The Big Four Meet to Create a Treaty

Paris Peace Conference 1919

The “Big Four” meet to create a treaty.

Big Four Country Wanted

David Lloyd George Britain Reparations

Georges Clemenceau France Weakened Germany

Vittorio Orlando Italy Land

Woodrow Wilson USA Fourteen Points

Wilson’s Fourteen Points called for a treaty based on:

·  No Secret Treaties

·  Freedom of the Seas

(except if limited by international agreement)

·  Free Trade (reduce or eliminate tariffs/quotas)

·  Reduction of Armaments (weapons)

·  Considering the Interests of Colonial Peoples

·  Self Determination

(Countries by nationality governed as they wish)

·  League of Nations

(world organization to settle disputes)

The Treaties of Paris (Treaty of Versailles) 1919

·  German War Guilt Clause

(Germany is blamed for the entire war)

·  Reparations (Germany to pay all costs of the war)

·  Map of Europe Redrawn

Victors get additional land from Central Powers

Germany’s colonies are divided among victors

Germany divided in two by “Polish Corridor”

Some new countries (Poland, Czechoslovakia)

·  Germany’s army and navy are severely limited

·  Rhineland Demilitarized (NO German troops)

·  Mandate System for Colonies

(Colonies “prepared” for independence)

·  League of Nations is created

In the US, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge (Rep.) and others oppose the treaty, believing the war cost too much in lives and money. U.S. returns to Isolationism (no ties to other countries except trade). Wilson who supports the treaty has a stroke after a demonstration by the International Workers of the World (IWW) who opposed the “imperialist” war. The Senate does not ratify the treaty. The US makes its own peace with Germany and never joins the League of Nations.