The Anglo-Saxon Period
( ______) – ( ______)
* The ______was
a time of battle, confusion, uproar, savagery, and outrage; however, it was also a time when many men were trying to improve society and government through education and religion.
History of Britain
The Invaders:
1. Who was the first group of invaders?
From where did they come?
What did they bring with them to contribute to society?
2. The second group of invaders were the ______, who were divided into 2 groups:
- ______- settled on the largest island ( ______)
- ______- settled on the 2nd largest island (______)
* The Celts spoke ______Celtic languages.
* The Celts were ______and ______.
* The Celts’ literature contributions consisted of long, heroic ______that
preserved ______. The also contributed fictitious tales called ______.
Two examples of these tales are about ______& ______.
3. The third invasion occurred during the 1st century, whenBritain was conquered by the
______Empire. These people actually invaded two times:
- ______conquered Britain first, but after he declared it conquered, he returned home to ______.
- ______conquered next and ruled for over ______years, but like his predecessor, he left the country prey to other invaders when he returned to his homeland to protect it from ______.
What was the Romans’ contribution to Britain?
4. Who invaded during the 5th and 6thcenturies?
What was the main skill of these men?
What about their society did they bring to Britain?
The result of their conquest brought about ______separate kingdoms within Britain:
* The resulting language between these kingdoms was ______-______,
which is known to our modern society as ______. If
read today, this language would look like ______or ______.
* Religious practices within these kingdoms included ______, which is
the idea that ______rules peoples’ lives. They also worshiped Germanic gods such
as ______, god of war and sky; ______, chief of the gods; and
______, goddess of home. What words that we still use today resulted from
this practice?
By 650, what religion did most of England follow?
Name 3 men who were responsible for the spread of this religion?
List at least 3 ways the church positively impacted England?
5. Two groups of “______” invaded next:
a. the ______came from ______
b. the ______came from ______
* These people destroyed and stole ______, and only
the kingdom of ______was able to hold strong. Eventually,
in 871, ______was able to unite the kingdoms and,
as a result, was given the title ______. He also
encouraged ______.
* After about 100 years, the ______became peaceful people, and because they
spoke a Germanic language, like the Anglo-Saxons, they were able to communicate
easily. One Danish word we still use today is ______.
* As a result of the communication, Danish skills in the areas of ______,
______,and, eventually, ______were contributed to
society. As a result of this last contribution, England grew into ______.
6. The close of the Anglo-Saxon Period came when ______Duke of ______,
led the Normans to conquer England. He was easily able to this as a result of the death of his
cousin, ______, with whom he had a close relationship.
Old-English Literature
1. From where does English Literature get its origin?
Explain the literature of this time.
2. What was different about Anglo-Saxon literature compared to today’s?
Why was their literature in this form?
Explain this literature.
Examples: Homer’s ______and ______
Virgil’s ______
A form of Anglo-Saxon Literature most often neglected was riddles, which were considered an intellectual exercise. See if you can complete the following Anglo-Saxon riddles.
1.How man men are so knowing, so wise, / That their tongues can tell Who drives me into exile,
Swells me brave and strong and fierce, / Sends me roaring across the earth,
Wild and cruel, burning men’s homes. / Wrecking their places? Smoke leaps up,
Gray like a wolf, and all the world / Crackles with the sounds of pain and death,
When I shake forests, uproot peaceful / Groves, clouds cover me, exalted
Powers hurl me far and wide. / What once protected the world, sheltered
Men, I bear on my back, bodies / And souls whirled in the mist. Where
Am I swallowed down, and what is my name?
2. I saw a silvery creature scurrying / Home, as lovely and light as heaven
Itself, running with stolen treasure / Between its horns. It hoped, by deceit
And daring and art, to set an arbor / There in that soaring castle. Then
A shining creature, known to everyone / On early, climbed the mountains and cliffs,
Rescued his prize, and drove the wily / imposter back to darkness. It fled
To the west, swearing revenge. The morning / Dust scattered away, dew
Fell, and the night was gone. And no one / knew where the soft footed thief had vanished
Who was he?
3. Our world is lovely in different ways. / Hung with a beauty and works of hands.
I saw a strange machine, made / For motion, slide against the sand,
Shrieking as it went. It walked swiftly / On its only foot, this odd-shaped monster
Traveled in an open country without / Seeing, without arms or hands,
With many ribs, and its mouth in its middle. / Its work is useful and welcome, for it loads
Its belly with food and brings abundance / To men, to poor and to rich, paying
Its tribute year after year. Solve / This riddle, if you can, and unravel its name:
4.I war oft against wave and fight against wind, / do battle with both, when I reach the ground,
Covered by waters. The land is strange to me. / I am strong in the strife if I stay at rest.
If I fail at that, they are stronger than I / and forthwith they wrench me and put me to rout.
They would carry away what I ought to defend. / I withstand them then if my tail endures
And the stones hold me fast. As what my name is?
5. I saw the white going on its way. / It was splendidly, wonderful arrayed.
The wonder was on the wave; water became bone,
What is thy process?
6. I saw a thing in the dwellings of men / that feeds the cattle, has many teeth.
The beak is useful to it; it goes downwards, / ravages faithfully; pulls homewards;
Hunts along walls; reaches roots. / Always it finds them, those which are not fast;
Lets them the beautiful, when they are fast, / stand in quiet in their proper places.
Brightly shining, growing, blooming.
I am a tool; what is my name?
7. I am a lonely thing, wounded with iron, / smitten by sword, sated with battle-work,
Weary of blades. / Often I see battle, / fierce combat. I foresee no comfort,
No help will come for me from the heat of battle, / until among men I perish utterly;
But the hammered swords will beat me and bite me / hard-edged and sharp, the handiwork of smiths,
In towns among men. Abide I must always / the meeting of foes. Never could I find
Among the leeches, where people foregather / any who with herbs would heal by wounds;
But the sores from the swords are always greater / with mortal blows day and night.
I am a ______.