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November 14, 2016
1.0 Call to Order
2.0 Pledge of Allegiance
3.0 Notation of Attendance
4.0 Presentation: None
5.0 Privilege of the Floor:
6.0 Approve Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 24, 2016 and the Executive Session of October 24, 2016
7.0 Superintendent's Report:
7.1 NYS Mandated Lead Testing Update
7.2 Preliminary Alternative School Discussion
7.3 NYS Master Teacher Program
7.4 Snap Shots of Success
8.0 Instruction: Nathan T. Hall Elementary School-Robert Rodgers, Principal
Middle School-Todd Schaffer, Principal
9.0 New Business:
9.1 Accept Donation, Spinet Currier Piano, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-16-G1
9.2 Approve Application, Refund of Real Property Taxes, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-16-G2
9.3 Approve Unit Cost Methodology – BOCES Services, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-16-G3
9.4 Establish Scholarship Fund, The Kelli Ford Memorial Tribute Fund, Superintendent’s Recommendation
9.5 Approve 2016-2017 Tax Warrant & Star Claim Adjustments, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-16-G5
9.6 Approve Additional 2016-2017 Transportation Request, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-16-G6
9.7 Approve School Business Administrator to Sign Change Order #GC-01, Superintendent’s Recommendation
9.8 Approve Report of Tax Collector for the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-16-G8
9.9 Approve Funding for Valley Educational Administrators’Association Agreement, Superintendent’s Recom-
mendation 11-16-G9
10.0 Personnel:
10.1 Accept Retirement Resignation, HS Mathematics Teacher, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-16-C1
10.2 Approve Appointment, Substitute Teacher, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-16-C2
10.3 Approve Appointment, Substitute Teacher, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-16-C3
10.4 Approve Appointment, Assistant Coach-Winter Cheerleading, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-16-C4
10.5 Approve Appointment, After School Homework Recovery, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-16-C5
10.6 Approve Temporary Appointment, Typist (10 month), Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-16-NC1
10.7 Approve 39 Day Unpaid Leave, Teacher Aide, Superintendent’s Recommendation 11-16-NC2
Privilege of the Floor:
11.0 Board Matters:
11.1 Board of Education Meeting, Monday, November 28, 2016, 6:30 p.m., Richard H. Kerr Board Room, HS
11.2 Board of Education Meeting, Monday, December 12, 2016, 6:30 p.m., Richard H. Kerr Board Room, HS
NOTE: EXECUTIVE SESSION MAY BE CALLED AT ANY TIME BY MOTION AND MAJORITY VOTE WHICH MUST INCLUDE PURPOSE OF THE MEETING. IF ANY ACTION IS TAKEN MINUTES MUST BE TAKEN. This is the agenda for the above scheduled meeting and may include any other topics that may be properly brought up by the Board of Education or Superintendent.