The ABCs of Third Grade
A / is for Absent. If your child is going to be absent, please make arrangements for his/her work to be sent home or picked up. Your child will have the same number of days to complete missed work, as they missed. Missing work that is not completed in the allotted time will be completed during Fun Friday. Also, please notify the office of your child’s absence.B / is for Book orders. Book orders will be sent home at the beginning of each month. If you are interested in ordering books, please send the completed order form and money to school in a labeled envelope. Please make checks payable to the book company.
C / is for Class Dojo. Class Dojo is an easy way to motivate and encourage students, and share their best moments with parents.
D / is for Daily planner. Your child will complete a daily planner which lists homework assignments and reminders. Please help your child learn responsibility by checking and signing the planner daily.
E / is for Expectations. Classroom expectations are posted in the classroom. Behavior that is less than the stated expectations will result in consequences.
F / is for Fun Friday. Forty minutes of games, art activities, extra recess, and socializing on Friday afternoon. Students must have an 80% positive weekly Class Dojo report and no missing assignments to participate. Those students who are missing assignments will use this time to complete their work.
G / is for Grading. The grading scale is as follows: A->100-90; B->89-80; C->79-70; D->60-69; F-> 59 and below. Report cards will be issued at the end of each nine week period. Skyward is a great way to check grades and missing assignments.
H / is for Homework. Homework must be turned in on the date listed in the planner. There is daily math homework.
I / is for Individual AR Goals. At the start of each quarter your student will be assigned an Accelerated Reader goal based on book and reading levels.
J / is for Jobs. Your child will be selected to perform various classroom jobs throughout the year. Ask your child about his/her very important job!
K / is for Keeping up with our schedule. We are very busy! Please see our daily schedule for more information.
L / is for Library. We will be visiting the Library on Wednesday morning. Your child must have library books at school in order to be able to select new books.
M / is for Milk break. We will take a daily morning milk break. You child will receive milk during this time if you have paid the fee to the main office. If you would like your child to have a snack with their milk, please feel free to send one.
N / is for New lunch system. Our new lunch system is biometric; your child’s finger will be scanned and will record your child’s lunch balance each time a meal is purchased. If the account is low your child will bring home a red reminder slip. Please send money to school at this time.
O / is for Organizations. Our PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) is a great way to support your child’s education. Please complete the PTO volunteer form if you’d like to serve in this capacity.
P / is for Positive behavioral expectations. We focus on a school wide effort to recognize positive behavior in school. Please encourage your child to make good choices.
Q / is for Questions? If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via Class Dojo, phone, and email. ( 815-443-2715 & )
R / is for Reading. Each month, your child will be responsible for completing a reading log at home for the Book-It program. This reading log is what will qualify your child for the pizza party & Skate Station field trip at the end of the year. Students may miss “ONE” month and still attend both events.
Students should read 20 minutes each night a book of their choosing and color in the date on the calendar. When the month is over please return the Book-It calendar signed as a record of reading. Make time to read with your child, it’s fun!
S / is for Spelling. Your child will be learning to spell frequently used words in our spelling program (Rebecca Sitton). Weekly test will be on Friday (15 words- 5 core words and 5 vocabulary builder words). List will be sent home Friday before the test.
T / is for TEAM! We will learn to work together cooperatively and have fun. And Technology in the classroom, learning with IPads.
U / is for Unusual trips. We will be going on at least two field trips this year. Information will be sent home prior to each trip. If you would like to volunteer, please let me know.
V / is for Vocabulary Builders. Each week your child will learn 5 new (Tier 2 ) vocabulary words.
Tier 2 words present challenges to students because they are primarily encountered in non-fiction text. Examples of Tier 2 words are obvious, complex, establish and verify.
Help your child by asking them to use their newly learned words at home.
W / is for Websites. We will be using websites to research throughout the year. Also, check my school website for upcoming events and pictures of our adventures.
X / is for XtraMath. Web-based practice in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Y / is for Yippee! It’s Party time! We have four holiday parties this year: Halloween, Winter, Valentine’s, and Spring. We may also have award parties at various times throughout the year. You will be notified (and asked to help) as these occasions arise. Please complete and return the holiday party sign up sheet.
Z / is for Zipping through the year. Times flies when we’re having fun!