Fantasy World


  • Design a scrapbook cover of your world. Include the name of your world as well as an illustration.

Introduction: Required items

  • Make a title page which explains in a well written paragraph the reasons your fantasy world exists (12 sentence paragraph minimum). For example, is it to get away from adults? Siblings? School? Bossy friends?
  • Write a dedication page (12 sentence paragraph minimum).
  • Give a detailed history of your world (circumstances as to how you got there, who the leaders are, the good guys, the bad guys, etc.). 300 word minimum.

Body: choose 10 or more items to include in your scrap book

  • Draw a detailed map of your world. Include your entrance, exit, as well as the capital, landmarks/features, where you visit other inhabitants, where battles/conflicts were fought and resolved, and other areas you deem important.
  • Introduce three or more inhabitants of your world, real or imaginary. Include names, back stories, illustrations, friend/foe, etc.
  • Give examples of ways your inhabitants communicate; such as a unique alphabet, secret codes, a form of hieroglyphics, etc.
  • Make a list of laws to be followed while in your world. In addition, list the appropriate consequences when laws are broken.
  • Determine a creed to live by while in your world. Model it after a creed you’re familiar with.
  • Write a song which serves as an anthem /theme song in your world.
  • Illustrate the fashion/styles of dress for males, females, children, guests, etc.
  • Develop and write about the first conflict experienced in your world. Who was it with? Why did it occur? Was it resolved? Anyone else witness this conflict?
  • Write two or more journal entries that document a significant event in your world.
  • List the supplies needed while in your world and why each one is mandatory.
  • Bibliography of books/magazines/comic books - why they’re essential in your world.
  • Explain your part in this world. Give specific duties you’re to perform and why.
  • Predict your future in this world. Will you stay? Until when? Are you a friend or foe? Will you share your world with others?
  • Create a Facebook page of one of your inhabitants.
  • Design a flag/uniform/armor with explanations as to symbols, color, and meaning.
  • Of course, create other scrapbook pages you deem significant.

Fantasy World Rubric

Due date met (10 points)


Cover with the name and a creative illustration of your world(10 points) ______

Title page explaining the creation (12 sentence paragraph format) (10 points) ______

Clear and detailed dedication page (12 sentence paragraph format)(10 points)


History of your World (300 word min.)(10 points)


10 or more pages done neatly, imaginatively, following formats, and with no/few mechanical or grammatical errors.

(50 points)



Pts. Earned ______100 pts possible