the 5th East Asia Forum on Terminology (EAFTerm 2002)
China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS) will host the 5th East Asia Forum on Terminology (EAFTerm 2002) from 1 to 8 December,2002 in HaiKou city, HaiNan Province, China.
The objective of EAFTERM is to promote the terminology research and development in East Asia and to prepare for the establishment of East Asia Research Center of Terminology. The Secretariat, the daily working body of EAFTERM, is located in CNIS Beijing, China.
Members :
- China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS)
- Japan Teminology Association (JTA)
- Mongolian National Center for Standardization and Metrology (MNCSM)
- Korea Terminology Research Center of Language and Knoweldge Engineering (KORTERM)
Main activities :
- exchanging information on the achievements and development of terminology research among its members
- exchanging and collecting terminology documentation from all over the world and establishing archives for them
- carrying out activities relating to terminology in various fields
- making preparation for the establishment of multi-lingual and multi-functional terminology database
- identifying the need for and carrying out joint research projects in the field of terminology
- promoting and coordinating terminology work for knowledge and technology dissemination
- promoting cooperation in terminology and tis documentation among East Asian members
- promoting terminology research including relevant education and training
- translation and publishing works on terminology and promoting the application of research achievements
- organizing workshops, lectures, training courses and joint research on terminology
- helping universities and colleges to arrange seminars on terminology and to set up terminology speciality.
Call for Papers
Topics of interest for EAFTerm 2002:
Topics of interest for EAFTerm2002 include, but are not limited to:
* The Relations between Terminology and Other Disciplines
-terminology and philosophy
-terminology and linguistics
-terminology and psychology
-terminology and knowledge engineering
-terminology and language engineering
-terminology and information and documentation (I&D)
-terminology and library science
-terminology and encyclopedia
-concept systems
* Terminology Work in Social Sciences and Humanities
-terminological features of social sciences and humanities
-reviews on past works
-the basic approaches taken: problems and solutions
* Terminology Standardization
-economic and social benefits of terminology standardization
-macro- and micro-economic aspects of terminology standardization for development
-principles and methods of terminology standardization
-international harmonization of concepts and terms
-the systematic classification of terminologies
* Descriptive Terminology
-descriptive v.s. prescriptive terminology
-descriptive terminology as a preliminary step for standardization
-descriptive terminology as the only alternative
-descriptive terminology as an independent activity to render timely service to users
* Terminography and lexicography
-lexicographic symbols
-design of vocabularies
-monolingual dictionaries(particularly classified definingvocabularies or specialized dictionaries)
-multilingual dictionaries
* Information and Terminologies Represented by Chinese Characters
-standardization of Chinese characters
-harmonization of terminologies represented by Chinese characters
-Chinese word segmentation
*Computational Aids in Terminology
-terminology and knowledge data management
-multilingual conceptual representation of words and terms
-dynamic management of terminology
-terminology extraction
-development of terminological databank
-electronic dictionary
-machine-aided dictionary building and thesaurus construction
-electronic encyclopedia
-terminology in multi / hypermedia publishing
-machine translation
-multilingual processing technology
-information retrieval technology
-data exchange and information sharing among termbanks
* Terminology and Internet
-Cyber-terminology - a new era in terminology
-terminological forum
-user participation in terminography
-terminology and the information super-highway
*Terminology and Knowledge Transfer
-terminology in education
-terminology and translation
-terminology and training in science and technology
-terminology, communication and development in science and technology
-the work of terminology in developing countries
*Practical Aspects of Terminology
-consumer demands and terminological products
-economics of terminology
-terminology and global economy
-terminology and World Trade Organization
-copyright of terminology
Prospective authors are invited to send papers to:
YU Xinli
No.3 South Road Yuhui, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100029, China
Instruction for authors:
Detailed formatting and submission instructions for authors are
available at the "Paper Submission".
If you need more information, please visit our website: