4.  Why is your research interesting or important to undertake- what’s it adding to the field of study?

5.  Briefly what have you done to date, and what remains to be done?

6.  What are you currently working on, or about to tackle?

7.  How would you express that as a research question? Try to be as clear and specific as possible.