Dear Early Childhood Provider,
The Association of Childhood Professionals is organising a protest from 2-3pm on Tuesday 15th November, outside Dáil Éireann.
The purpose of this protest is to demand that the government significantly increases investment in early childhood education and care so that we can provide high quality services for our child and their families while paying our staff, and ourselves, a professional wage.
Successive governments have ignored our needs through boom and bust and they will continue to ignore us unless we force them to listen.
Budget 2017 threw us some crumbs but it did not inspire confidence that things will improve for our profession in the medium to long term. The Single Affordable Scheme looms with the threat of fee caps and significant administrative burdens.
The ECCE Scheme was introduced in Budget 2010 with prices and conditions set. We were bullied into accepting the terms of the contract because it was a case of sign or close. If we do not proactively stand together on Tuesday 15th November and show the government our united strength we face the same scenario with the Single Affordable Scheme. The reality is that sessional providers face the threat of losing children to full daycare services because the parents will be able to avail of subsidised wrap around services. On the other hand, full daycare providers face having their fees capped at a rate that is unsustainable.
Now is the time to take action because as the saying goes ‘there is no point closing the stable door when the horse has bolted’. We can martyr ourselves for the good of the children and their parents but in the long run we all lose out as the government continues to refuse to accept their responsibility to significantly invest in this public good.
This is the time to stop the exploitation and stand up for yourself and your employees. We know that the children and parents matter but we also need to realise that the members of our profession matter too.
Look at the Force Majeure clause in your contract and work with your staff to see how you can make this clause facilitate closure or reduction of service on Nov 15th.
Join with us on this day of protest and invite the parents in your service to stand with you.
Keep an eye on our website for further updates
Yours sincerely,
Marian Quinn
Template of letter for parents/guardians
Dear Parent/Guardian,
The Association of Childhood Professionals is organising a protest from 2-3pm on Tuesday 15th November, outside Dáil Éireann.
The purpose of this protest is to demand that the government significantly increases investment in early childhood education and care so that we can provide high quality support for you and your child without having to exist in relative poverty.
We provide an essential service that is costly to deliver and while you should not have to pay the full cost of this service we, the providers and our employees, cannot afford to continue subsidising the governments lack of investment so we are demanding that the government steps in and recognises and accepts their responsibility to provide sufficient funding to adequately resource all areas of high quality provision.
Earning a professional wage and desiring to support a child's development should not be mutually exclusive but can only be achieved through significant government funding. Our profession is undervalued and under-resourced for the role that it plays in supporting the youngest citizens of this state.
Please join with us to make a change that will benefit all involved – child, family and the early childhood professionals who work with you on a daily basis.
Our staff will be attending this protest on Nov 15th with many other early childhood professionals from around the country. As a result our centre will be closed (or providing a reduced service) and while we regret any inconvenience caused to you and your family we are asking for your support with this action.
Join our campaign for increased investment in early childhood education and care by:
· Supporting the staff in their protest on Nov 15th
· Attending our protest,
· Contacting your local TDs and asking them to meet with us outside the Dáil on 15th November
Your child matters, you matter and early childhood professionals matter. Let’s work together to make a difference for all of us.
Further details are available on the ACP website:
Yours sincerely
M. Blogg (provider)
Association of Childhood Professionals Ltd, Suite 1 John Dunlop House, Marina Commercial Park, Centre Park Road, Cork