The Artspace Awards recognize the achievements of three individual artists who have shown a commitment to advancing the arts and enriching their communities. The 2016 Artspace Awards will be presented at Breaking Ground – The Artspace Celebration on October 15 in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Nominations for the 2016 awards will be accepted beginning June 1st and close on July 1st, at 5pm CST. No nominations will be accepted after this date.

If you choose to nominate more than one artist, please submit a separate form for each nomination.


  • Artists who have lived or worked full-time for at least one year in an Artspace building are eligible.
  • Artspace-affiliated artists may nominate themselves.
  • Employees and board members of Artspace may nominate artists, but are not eligible for nomination themselves.
  • Names of the nominators will not be disclosed publicly.
  • The recipient of the Paul Brawner Award will be selected by Artspace. No nominations are being sought for this award
  • Nominees must be in good standing (i.e. current on rental payments.)

For more information about the Awards, criteria and previous recipients, visit the Artspace Award page. (

You have the option to enclose additional documents that help further support the nomination (examples of work, testimonials, news items, letters, etc.).

Please send yournominationform by July 1st, 2016, 5 p.m. CST.
Nominationsmust befully completedtoreceiveconsideration.

Online: Fill out an online nomination form at

ViaEmail:,with Subject Line:Award Nomination

ViaMail:ArtspaceAward – Attn:Melodie Bahan

Artspace Projects | 250 Third Avenue North, Suite 400 | Minneapolis, MN

1. ContactInformation forArtist Nominee: (Theindividualyouare nominating)

Nominee Name:______


City, State:______Zip______

Phone:______Artspace Building:______


2.Nominator Information: (Yourcontactinformation) – ALL REQUIRED

Nominator Name:______

Relationship to Nominee:______


City, State:______Zip______


Specific Criteria

  • Dejunius Hughes Award for Activism
    This award is presented to an individual artist who has demonstrated a commitment to social justice and/or arts advocacy. Activities may include political or community activism in the areas of arts funding, housing, community development, social justice, etc. Nominees should have demonstrated success in influencing policy or effecting social change.
  • Su Job Award for Education
    This award is presented to an individual artist who has displayed a commitment to arts education. Activities may include development of arts education programs, mentoring, teaching in formal educational settings, community education, promotion of arts appreciation, tutoring, etc. Nominees should have demonstrated impact on specific programs, institutions or students.
  • Steve Kramer Award for Community Service
    This award is presented to an individual artist who has made significant contributions to community building. Contributions should display success in collaboration and forging a strong sense of community within an Artspace building or in the surrounding neighborhood. Nomineesshouldhave demonstrated ability inbuildingstronger communitiesthrough variousactivitiesand programsthat help torevitalizeareas andmakeourcommunitiesmoredesirableplace tolive.

3. NominationCategory:(check one)

___Dejunius Hughes Award for Activism

___Su Job Award for Education

___Steve Kramer Award for Community Service

Please list reasons why this nominee meets the criteria for the specific award for which they are being nominated.

4. Demonstrated Commitment

Nominees for the Artspace Awards should exemplify the mission and vision of Artspace. In addition to criteria for each award, nominees should demonstrate commitment to one or more of the following:

  • Community-Building –Individualswhohavemadesignificant contributionsin buildingasenseof unity within their community.Nomineesshouldhave demonstrated ability inbuildingstronger communitiesthrough variousactivitiesand programsthat help torevitalizeareas andmakeourcommunitiesamoredesirableplace tolive.
  • FurtheringEconomicOpportunity –Individualswhodemonstrateaccomplishments in advancing economic opportunity for their fellow artists and/or members of their community through things such as business training/development programs for artists;creatingcommunitypartnerships;assistingminority creative businesses;or improvingaccess toresourcesthat facilitatetheability ofindividualsorgroupstotakeadvantageof employment opportunities.
  • Advancing Cultural Awareness–Individualswhodemonstrateanappreciation for diversity and inclusion andevidenceskillinbuildingand maintainingharmoniouscross-culturalrelationships.
  • Promoting the ArtsasaTool forGreater Understanding andAcceptance –Individuals whosupportor createarts programsthat utilize thepowerofcreative pursuitstoadvocateforpositivesocialchange,createagreater understandingof diverse cultures,or provideaforumforapeacefuland freeexchangeof ideas.

Describe below how this nominee has demonstrated a commitment to one or more of the above categories. Please give specific examples.

Continued demonstrated commitment:

Thank you for your submission!

Nominees will receive a certificate in the mail, notifying them of the nomination, but all other information will remain anonymous.

Selection Process
Artist Award recipients are chosen by a Selection Committee consisting of members of the Artspace staff, Artspace Board of Directors and leaders from the Artspace community who display an understanding of the arts as a tool for community transformation.Sign upfor the monthly Artspace newsletter to be notified when recipients are announced on the Artspace website. (

Visit the Breaking Ground event page ( to order your tickets or sign up for livestream to view the event and presentation of the awards. If you are an Artspace resident, email Emily to receive a complimentary ticket at .