NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry / /
Reference / MS/0214/05 / Quote on all correspondence
Grade / Consultant
Location / Airdrie Locality
Hours / PA’s / 10 PAs per week (Part-time may be considered)
Salary Scale / Consultant
Closing Date / Tuesday 11th March 2014
Your Application / Thank you for expressing an interest in the above post within NHS Lanarkshire. Please find all the relevant information attached to begin the application process.
Should you require further information regarding this post you can contact the Medical Staffing team or make informal enquiries with the department using the contact details below.
To ensure we can process your application as easily as possible please complete all the information required within the Application Pack and email with your CV.
Contact Details / Telephone / 01698 377735
Email /
Application Process / To apply, please email your CV to the above, along with the attached completed Application Pack.

Additional Arrangements / Informal enquiries regarding this post will be welcomed by:-
NAME / General Manager
Dr. A Cook / Associate Medical Director / 01698 366915
Mr. J Wright / General Manager / 01698 366760
Dr. J Borthwick / Clinical Director / 01698 261331
Date when the post is Vacant / The post is vacant immediately and a start date will be agreed with the successful candidate.
NHS Lanarkshire / For further information regarding NHS Lanarkshire and it’s hospitals, please visit our website:- www.nhslanarkshire.org.uk
We are an Equal Opportunities Employer and Positive about Disabled People.
The Post / The CMHT is based at The Harry Walker Centre, 8 Waddell Street, Airdrie and provides cover for Airdrie locality, with an estimated population (>65yrs) of 8,400.
The CMHT consists of 3.6 WTE CPNs (1 x Band 7, 1.6 x Band 6, 1 x Band 5) and 1 WTE support worker (Band 3). There is also a CPN for liaison to nursing homes. There is also 0.4 WTE of OT input. There is a specialty doctor psychiatrist giving 5 sessions to the team covering inpatient, outpatient and CMHT commitments.
The post as advertised is for 10 Programmed Activities (PAs), of which 9 would be ‘Direct Clinical Care’ with 1 being designated for ‘Supporting Professional Activities’. In addition to the expected CMHT responsibilities, the post currently has attached a fixed commitment to our NHS Continuing Care Wards at Hatton Lea. There are three NHS Continuing Care Wards within Hatton Lea, providing an environment for the longer-term management of patients with significant issues involving stress and distress in dementia. Input to these wards is currently shared with another Consultant, and is expected to take one PA per week (See ‘Indicative Timetable’ below).
Acute Inpatient beds are at Glen Nevis and Glen Orchy wards, Coathill Hospital - these are 10 ‘functional’ and 10 ‘organic’ beds respectively. Admitting rights will be shared with the Coatbridge and Cumbernauld localities. Outpatient clinics are held at The Harry Walker Centre, Airdrie. The CMHT also has access to 5 ring-fenced ‘Integrated Day-centre’ places for appropriate community patients.
The postholder would be expected to become involved in other activities within NHS Lanarkshire, such as contributing to strategic planning and service improvement planning.
If the postholder had Educational Supervisor approval, trainees may be allocated here according to training need/availability.
The postholder will have an office and suitable IT facilities e.g. computer and internet access available to them.
The postholder would be expected to become involved in other activities within NHS Lanarkshire, such as contributing to strategic planning and service improvement planning.
On–call is as part of the General Adult Psychiatry and Old Age rota which is Lanarkshire wide and is a one in 28 rota with prospective cover. Learning Disabilities have their own rota and CAMHS have consultants available for advice if specialist advice is required.
The Department / Old Age Psychiatry is managed strategically on a pan-Lanarkshire basis, through the Clinical Leadership Group chaired by the lead clinician, and with input from the General Manager, Service Development Manager and Practice Development Nurse with a remit for Old Age Psychiatry.
The service is organized by locality with operational responsibility falling to the Locality General Manager. Each locality has a CMHT for older people with a remit for both dementia and functional patients. The service is undergoing a period of expansion as continuing care beds close and consultants are community based with inpatient commitments to acute, complex needs and continuing care beds. Liaison to the acute hospitals is through a dedicated Older Adults Liaison Service and links with Geriatric Medicine are generally excellent.
All localities have access to day services. In South Lanarkshire these are community based and in the North are becoming integrated with social services to allow a smoother transition between services. There are strong links with social work colleagues across Lanarkshire, both at a local level and through partnership working at senior levels.
All localities have access to OT although this service is due to be further developed in the next two years. Old Age Psychiatry have 9 psychologists who work closely with the rest of the service to develop areas such as early diagnosis of dementia, early onset dementia and managing complex behaviors in an inpatient setting.
There are currently 9.9 WTE consultants in the service. The service is well supported by 7 staff grades. There are usually 3 trainees across the service and often one senior trainee.
Staff across Old Age Psychiatry are well motivated and enthusiastic and despite some resource limitations have introduced many service innovations over the past few years.
General Provisions / You will be answerable to Clinical Director, who will agree your job plan.
Health and Safety / You are required to comply with NHS Lanarkshire Health and Safety Policies.
Junior Medical Staff / You will be responsible for the training and supervision of the Junior Medical staff who work with you, and you will be expected to devote time to this on a regular basis. In addition, you will be expected to ensure that staff have access to advice and counseling. If appropriate, you will be named in the contracts of Doctors in training grades as the person responsible for overseeing their training and as the initial source of advice to such Doctors on their career.
Resources / The following resources are available:-
Consultants / Special Interest
Airdrie Locality / TBC
Dr. Damian Lynch / Management
Dr. Winnie Manning / PD
Dr. George McDermid / Complex Needs/Rehab
Dr. Gillian Docherty / Dementia
Dr. Adam Daly / Clinical Governance
Dr. Andrew Donaldson / Continuing Care
Dr. Allison Gordon / Movement Disorders
Dr. Sujatha Maiya / Continuing Care
Vacancy / Early Onset Dementia
Dr. Susan Telfer / Community Psychiatry
Specialty Doctors / 8
Specialist Registrars on rotation from the West of Scotland Training Scheme. / 1
STRs/FY’s / 3
Secretarial Support:
WTE Secretaries / 1
Work Programme / As required under Section 3 of the Terms and Conditions of Service, the duties and responsibilities are supported by a job plan and work programme detailed as follows:
Job Planning/Programmed Activities
The job plan will be dependent on the successful candidate’s subspecialty training and interests. A minimum of 1 SPA will be included in the job plan. Additional SPAs (up to 2.5 in total) can be incorporated into the job plan depending on the time required to support the successful candidate’s professional activities and the needs of the service.
On taking up post a Job Plan will be agreed between the person appointed and the Clinical Director/Associate Medical Director. The Job Plan will be reviewed informally after 3 months in post and then again on a formal basis after 6 months in post.
The indicative timetable identifies those fixed commitments which are dependent on other hospital resources, both physical and human.
Fixed Commitments / Days / Hours / Type of Work / Location
Monday / AM / Clinical Admin
Out-Patient / Harry Walker Centre
PM / Day Hospital Patient Reviews
Assessment of pts in community peer group/Consultant meeting / Harry Walker Centre
Home Visits/Meetings
Tuesday / AM / Clinical Admin
MDT reviews of inpatients / Harry Walker Centre
Coathill Hospital
PM / SPA / Harry Walker Centre
Wednesday / AM / Memory Clinic / Harry Walker Centre
PM / Community visits / Community
Thursday / AM / Clinical Admin
CMHTE weekly meeting & allocation meeting / Harry Walker Centre
PM / Review of continuing care patients / Hatton Lea Care Home
Friday / AM / Clinical Admin
Ward Rounds / Harry Walker Centre
PM / Assessment of patients in community
Urgent Clinical work / Community
Harry Walker Centre
In addition, other activities not occurring at fixed times. / Reviewing new admissions
Discussing referrals (in patient and out patient with Colleagues (daily)
Discussing management/investigation of patients with colleagues in appropriate Clinical Support Services and the Acute Hospital Specialties.
Seeing Ward Referrals
Discussing patient management/ reviewing patients with FY2’s/CTs and Nursing Staff out with formal ward rounds
Speaking to GP’s
Speaking to outpatients re results
Vetting Fast Track clinic referrals/ allocating appointments (daily)
Review of the Job Plan / This job plan is subject to review at least once a year by the post holder and the Specialty Clinical Director/Clinical Lead as noted in the terms and conditions. The procedures set out in the ‘Terms & Conditions of Service’ must be followed if it is not possible to agree a job plan, either initially or at an annual review.
Audit and research / The successful candidate will be expected to participate in audit processes and there is an active clinical audit department available to assist. An interest in research will be supported.
Continuing Professional Development / Study leave is available within the terms and conditions of service with the approval of the Specialty Clinical Director/Clinical Lead. The appointee will be required to fulfill such demands for continuing professional development as the Royal College of Psychiatrist (or other relevant bodies) may make.
Honorary Academic Status / If involved in undergraduate teaching status can be applied for. Applications can be made via the Hospital Sub-dean and then to the appropriate academic department within the University.

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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry / /
Attributes / Essential / Useful
Qualifications / Medical Degree
Current full registration with GMC with a licence to practice.
On Specialist Register for Old Age Psychiatry or within 6 months of CCT or CESR (CP) at interview. / Formal Management training.
Formal training in working with a wide variety of patients with mental health problems.
Training / Eligible for or in receipt of approval under Section 22 of the Mental Health (Care & Treatment Scotland) Act 2003.
Knowledge of Mental Health (Care Treatment, Scotland) Act 2003, ‘Delivering for Mental Health’ NQIS draft standards for Ices and other relevant national policies.
Knowledge of aetiology assessment and treatment of mental illness in adults aged 16-65
Research / Familiarity with relevant research guidelines.
Experience / Experience of interagency working.
Experience of working in a multi-professional team and working with non Health Agencies. / Experience of the areas of service development (including development of care pathways, inter-agency guidelines), service leadership and service evaluation.
Knowledge and Skills / Demonstrate leadership ability.
Familiarity with relevant research guidelines.
Skilled in assessment and management of individuals with mental illness and mental health problems. / Skilled at multi-professional and multi-agency working. Demonstrated medical leadership within a multi professional team and/or working within a service development and/or professional working group.
Experience of management would be desirable.
Disposition / Current driving licence.
If there is any reason why a disabled person should not be considered suitable for this post, please provide details: / The post requires physical dexterity. Uncorrected visual or hearing defect would be incompatible with the nature of the work.
Prepared By:- / Approved By:-
Name / Dr. J Borthwick / Dr. A Cook
Designation / Clinical Director / Associate Medical Director

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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry / /
a) This appointment is offered on the Terms and Conditions of the new Consultant Contract.
Additional NHS Lanarkshire Policies which support the Contract are listed below and are available on request:
·  Additional & External Duties
·  Fee –Paying Work in the New Consultant Contract
·  On-Call Availability and Payment of Supplement
·  Generic Objectives
·  Resident On-Call Duties
b) This appointment is superannuable under the NHS Superannuation Scheme, which is contracted out of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme (SERPS). New employees commencing employment from 1 March 2013 onwards will automatically be enrolled in the pension scheme and your remuneration will be subject to deduction of superannuation contributions.
To opt-out, you must contact the Scottish Public Pensions Agency directly on Tel: 01896 893000. Should you choose to opt-out in accordance with these changes you will be enrolled into the scheme again every 3 years (June 2016, 2019 etc) when the same process will apply.
For further information on the benefits of the scheme, please contact an advisor of The Scottish Public Pensions Agency (SPPA) Tel: 01896 893100, or download/view a member’s guide at www.sppa.gov.uk/nhs/forms.htm.
c) The employment is subject to 3months’ notice on either side subject always to the appeal and other provisions of paragraphs 10.4 & 10.5 of the Terms and Conditions of Service of Hospital Medical and Dental Staff and Doctors in Public Health and the Community Health Service Consultant Grade.
d) Reimbursement of certain telephone charges may be payable on application to NHS Lanarkshire. The successful candidate must be contactable throughout any on-call period.
e) The successful candidate, if not already employed by the NHS Lanarkshire, will be required to complete a medical questionnaire to obtain medical clearance from the Occupational Health Physician.
f) The successful candidate will be required to complete a disclosure Scotland PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme) form. No approach will be made without written permission of the successful applicant who will be asked to sign and complete a Disclosure PVG application, giving authorization for the check to be undertaken.
g) NHS Lanarkshire does not negotiate salary placements. On commencement the salary will be in line with paragraph 5.1 of the terms and conditions of the new consultant contract. Appointees start on the scale minimum except in the circumstances of paragraphs 5.1.2 – 5.1.7 of the terms and conditions of service.
h) From 1st April 2013 the starting salary for the post is £75,249 per annum (based on 10 Programmed Activities per week). The successful candidate’s total salary will be dependent on his/her previous service history. Remuneration for any extra programmed activities will be dependent upon the job plan agreed at the time of appointment.
i) Dependent upon present place of residence, NHS Lanarkshire may require the successful candidate to undertake to remove home to a distance acceptable to NHS Lanarkshire, normally within 10 miles of the base Hospital, in which case removal expenses will be payable in accordance with NHS Lanarkshire Policy. In some cases, however, a residence more than 10 miles distant from the base hospital will be acceptable and in this case removal expenses will be subject to the prior approval of the Associate Medical Director for such a residence. The position will be made clear to the successful candidate on application