1 MICKIEWICZA, 15 – 161 BIALYSTOK, POLAND; TEL. +48 85 745 71 64 , EMAIL:



An International Conference hosted by BLEC

8th-9th June 2017


Please return by email to

no later than 20th March 2017.

Please note that the name and title you give here will be printed on your badge and the participants’ list.

I. Participant’s information

1.Family name:______

  1. Title:______ Prof.  Dr.  other:______ Mr.  Ms.  Mrs.
  2. First name:______
  3. Address:______
  4. Postal/Zip code:______City:______
  5. Country:______
  6. Telephone:______
  7. Fax:______E-mail:______
  8. I am going to participate as a speakerYES / NO

If yes, the title of presentation______

  1. My name, affiliation and e-mail address may appear in the List of ParticipantsYES / NO

(to be made available online and in the Conference pack)

  1. I wish to receive a Certificate of AttendanceYES / NO
2. Conference Fee

The Conference feeincludes two-day conference programme, publication of papers, accommodation (for 7th/8th June and 8th/9th June) in a double room, coffee breaks, lunch on Thursday and Friday and conference social event.

If an accompanying person wants to join the Conference events, the registration fee of 150 EUR or 600 PLN must be paid. The fee includes: accommodation (for 7th/8th June and 8th/9th June) with breakfast and conference social event.

  • I will be attending the evening reception.YES / NO
  • I need accommodation for 7th/ 8th JuneYES / NO
  • I need accommodation for 8th /9th JuneYES / NO

3. Dietary Requirements

a) special dietary requirements for lunch:

I am non-vegetarian/vegetarian/allergic / other (please specify):

b) special dietary requirements for reception:

I am non-vegetarian/vegetarian/allergic/ other (please specify):

4. Request any Special Audio/Visual Equipment

Presentation rooms will be equipped with a podium microphone, a Windows-based computer with speakers, Internet connection, and an LCD projector.

Should you have any additional audio/visual needs, please request them below and we will do our best to accommodate them.

Special A/V requests: ______

5. Additional Instructions

Deadlines: The registration form must be electronically submittedno later than 20th March 2017. Please use one form per person. If you should have problems registering, please contact Ms Maria Cudowska

Payment Information: Registration forms must be accompanied by full payment in order to be processed.

Confirmation: Please allow 3 days for e-mailed confirmation of your registration.

Cancellation policy:

  • 100% of the conference fee is reimbursed if the cancellation is notified no later than 23rd April 2017.
  • 50% of the conference fee is reimbursed if the cancellation is notified no later than 21st May 2017.
  • No conference fees are reimbursed if the cancellation is notified after 21st May 2017.

Please noteall bank charges are to be borne by the participant

By sending in this registration form, I acknowledge that I commit myself to the immediate payment of the full conference fee. I have taken notice of the cancellation terms on this form.
