What is Radon?

Radon is a colorless, odorless and tasteless radioactive gas that presents serious health hazards in homes, schools and large buildings. This gas is released during the natural decaying process of uranium, which is a common and naturally occurring element found in rock, soil and sometimes water throughout the U.S. The only way to know if you have a radon problem is to test your home.

USEPA recommends that consumers use certified measurement and mitigation specialists to test and mitigate their homes.

The Tennessee Radon Program

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) Tennessee Radon Program recognizes the radon problems in Tennessee and continues to serve the residents of the state. The program has offered many training programs throughout Tennessee for measurement and mitigation, as well as schools, new construction and real estate programs.

The Tennessee Radon Program team continues to provide the vital link and support to the public for radon issues or the public as well as the measurement and mitigation businesses in Tennessee. Contact the Tennessee Radon Program in Nashville at (615) 687-7000.

About the RTM Training

The Radon Technology for Mitigators Training Program offers a comprehensive four and one-half day approach with classroom lectures and demonstrations and hands-on fieldwork and mitigation demonstrations. Students should come prepared to participate in the mitigation of a home in the Livingston area.

This training is offered by the Tennessee Radon Program for individuals to become certified in the radon proficiency programs. This certification listing provides homeowners with qualified mitigation specialists in Tennessee.

Training Fees

This training is offered to TENNESSEE residents for a reduced fee of $200. Non-Tennessee participant registration fee is $650.

Classroom Topics
Radon Occurrence and Health Effects

Radon in Water

Radon/RDP Device Measurement Protocols

& Procedures

Radon Entry & Behavior

Building Investigation & Diagnostics

Mitigation System Design & Installation

Worker Health and Safety

Radon Resistant New Construction

Business Practices and Regulations

Standard Radon Mitigation Strategies

Primary Audience

Suggested audience could be county health officials, homebuilders, remodelers, architects, consulting engineers, mechanical and foundation contractors, environmental engineers and others interested in becoming certified in radon mitigation.

All programs are available to the general public without discrimination to race, color, natural origin, sex, age or disability.

RTM Training Schedule – June 2004

June 21 -- 8:00 a.m. Registration

June 21-23 -- 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. -- Classroom

June 23 -- 8:00 a.m.-Noon -- Classroom

June 23 -- 1:00-5:00 p.m. -- Field Training

June 24 -- 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. -- Field Training

June 25 -- 8:00 a.m. Study groups/Review

June 25 -- Registration 1:00 p.m. Mitigation Exam

Radon Mitigation Examination
June 25, 2004

The radon mitigation exam will be offered on June 25, 2004. You will be allowed three and one-half hours to complete the exam. You must take the hands-on training before sitting for the mitigation exam.

Training and Exam Location

The classroom training and exam will be held at the TENNESEE TECHNOLOGY CENTER, 740 High Tech Drive, Livingston, Tennessee (931) 823-5525. One motel located in Livingston – Overton Motel. All hotels are located in Cookeville. Each registrant will receive a study package with confirmation, which could include logistical information about training and lodging arrangements in Cookeville and Livingston.

Radon Certification Programs

Participants must decide which certification program they would like to be listed with and contact that program for certification. You must attend the training, take and pass the exam before applying for certification.

National Environmental Health Association National Radon Proficiency Program (NEHA/NRPP)

The National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) operates one of the radon proficiency certification programs.

Applicants for mitigation certification must complete 16 hours of hands-on training before taking the mitigation exam and applying for certification.

New applicants must take the required training, pass the mitigation exam and apply to NEHA for national certification. Contact NEHA (800) 269-4174 or by E-mail: or website: request an application or receive more information.

National Radon Safety Board


The National Radon Safety Board (NRSB) offers another radon certification program. NRSB is an independent organization, governed by a certification panel. Contact the NRSB by phone at (866) 329-3474 by e-mail: or website:


Radon Technology for Mitigators (RTM)

June 21-25, 2004

Radon Mitigation Exam
June 25, 2004

( ) RTM -- Tennessee resident – $200

( ) RTM -- NON-Tennessee residents - $650

( ) Mitigation Exam - $125







State Zip + 4

Bus Phone


Payment ( ) Check ( ) Visa ( )MasterCard

Credit Card #

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Return registration by fax and mail payments to:

Jan Carrington


217 Ramsay Hall

Auburn University, AL 36849-5376

(800) 446-0382

FAX (334) 844-5715

Registration Information

The Tennessee Radon Program sponsors various training programs in Tennessee. The registration fees are reduced for Tennessee residents. Out-of-state participants will be allowed to register for $650, providing space is available and approved by the Tennessee Radon Program.

All registrants will receive a registration packet, which might include confirmation letter, study notebook, agenda and a map. You are encouraged to read the material in package to prepare for the training and mitigation exam.


The training will be limited enrollment. You must register with the SRRTC to attend the training and receive study package. Suggest you fax or call your registration to the SRRTC to make sure you have a space saved for the training.

Southern Regional Radon
Training Center

The Southern Regional Radon Training Center (SRRTC) was established in 1990 in the College of Engineering at Auburn University. It is one of the four regional radon training centers located throughout the U.S. The SRRTC provides training in the 13 southeastern states, of which TENNESSEE is a very active partner.

To receive more information about the radon training programs, contact Jan Carrington, SRRTC Project Coordinator, Business & Engineering Continuing Education office (800) 626-2703 or send E-mail: . Our schedule can be found at


Mr. Jack Hughes is the SRRTC Associate Director and lead instructor. He has been involved in the construction industry since 1979 and radon field since 1989.

Mr. Robby Cardwell SRRTC instructor and technical assistant provides broad background in the radon field as well as mechanical, civil and environmental engineering.

Radon Technology

for Mitigators

Training Program

June 21-25, 2004

Tennessee Technology Center

742 High Tech Drive

Livingston, Tennessee

Sponsored by the

Tennessee Department of Environment

and Conservation (TDEC)

Tennessee Radon Program

Co-sponsored by the

University of Tennessee

Extension Service

Conducted by the

Southern Regional

Radon Training Center

Radon Mitigation Exam

June 25, 2004