Burton, L. J., Westen, D., & Kowalski, R. (2009). Psychology: Australian and New Zealand edition (2nd ed.) Brisbane, Australia: John Wiley & Sons.
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Check List for ReferenceList Page
Yes / NoManuscript Page Header:
Is the page number at top right of the page?
Is the running head at top left of page and on the same line as the page number?
Is the shortened title in uppercase?
Manuscript Page Number:
Is the page number included? The number should follow from the last page of essay or report. In the example provided, the last page of the essay/report would have been numbered 4 as the reference list always commences on a new page.
Is “References” written in Title Case (e.g., upper case “R”, then all lower case)?
Is “References” centred horizontally on the line?
Is the heading NOT underlined nor italicised?
Are the references listed in alphabetical order according to first author surname?
Is each reference formatted with a hanging indent?
Are all author names (and initials) separated by commas?
If there are two or more authors, is there an ampersand (&) before the final author name?
Is the publication year included in parentheses after the author/s names?
If the reference is to a journal:
Does the title of the journal article start with a capital and then are all words other than proper nouns in lower case?
Is the journal name in italics and do all the major words start with a capital letter?
Is the volume number in italics after a comma?
Are the page numbers included in full, not italicised?
For online journals, is the DOI or retrieval statement included at the end of the reference?
If the reference is to a book:
Does the title of the book start with a capital and then are all words other than proper nouns in lower case?
Is the title of the book in italics?
Is the edition number included (if applicable), and is the edition number in plain print (not italics) and does it have a full stop after the edition number (i.e., “ed.”)?
Is the city and state of the U.S. publisher included? See Burton (2010) for exceptions.
Is the publisher’s name included?
Are the publisher details separated by a colon?
See Chapter 7 for examples of how to format other reference sources.
Is the font either Times, Times New Roman, or Courier?
Is the type size 12 point?
Is the reference listdouble-line spaced evenly with no additional line spaces in between each reference entry?