It is the hope of the author that this booklet is used to enhance a new Christian’s understanding of basic Bible answers. In the following lessons, read each question carefully and look up each reference to see what the Bible has to say about the issue. It is important to note that there could have been thousands of different verses used in this study. So if you know of, or come across in your study, separate verses that support the ideas, add that information to your booklet, as it is solely meant for a guide. There are many things that could be added and need to be learned.
It is thought by many in society and in churches that the Bible is outdated. However, when the scripture is studied under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we find the Bible to become a living book and that man has not changed much since he was introduced to the Garden of Eden. Please let the scripture affect your life and let the Spirit have his way. Just having an understanding of scripture is not good enough. It is far better to believe scripture and follow it. Please don’t make the mistake of trusting Religion over Jesus. Jesus wants a personal relationship with everyone. We hope that after you have finished this book, your relationship with him will be better.
Help to the reader
Having grown up in a Roman Catholic home, I was indoctrinated by man’s opinion. It was the thought of many, including myself, that I needed the Roman Catholic Church to aid me in my studies instead of the Holy Spirit. Thus, I was told, I needed to follow their specific doctrines even when I read the Bible - which I read a minimum of eighteen times before I actually was saved.
The reason for my lack of understanding I attribute to my unregenerate nature. The Bible states; but the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God. (I Corinthians 2:14) Though I was what society would say is a decent and good person I had never trusted Jesus Christ as my personal saviour. I went to church weekly, was baptized, confessed my sins, lived the best I could, believed in God, knew there was a Heaven, believed in a Hell, and thought that if I lived good enough I just might make it in. My confidence slowly began to slip away when I saw sins in my daily life. My eyes were not open to the truth until I repented of trusting myself and asked Jesus to save me.
My friend, before you spend days and weeks studying this material, trust Jesus Christ to be your saviour. First, you must believe that Jesus Christ was God incarnate in the flesh. Second, you must be convinced that you are a sinner and cannot save yourself. Third, you must believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for your sins, and rose again from the dead. Fourth, you need to repent and trust Jesus Christ and his work on the cross as the sole payment for your sin. If you were to do this I know that Jesus will open your eyes to the truth while you go through the following lessons.
God claims in Psalms 119:130,that the entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding to the simple. Do you want light today? If your desire is to know the truth you must trust God for your salvation and his word for direction for your life. God only accepts worship and praise the right way. The Bible states in John 4:24: God is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Once I did this my eyes were open to the truth and I have been constantly growing in understanding and faith since. The Lord has opened many doors. So what are you waiting for? Trust Jesus Christ today, and enjoy a life blessed by him in every way.
Matthew J. Moris
Bible Studies Lesson 1
Topic: The Primary will of God
- What is the will of God for every man? II Pet 3:9
2. Why do some men never trust the Lord and get saved?
Isaiah 45:22
- What does man often do so he doesn’t hear from God?
Acts 7:51-57
- What part does the human intellect play in man not being
Saved? Proverbs 26:12
- What part does the imagination have in keeping one from
Being saved? Genesis 6:5
- Where does the imagination come from and what does God
say about its source? Jeremiah 16:12, 11:8, 13:10
- What state do men find themselves in when they choose
religion over the written word of God? Jeremiah 23:14-18
- What is the state of mans heart? Jeremiah 17:9, Ecclesiastics
- What does the Bible say about where sin comes from?
Mark 7:20-23
10. What does the devil and principalities and powers do to
keep man unsaved? Matthew 13:39, John 8:44,
II Corinthians 11:13-15
11. Who is responsible for whether one goes to be with the
Lord when he dies? Romans 10:13
Conclusion… The reason man is not saved rests somewhere in the following lessons.
- They don’t look to God
- They resist God and stop their ears.
- Wise in their own eyes.
- Follow imaginations.
- They do not recognize that their heart is evil.
- They believe lies.
- They reject the word of God.
- They follow false ministers.
How can we combat this problem?
Bible Studies Lesson 2
Topic: Since the beginning man chooses sin over God
- What did God say in regards to the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil? Genesis 2:16-17
- Who was the person that was not present when God
commanded not to eat of the tree? Genesis 2:21-22
3. Who was the first to break the commandments and what
could have been their excuse? Genesis 3:6
4. What then was Adam’s choice after the first sin was
committed? Genesis 3:6 Obey God or follow man?
- After man chose sin, what were their deeds that they did?
Genesis 3:7-8
- According to the Bible, what is the extent of the Lord’s
knowledge? John 21:17
7. With this knowledge, why do you think the Lord would
ask questions to man? Genesis 39-11
8. What do we find this question does to man, and how did he
respond? Genesis 3:10
9. When man confesses sin to God, what is still lacking in the
unregenerate mans life? Genesis 3:12-13
10. As a result of their sin, what consequences happens to man?
Genesis 3:15-16
11. What does God do for man after all has been revealed and
man wants to get right with him? Genesis 3:21
12. What do we find that Jesus Christ did so that all of man
could be saved? John 3:16
- Yet today, many are not saved, what is a reason that man
stays there? John 3:19-20
Conclusion: From all the scriptures we find man does a number of things to remain lost.
- Claims to not know the right way.
- Follows man, instead of God.
- Covers sin and thinks it is hidden from God.
- Blames someone else for his sin.
- Trusts that his confession of sin is enough.
- Is sorrowful for his sin without receiving atonement.
- Loves darkness and doesn’t change.
Bible Studies Lesson 3
Topic: The Law reveals Gods way
1. According to God, what does the law do so that men will put
their faith in Jesus Christ? Galatians 3:24
2. What does the scripture conclude of all men? Galatians 3:22
3. Why did God give or add the law to the promises that he
gave Abraham and the fathers of faith? Galatians 3:19
4. What do we find that wealth and self-confidence does to
man? Revelation 3:17
5. The passages of Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 give the
the commandments that God gave Israel. Name them…
6. Has there ever been a man that has kept them? Romans 3:23,
Ecclesiastes 7:20
7. On which commandments do all the law and prophets rest?
Matthew 22:36-40
8. What do we find if one brakes just one of the commandments,
according to God? James 2:10
9. What does God warn about some teachers of the law?
I Timothy 1:6-10
10. What do we find that the law of the Lord does to the soul?
Psalms 19:7
11. According to the Bible, what did the law not do?
Hebrews 7:19
12. What offering makes one perfected? Hebrews 10:10-14
13. According to the Bible, what is the end of the Law for
Righteousness? Romans 10:4
Conclusion: Why do so many misapply the law as God's way?
- They don’t realize the law is just a teacher.
- They don’t think that they are that bad.
- The law’s purpose is to show transgressions not to justify.
- The law teaches us how to love.
- Man doesn’t realize if he has broken one law he has broken them all.
- Men trust their own righteousness.
- There are bad teachers.
How is the law used correctly?
- To convert the soul.
- Teaches us that only Christ was righteous.
- Realize his sacrifice is what perfects us.
Bible Studies Lesson 4
Topic: The Law, Life, and Payment for Sin
1. What would have happened if the Law could have given life?
Galatians 3:21
2. Why was the Law weak? Romans 8:3
3. What was the thought of some of the members of the early
church? Acts 15:1-5
4. What did Peter say purified their hearts, as well as, the hearts
of the Gentiles? Acts 15:9
5. After reading Acts 15:9-10, what was the yoke which the Jews,
Disciples and the world could not bear?
6. How is the Law still useful today in our present world?
Romans 7:7
7. With your knowledge from question four, what does Peter
go on to do in his future and who corrects him?
Galatians 2:11,14
8. What did Paul say the church and Peter were supposed
to know and be teaching? Galatians 2:16
9. What do we find in common with the problem in Galatia, and
our church today? Galatians 3:2-3
10. What makes one free from the Law of sin and death?
Romans 8:2
11. So way is there no condemnation for God’s people?
Romans 8:1,9
12. Why did some offer a trespass offering in the Old Testament?
And what was it? Leviticus 5:5-6
13. How does Jesus fulfill these offerings which were made in
the Old Testament? Hebrews 7:22-26
14. What was the sacrifice to end all sacrifices for sin?
Hebrews 7:27
Conclusion: What do we find that the law couldn’t do and what found its way into the church? What was the conclusion of the early church concerning the law?
- The law couldn’t give life, because our flesh is weak.
- The early church had those mixing law and grace.
- The church determined that all men were justified by faith, and Jesus ever lives to make intercession for us.
Bible Studies Lesson 5
Topic: Your personal sin makes you guilty before God
1. Who owns every soul and thing that was ever made. What
does he say will happen to one that sins? Ezekiel 18:1-4
2. How much pleasure does the Lord take in the death of those
that reject him and his salvation? Ezekiel 33:11
3. What two events do every man have to look forward to
should the Lord not return in their lifetime? Hebrews 9:27
4. What does a man deserve for transgressing the Lord’s law?
Romans 6:23
5. How is death defined by the reading of Revelation 20:14?
- How does God define physical death? Matthew 9:24
6. What does God do to show every man the right way? John 1:9
7. What does God put with in the heart of every man that lives
on the face of the Earth? Romans 2:14-15
8. What do some men do with thus knowledge from God, and
what is the result of this choice? Romans 1:18-21
9. According to scripture, when are those who are quickened
and the dead going to be judged? II Timothy 4:1
10. What causes a man to be dead? Ephesians 2:1
11. According to scripture, who are those that are looking for
the appearing of Christ? Titus 2:11-14
12. Why would believers need to go through a judgment seeing
their soul is already saved? I Corinthians 3:11-15
13. What is the possibility of the Lord not knowing the
unregenerate mans sin? Proverbs 15:3
14. What is God’s opinion of our works and our position as men
in this world? Romans 3:10-12
15. When Jesus Christ judges the dead, where will it be and what
is the judgment based on. What happens to those who are
condemned? Revelation 20:11-14
16. How does Romans 4:2-4 give us a look at why men are in debt
to God?
17. According to the Bible, how does one live once saved.
What saves their soul? Hebrews 10:38-39
- All souls are the Lords.
- The Lord has no pleasure in the death of the wicked.
- We are all going to be judged.
- We all deserve death.
- The Lake of Fire is the second death.
- God gives all a chance.
- There will be different judgments.
- Believers are judged to receive rewards.
- God knows your sin.
10. Dead are judged by their works.
11. No one’s work is good.
12. Men are in debt to God because they try to earn heaven
by their works.
Bible Studies Lesson 6
Topic: Atonement is received by believing the Gospel
1. According to Romans 1:16, what does the Gospel of God do
for all those that believe? Where in does the strength lie?
2. Define what the Gospel is for the church today.
1 Corinthians 15:1-5
3. Many people in the bible have died, and rose again, what
makes Jesus different from them all?
- Matthew 1:23
- Revelation 1:18
- I Peter 2:24
- Hebrews 2:9
- II Corinthians 5:20
- Romans 5:19
- Hebrews 7:26
4. Many men have a head knowledge of these things listed, what
needs to be done to be saved? How does the Bible define this
term? Acts 20:21, Term defined in Acts 26:20
5. What is the best way to describe that change that occurs when
one repents from the way he’s going? Proverbs 3:5-6
6. According to the Bible, what does it say in regards to how a
man is redeemed? I Peter 1:18-19
7. What does the redemption of the blood of Jesus do for all
those that trust in the Gospel? Colossians 2:12-14
8. How many times does this offering need to be made?
Hebrews 10:14
9. According to the Bible, when can one receive the atonement?
Romans 5:11
10. What must each individual believe and confess to be saved?
Romans 10:9
11. According to Romans 10:10, how does a man get
12. What must be part of the atonement. Without it there is
no remission? Hebrews 9:19
13. What part of salvation for us today is based upon what we
do? Titus 3:5-6
- What does God liken his salvation to? Ephesians 2:8-9
- The Gospel is the power of God to salvation.
- It is defined as the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ.
- Head knowledge is not sufficient, repentance is needed.
- Repentance is best defined as trusting God.
- This redemption is only by Jesus’ blood.
- It is available right now.
- By confessing the Gospel one receives righteousness by belief.
- This salvation is a gift.
Bible Studies Lesson 7
Topic: Who is God and what are his characteristics
1. How many true Gods’/Saviours’ are there in this world?
Isaiah 40:10-11, John 4:42, I Timothy 4:10
2. In the Bible how does God define his state of existence?
John 4:24
3. What is one of the greatest mysteries according to Paul?
I Timothy 3:16
4. Who was the visible image of the invisible God?
Colossians 1:15
5. Who created the Earth, Heavens, and things that are visible and
invisible? Colossians 1:16-19
6. What other name is Jesus Christ given along with the attribute of
creating all things? John 1:1-3
7. What does God say about what the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
are? 1John 5:7
8. What do we find in Gods perfect word that gives us a picture of
how the Godhead works together? Genesis 1:26
9. According to the Bible, how is man created in the image of God,
which explains how we can all physically differ?
I Thessalonians 5:23
10. How much of God was in the physical person of Jesus Christ?
Colossians 2:9
11. Compare John 1:49 with Isaiah 44:6. Who is the King of
12. Compare Isaiah 44:6 with Revelation 1:17-18. Who is the
First and the Last?
13. Who was and is the expressed image of God? Hebrews 1:3
14. In prophesy, in the Old Testament, what attributes and names
of Jesus Christ do we find in Isaiah 9:6?
15. How do men, since the beginning of the church, perceive the
love of God? I John 3:16
16. Who do we find that Jesus is according to 1 John 5:20?
17. What name were the Apostles told to go and baptize in?
Matthew 28:19
Conclusion: Based on all these scriptures, what can we conclude concerning who God is?
1. There is one God and Saviour.
2. This God is a Spirit.
3. He was manifest in the flesh.
4. He created all things.
5. This God is made up of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
6. Jesus Christ is fully the Godhead.
7. God laid down His life for our sins.
8. This is the only acceptable sacrifice for sin.
Bible Studies Lesson 8
Topic: The Baptism that puts believers into the body