HL7 Electronic Health Records Work Group
Presiding Co-chair: Pat Van Dyke
Quorum = 7 plus presiding co-chair
Attending / HL7 Members / emailDon Mon / / Co Chair
X / John Ritter / / Co Chair
X / Helen Stevens / / Co Chair
X / Gary Dickinson / / Co Chair
X / Pat Van Dyke / / Co Chair
Scott Robertson /
Crystal Kallem /
Matt Greene /
Greg Gehman /
X / Lenel James /
X / Harry Rhodes /
Peter Harrison /
Sasha Bojicic /
Tim McKay /
X / Steve Hufnagel /
Sue Schneider /
X / Hetty Khan /
Terry Hearn /
Diane Kay /
Michelle Dougherty /
Alexander Ramos /
Gora Datta /
Paul Boyes /
Christine Bester /
Steve Connolly /
Richard Dixon-Hughes /
Memo Keswick /
Tanya Newton /
Floyd Eisenberg /
Beth Acker /
Nancy Wilson-Ramon /
Jim Kretz /
Andy Spooner / / Child Health
Keith Boone /
Joy Kuhl / / Child Health
Daryl Thomas /
Andre Boudreau /
Geoff Lee /
David Bass /
Ken Gebhart / / Technical lead
Durwin Day
Don LaVigne /
Karen Kimball /
Mark Janczewski /
Andy Woyak
X / Serafina Versaggi
Peter Park
Jim McClay
X / Shelli Spiro /
Keith Boone
Lyman Dennis
Melva Peters / Gordon Point Informatics
Diana Harder
John Hale /
Alean Kirnak /
Rachel Lundsford /
Peter Levin /
Doug Dormer /
Ken Anderson / AMCP
Lydia Washington / AHIMA.org
Suzanne GonzalesWebb
X / Roel Barelds /
Mark Karin / Rhode Island Quality Institute
Wo Chang / NIST
James Wilson / UPRIS
Marlene Haddad
Bo Dagnell / HP
Erin Fitzsimmons /
Non-voting participants
X / Mark Brueckl
Kathy / St Judes
Wes Knox /
Corey Spears /
X / Sue Mitchell /
Hennie Cloete /
Mike DeCarlo /
Kosta Makrodimitris /
Quorum is 8 plus the presiding chair. (Established out of the Vancouver, BC WGM)
Quorum was established for voting items today.
EHR Ballot Reconciliation Spreadsheet
Minutes of 8/14/2012
1. Welcome/Attendance/Minutes
The minutes were accepted as provided.
2. General Business
a. FIM update
Steve, Gary and Serafina have developed a draft resolution strategy in keeping with the commitment to the VA (Beth Acker and Marlene). Serafina will share this with the VA team---when formalized, the process will be brought to the general Working Group
b. Request for a Tooling Session at the WGM---an Update on tooling status and the agreement on a publication strategy for the EHR–S R2 FM ballot. Discuss the place of Enterprise Architect in this work. Roel outreached to Michael Van der Zel– who suggested Wednesday at the WGM---Tooling will be placed on the WG Calendar tentatively scheduled for Wednesday Q3.
3. Voting Items
a. Withdrawal of DSTU: CDAr2 Reference Profile for EHR Interoperability
The 2 year period for this DSTU expired a couple of years ago and needs to be formally withdrawn.
Motion was made to withdraw the DSTU
Lenel made the motion
Helen seconded the motion
Gary commented that with R2, this work will be updated possibly through a profile. The RMES sub group may have an interest in this work.
Abstain: None
Not approving: None
Approved: Unanimous
b. Promotion of E Prescribing to Publishing: Informative
This was balloted in May 2010 and this is the final step.
Motion was made to approve the EPrescribing work and move to Publishing.
Shelly made the motion
John seconded the motion
Shelly provided that though eprescribing had been taken up through meaningful use---reducing the need for a standalone eprescribing model---there may be some need or interest. The profile remains of value.
Also a reminder that this is a joint NCPDP/HL7 product.
Abstain: None
Not approving: None
Approved: Unanimous
c. EHR reconciliation items
Motion was made to approve the items identified as having been reconciled in the past two weeks.
John made the motion
Helen seconded the motion
Discussion: None
Abstain: One (Serafina)
Not approving: None
Approved: 10
d. PHR-S Functional Model: approving the content for joint HL7 ISO ballot
Motion was made to approve the PHR-S Functional Model ballot materials subject to editing required for readability and consistency. The package had been posted on the Wiki on Friday the 17th with an announcement of intent to vote today.
John made the motion
Tim McKay seconded the motion
Gary indicated that inconsistencies in the Overview chapter including reference to ‘see-also’ columns needed to be cleared up as well.
There are substantial inconsistencies from what is described in the Overview (page 12 and on) and what is actually offered in the function list. This includes EH-S FM See Also and PHR-S FM See Also columns, backward Reference, Change Indicator and Row #.
Appendix A and Appendix B remain in the Overview. We had agreed to publish separately.
Abstain: None
Not approving: None
Approved: Unanimous
4. Ballot updates
a. Public Health Functional Model: Hetty brought forward the request to bring additional information into the R2 reconciliation process. She had made a comment during ballot comment phase that additional information was to be considered and to outreach for that information. This is within the balloting requirements. She will join a reconciliation session on Wednesday morning to bring this forward.
b. Helen encouraged everyone to joint the reconciliation calls related to R2. There has been very small attendance. She reminded the group that a separate reconciliation listserv had been created---this is on the Wiki and the location was reviewed during the call. There was concern expressed that the general listserv did not know when the meetings might be held and this might be part of the cause for low participation.
5. The meeting adjourned at 1245 PST U.S. Everyone was tired.
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