Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Ogden Area Reciprocity and Projects Group.
Section 1. The object of this organization shall be mutual promotion of P.E.O. It shall correlate and sponsor cooperative projects such as the Founders’ Day Luncheon and shall participate in such social activities as the organization shall deem advisable. It shall promote the acquaintance of all P.E.O. members in the area; welcome unaffiliated P.E.O. members; encourage communication and cooperation among all chapters in the area; and further interest in the projects of the Sisterhood.
Section 1. Membership in the Ogden Area Reciprocity and Projects Group shall be composed of two members from each chapter in the Weber/Davis County area – the president and the immediate past president, if possible. They shall assume their duties after installation at the April meeting. If a representative is unable to attend a meeting, the president of the member chapter may appoint a substitute who shall have the same privileges as the delegate.
Section 1. The Ogden Area Reciprocity and Projects Group shall hold four (4) regular meetings a year with chapters rotating hostess duties. The September meeting shall be held the third Thursday in September at 7:00 pm. Social at 6:30 pm. The second meeting will be a luncheon and projects meeting held the first Saturday in November. The third meeting will be the first Saturday in February with a 9:30 A.M. social and 10:00 A.M. meeting. The last meeting will be the first Thursday in April with a 7:00 P.M. social and 7:30 P.M. meeting. The April meeting will be held for the purpose of electing and installing officers.
Section 2. The Founders’ Day Luncheon shall be held in March with chapters performing duties according to the schedule of rotation. Other social meetings may be held as desired.
Ogden Area Reciprocity and Projects Group
By-laws (April 2009)
Page 2
Section 3. The president shall verify the arrangements for the locations and times of meetings. Refreshments for meetings shall be served one-half hour before meetings.
Section 4. The secretary-treasurer shall send notices two weeks prior to each meeting to member chapters, Chapter U in Logan, unaffiliates in the area, State Board members, local past state presidents, reciprocity officers and project speakers.
Section 5. The quorum for all regular business meetings shall be a majority of chapter representatives.
Section 1. The officers of the Ogden Area Reciprocity and Projects Group shall be president, vice-president and secretary-treasurer, who will constitute the Executive Committee.
Section 2. The president shall select a committee, biannually, in February of two people to notify chapters of their officer obligations and to present the slate of officers for election at the April meeting. Election and installation of officers will take place at the same meeting with the new officers taking office at the close of said meeting.
Section 3. The president, vice-president and secretary-treasurer shall be elected from the Reciprocity Group membership in alphabetical rotation of chapters. No two officers for any year shall be selected from a single chapter.
Section 4. Election shall be by written ballot. If the committee has made only one nomination for an office and there are no further nominations from the floor for each office called in sequence, by general consent, the ballot may be dispensed with and the vote for the ticket taken viva voce.
Section 5. The president shall preside at all meetings. The Hostess Chapter for the Founders’ Day Luncheon will be responsible for the physical arrangements and the co-hostess chapter for the program.The president shall promote cooperation among chapters by any way possible. As outgoing president, she shall prepare a report of the activities of the year, to be read and approved at the April meeting. A copy of her report shall be sent to the appropriate state board member as directed.
Ogden Area Reciprocity and Projects Group
By-laws (April, 2009)
Page 3
Section 6. The vice president shall assume the duties of the president in her absence. She shall provide and opening devotional at each meeting.
Section 7. The secretary-treasurer shall keep minutes of the regular meetings and shall keep a financial record of all monies. Copies of the minutes should be available for all officers and delegates of the Reciprocity Group. She shall prepare and send a financial statement and a copy of the bylaws if they have been revised during the year along with the names and addresses of the new officers, immediately following the April meeting, to the First Vice President of the state chapter.
She shall send notices two weeks prior to each meeting to member chapters, Chapter U, Logan, unaffiliates in the area, State Board members, local past state presidents, reciprocity officers and project speakers.
Section 1. The Reciprocity Group shall recommend to the chapters the amount of dues necessary to finance reciprocity activities. Dues shall e paid by the November meeting.
Section 2. Assets shall be in the amount sufficient only for the group to function.
Section 3. Accumulated funds cannot be placed in accounts producing income.
Section 4. An annual financial statement covering receipts, disbursements and the balance on hand from the period March 1 to the end of the following February shall be prepared and read at the April meeting. It shall be sent immediately after the April meeting to the Vice President of the state chapter.
Section 1. Chapter assignments for Founders’ Day luncheon, meetings and other social activities shall be made by the president following her election. The schedule of rotation of duties shall be sent to each chapter in the Ogden Reciprocity Group and to the Vice President of the state chapter.