Language Arts 9

Instructor: Melanie MitchellRoom W327

ffice W362 #720-886-1148 Office hours:1A 2B

Course Description: Honors LA 9 is designed to challenge EHS freshmen to read works from a variety of genres, both in and outside of class. Not only will the piece of literature be studied, but also the writer’s place in society and history, the historical period itself and the area of the world this literature was written. Students will be expected to write in a variety of ways. Essay forms (narrative, literary, expository, etc.) and poetry will be taught and reviewed. Participation in classroom discussions, presentations and working effectively in groups will be critical to success. This class will likely be different from any others that you have had, and I assure you that it will be a valuable, interesting and exciting year.

Class Supplies:

  • Eaglecrest High School Planner
  • 3-ring binder that includes:
  • College ruled looseleaf paper
  • Dividers
  • Pens (blue or black preferred), pencils (#2 for tests) and a highlighter
  • Novel for D.E.A. R. (Drop Everything and Read)

If you need additional support:

  • PLEASE ask for help! If you have the question, chances are other do too. 
  • Come see me in my classroom, W327 before or after school or 1A/2B
  • Take advantage of the English/Social Studies Resource Room, located in the new wing. This room is open all day and is staffed with building professionals.
  • If all else fails, email me your issue or question and I will get back to you right away.

All rules and regulations found in the students handbook hold true in this classroom!

1. Attendance Policy: COME TO CLASS!

  • The EHS attendance policy will be strictly followed.
  • Make-up work is your responsibility to obtain, complete and turn in within ONE WEEK. I will not follow you around to remind you.
  • Late work will be accepted up to one week after the due date at a penalty of 10%. If turning in late work becomes a consistent issue, you will no longer have this privilege.
  • Make-up work is not the same as late work. Make-up work is work turned in after the due date because of an EXCUSED absence. You have the number of days to make up this work as you were absent (ie. If you were absent for 2 days, you have 2 additional days to make it up) after this timeframe, it is considered late work.)
  • You must come see me the next calendar day, NOT the next class, to receive make-up work for an excused absence. Refer to the class website and crates in the back of the room for any worksheets or quizzes you may have missed. You will find that it is extremely easy to fall behind in a block schedule if you are not diligent in coming in immediately after an absence.
  • If you will be absent on the day of a project (ESPECIALLY a group project!), essay, speech, project, etc. you are responsible to get this work to me via friend or family member on the day it is due.
  • Unexcused absences are not eligible for make-up work. You will receive a zero for any assignment, project, test, quiz, presentation or speech that you miss.
  • DO NOT ask for make-up work during class time!!! It is your responsibility to see me before or after class to discuss this. We will not waste the class’ learning time with this topic.
  • “The computer ate my homework” is not an excuse for not turning in work! Neither is “my printer is out of ink.” Prepare for computer disaster. You may email me your assignments and we can print them at school or there are several places where internet and computers are free and available to you. (Computer Lab 281, Media productions & library are just a few).

2. Tardy Policy: BE ON TIME!

  • The EHS tardy policy is that if you come to class after the bell rings you WILL be locked out and must report to a tardy center to receive a 30 minute detention. Read this policy carefully in the student handbook.
  • When you return to class, quietly take your seat…DO NOT DISTURB THE CLASS!
  • You may lose points on D.E.A.R. or journal entries. You can make these points up in detention.

3. Intellectual Safety

  • Together we will create a community where every opinion and belief presented is valued, even if it is not agreed with.
  • We DO NOT discredit the opinions of others. We disagree in a scholarly manner where our opinion is made known without attacking individuals who may not agree with us.
  • The display of any behavior that resembles racism, sexism, or generally rude/inappropriate tone will not be tolerated whatsoever and will result in detention and apology to the victim of this intolerance.

4. No electronic devices

  • This includes, but is not limited to, iPods, cell phones and PSP’s.
  • Any electronic devices used in the classroom will be taken by me to the Dean’s office and held there until 3 PM.
  • If this becomes a consistent issue, parent involvement may be required.
  • If your parent needs to get a hold of you during the school day they can call the office or the teacher’s classroom.

Student Expectations:

1. Keep all graded assignments in your possession until final grades are authorized! (Better safe than sorry.)

2. Keep a record of your GPA (grade point average) in Language Arts.

3. You are expected to participate in frequent and relevant classroom activities.

4. You are expected to complete all assignments, quizzes and tests honorably.

5. You are expected to come to class with a mature and positive attitude everyday.

6. Be on time and ready to work when the bell rings.

7. Come to class prepared: this includes having read lit circle or other reading assignments

8. You are expected to have a very high respect for classmates as well as your teacher to ensure intellectual safety

9. Write in complete sentences and correct paragraph form.

10. Turn in your work ON TIME!!!

Major Topics/Assignments and Timeline:

Throughout the school year, the student will maintain journals/reading logs that will be evaluated regularly. Lessons will be included throughout the year that will focus on grammar, vocabulary, essay writing and reading. Each quarter the student will select one novel that will be read at home and discussed in class weekly in literature circles. Literature circle discussions, role sheets, and group projects will be completed each quarter on the selected books.

1st Semester:

In addition to examining and analyzing the structure of an intellectually safe learning community, short stories and poetry from a variety of cultures will be read, analyzed and interpreted on textual evidence. We will study, in depth, the Holocaust novel, Night by Elie Wiesel in addition to the novel Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. A reflective essay, research paper, literature circle group project, and a synthesis essay will be the major required assessments for the semester. Various other projects and assignments will be included.

2nd Semester:

We will be reading Of Mice And Men by John Steinbeck and discussing many social issues, including racism, violence, and ageism. Students will choose a controversial issue in society and write a research paper about the issue. This research will include interviewing individuals of various generations. .In addition to working on skills for and taking the CSAP, students will read and interact with Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. We will make a critical analysis of a variety of literary devices and terms. A final novel will be determined by the LA 9 team and presented to all students. The major summative assessments for this semester will include a mock trial, expository essay, reflective essay, research essay, iMovie, and literature circle project. Various other projects and assignments will be included.



Student and Parent/Guardian Contract

I, herby read and understand the policies set forth in the Honors Language Arts 9 course syllabus, with special attention to make-up work policy, late work policy, attendance policy and student expectations. I acknowledge the rules and consequences, and agree to follow through with the classroom policies to the best of my ability.

1. ______2. ______



