The Benefits of Drinking Magnetized Alkaline Water by Alan Gower
" Drinking Magnetised water is very beneficial, as well as bringing down high blood pressure, by improving your blood circulation, it is also a revitalising and power packing drink. Magnetised water also influences the autonomic nervous system and neutralises toxic deposits like lactic acid, within the connective tissue - which can alleviate inflammation & arthritis pain.As the body is 70% water and the water is replaced every 14 days, it is no wonder drinking magnetised water has profound effects for many Chronic diseases.
Drinking magnetised water has true energy building power. It will activate, cleanse and detoxify every part of the system. It is supposed to reduce inflammation and arthritis, reduce blood pressure and relax muscles. In my own case after 14 days, I thought how am I going to see if this works? So I stopped taking Ibuprofen which I needed for very painful arthritis of the neck, which gave me very bad headaches and a stiff neck, especially in the morning after sleeping. Its amazing, I have no trouble with the neck now, after suffering for over 20 years.
pH: What does it mean?Here at Am-Well we like to say that pH is the abbreviation for “Perfect Health” but it is potential hydrogen. The pH of any solution is the measure of its hydrogen-ion concentration. The higher the pH reading, the more alkaline and oxygen rich the fluid is. The lower the pH reading, the more acidic and oxygen deprived the fluid is. The pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral. Anything above 7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic. Ihave recently found out about magnetised water's important alkalineproperties. A friend was diagnosed with Coloncancer and whilst looking it upon the Internet I found that cancer cells are dormant at 7.4 pH and killed at8.2 pH. I then thought if my magnetised water neutralised the lactic acid in my tissues, it must be alkaline and could help him, which it has very much. So it seems it should help prevent cancer cells.
I have since had the water checked and my tap water is 7.2pH and 7.55 pH after being magnetised. In addition when we are born our blood is about 7.4 pH and for the rest of our life the body has to work hard to maintain this level.The more acidic foods, e.g. sugar, fizzy drinks, beer, old meat, we eat the harder the body has to work and we get more tired. I have recently stopped snacking on busincuits and eating alkaline fruits like Figs, Dates, Apricots and Raisins instead. I have lost about 3 lbs in weight and feel more energetic. It hasn't improved my golf or made my hair grow however! "According to the research of Dr. Enderlein, total healing of chronic illness only takes place when and if the blood is restored to a normal, slightly alkaline pH.
Salt is vital to the extraction of excess acidity from the cells in the body, particularly the brain cells.Foods considered to be alkaline-forming and thus helpful include: almonds, aloe vera, apples, apricots, bee pollen, buckwheat, cabbage, cantaloupe, celery, carrots, cucumbers, dairy products except hard cheese, dates, poached eggs, figs, grapefruit, honey, lettuce, parsley, raisins, peaches, red potatoes, pineapple, soy, sprouted seeds, cooked spinach, turnip tops, wakame miso soup, azuki beans, rice, mineral water.