OFFICERS: President Michael Sunman, President Elect Alyon Wasik, Vice President Jeffrey Autrey, Secretary/Treasurer Adrienne Ari
COUNCIL MEMBERS: Jeffrey Weaver, Angela Musick, Anthony Jarecke, John Kim, John Dziadul, John Kim, Margaret Read, Chris Cordes, Jason Hales, Michael Davis, Greg Smith
SECTION CHIEFS: Michele Aaron, John Townsend, Mike Candreva
COMMITTEE CHAIRS: Carla Engelke (Awards); Megan Hunter (Membership); John Dziadul (Facility); Daniel Rhoton (Paraoptometric);Anthony Jarecke (CE Chair), Tyler Miles (incoming IT Chair)
1. President Sunman called the meeting called to order at 1450 and delivered welcoming comments .
2. Minutes of the 43st Annual Meeting from Oct 10,2011 were presented. MS&P to approve (CLOSED)
3. The Executive Director’s “State of the Union 2011” (Dr. Anthony and Gina Borgognoni) – Objectives: Ideas to action; problems to solutions; goals to reality
Essentials: revenue, manpower, influence
Challenges to revenue: economy; static membership/dues; limited revenue streams; new corporate philosophy
Revenue solutions: improving economy; expanding membership base (new alumni category- AD at any time or any federal externship); diversify revenue streams (ophthalmic sponsors, non-industry sponsors, AFOS seal of approval, 501C3); meeting revenue (current registration covers 20% of overall program- increase fees $85/$125/$175 onsite – to cover ~50% meeting costs); expand sponsorship categories (sponsors compete - increase $ sponsor amounts - $25k Patriot sponsor, $50K Eagle Patriot)
Manpower challenges: 1 employee to do all; typical affiliate has 1 staff member for every 100 members
Manpower solutions: volunteering from membership; committee responsibility/duties increased; short and possible long-term contract labor for various projects
Influence current perception: money follows influence (ie sponsorship); AFOS is an honorable group but no agenda, no real power, no real needs and ceremonially handy; delegate strength in relation to membership size is near the lowest among the affiliates; AFOS has no “buying power” vs membership of state affiliates
Game Changers: National agenda (uniquely qualified), licensure by endorsement (unifying initiative); residency and internship clout; delegate rich potential (target 50 votes in 2013); new alumni category (become advocate and ambassadors in every state for AFOS); buying power monster (US Govt #1 world purchaser); AOA Hierarchy (Capture Presidency every 4 years).
4. Treasurer’s Report and Proposed 2013 Budget (S/T Ari)
a. 2012 budget reviewed: Dr. Ari reviewed the expenditures for 2012. We exceeded our planned budget due to the multiple changes of ED responsibility since Dr. Dave Simpson’s death. The ED salary was exceeded due to overlap of Dr. Pattison with the Adams’s and then with Dr. Pattison and the Borgognonis. Also, new office equipment was required due to depreciation (computer, cell phone, etc). There was also not as much support from Corporate sponsors during the year. The plan for 2013 is to re-engage with industry, create an “alumni” membership category to increase our membership base, and make a small increase in the registration fees for our meetings.
Motion #1: Recommend approval of next year’s budget as proposed ($262,200). MS&P
a. Awards (Dr. Engelke, incoming chair) - Report attached. 6 nominations for Junior OD of the year (2 Army/2 Navy, 1 AF, 1 PHS), 3 nominations for OD of the year (1 Navy, 1 AF, 1 PHS), Orion Award none, 6 nominations Student Travel Award, and no Reserve Force nominees. Concerns about Service Specific Award – historically only 1-2 nominations per service; if numbers of nominees don’t’ increase, the awards really won’t mean anything; Goals this past year: restructured nomination packets to mirror AOA Awards templates; defined roles of Committee members; increase awareness of Student Awards through direct contact with optometry schools; Filling committee vacancies; new Salus University scholarship opportunities for AFOS dependents – MPH (Tribute Scholarship); 5 partial MPH scholarships valued at $13,650; Awards for the spring (service specific) – hard deadline 15 Dec 12; AFOS OD, JR OD and Orion will continue to be awarded in the Fall. (ATTACHED)
b. Education (Dr. Jarecke): Goals: ensure just representation of education topics relevant to all branches of federal service; provide lecture platform for our own ODs to speak; Maintained 8 hours of CE at Annual Meeting with the Dave Simpson Memorial Lecture Series; Tyson Brunstetter will be new Chair. (ATTACHED)
c. Membership (Dr. Hunter): Report attached. 426 AFOS/AOA members (this include individuals who are more than 2 years behind in dues) Now 18th (some mildly delinquent) or 23rd (426 up-to-date paid members) largest affiliate (was 11th at beginning of 2011 – but that counted “Active” AFOS members and AFOS/AOA). We had 36 votes during AOA HOD in June 2012 (31 HOD votes in 2011 vs 30 in 2010) – 1 vote for every 10 paid members by 15 April 2013; need to clean up our membership books; current numbers by service show more AFOS members than AD members in the Service; Goals: keep cleaning up files; continued to contact all new federal service ODs via email/discuss importance of membership; have 2 reps per service; looking for new membership chair. (ATTACHED)
d. Marketing & Communications (Dr. Kim, Chair) : activities this year including changing to a more suitable new web hose (Wild Apricot) – turn key and much more user friendly; goal is to have new website implemented 5 Nov 12; will likely have some issues as we transition; new chair – Dr. Tyler Miles. (ATTACHED)
6. Election of New Officers and Council Members for 2013
New Council Member: Dr. Gregory Smith (PHS)
New Officers: President Alyon Wasik (VA), President Elect Jeffrey Autrey (AF), Vice President Adrienne Ari (A), Secretary/Treasurer Michael Davis (IHS), Immediate Past President Michael Sunman. No new nominations from the floor. Motion to elect members as read. MS&P
7. Unfinished Business: None
8. New Business:
a. Executive Council Meeting Summary (President Sunman)
b. Bylaws Changes (ATTACHED) all motions passed unanimously except for the amendment for the ED’s salary (1 dissenting vote) MS&P
c. Call for other New business from the Floor: NONE
9. AOA Update provided by Dr. Mitch Munson, AOA President Elect
10. Induction of Officers and Council Members: Dr. Mitch Munson, AOA President Elect, administered the Oath of Office for the new officers for Oct 2012-Oct 2013 (INFORMATION)
11. Dr. Alyon Wasik gave her President’s Address (ATTACHMENT)
12. Good/Welfare Announcements
13. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 1805. The 45th Annual Meeting will be held at Seattle, WA on October 22, 2013.
Financial report/Proposed budget
Awards Committee Report
Education Committee Report
Membership Committee Report
Marketing/Communication Committee Report
Executive Director Report
President’s Address
AOA Update
Bylaws Update
Alyon Wasik, OD Adrienne Ari, OD
President Secretary/Treasurer