January Schedules of clinics and enter on the day competitions – for dressage and enter online please scroll down schedules page to the Horse Monkey links.

Dressage Day Clinic

March 4th 2018

Kickstart your 2018 dressage campaign!

A day of dressage aimed at all levels – whether you are just getting ready to start on your stressage journey, or if you want to improve your scores or move up a level!

The day will involve a private 45min session in the morning (everyone attending is encouraged to watch everyone else as you learn so much off the horse!), followed by a ridden demo which will focus on the things covered in each individual lesson so you can visualise what it is you are trying to achieve, an informal chat over lunch about the importance of mindset – or how to overcome your nerves! Then a test riding session – ride the test of your choice (short or long arena) with video and feedback.

Very limited availability – 5 is the maximum I can do and dedicate that much time to!

Price £70 per person including lunch.

Sessions must be booked and paid for in advance.

Please either email me , text on 07792 735909 or contact me via Facebook to book a space!

Course jumping clinic.

Monday 26th March 2018.

It's not often you get to perfect your course jumping technique (who has time to build an entire course for just one lesson??) so whether you want to try your first course, or you'd like to perfect your jump off technique (we have managed to halve jump off times in the past!!) then this is the clinic for you! Open to any ability and height.

Sessions available throughout the day.
Individual 45min sessions £35.

Paired lessons £20 each for 1 hour.
Groups upto 4 £15 each.

Why not get a couple of friends together and book a slot? Very limited time in the evening, so get in touch asap to get your slot!

Sessions must be booked and paid for in advance.

Please either email me , text on 07792 735909 or contact me via Facebook to book a space!

Ride a Test Dressage Clinic (Long or short arena)
MArch 31st 2018
£35 per session

45 minute sessions, invaluable to help you gain those illusive extra marks! You first ride the test of your choice (you can warm up in the outdoor arena first, just as you would at a competition) you then have a half hour coaching session on ways to improve the test, and finish with riding the test for a second time. You then get 2 test sheets to take home, and we encourage you to video the two tests too from the C position in the arena (bring your own phone/laptop/camera etc) .

You can ride any test (short or long arena) from intro to FEI, or eventing/pony club/riding club tests.

Sessions available from 10am onwards.

Sessions must be booked and paid for in advance.

Please either email me , text on 07792 735909 or contact me via Facebook to book a space!