The 1889 Council Charter


“I may have been a greater athlete had I gone to Chicago, but by going to Beloit, I am a better man.”Tommy Ransom, Beloit College class of 1908.

The 1889 Council derives its name from a signature moment in the College’s rich history when Beloit College played what is now known as the University of Wisconsin-Madison in football, winning the game 4-0. This signature event marked the establishment of Beloit’s formal athletics program and its simultaneous alignment with, and service to, the college’s mission. A shared commitment to intellectual engagement, rigorous practice, diversity, and strenuous preparation has distinguished both the college and program since that seminal event and year.

Beloit student athletes have long been exemplars of the college’s mission. They have been expected to lead lives of purposeful consequence; to do as well as come to know; to balance the rigors and rewards of practice, training and competition with the demands of the classroom; to succeed and even to fail in both arenas, but to do so with dignity; and to answer either outcome (victory or defeat) with reflection and resolve.

The stories of those who have benefitted from and brought benefit to this program and to these commitments are the stuff of legend. The names that line the Hall of Honor are but the most visible examples.

Through their hard work, dedication and competition, Beloit’s student athletes have been given the unique opportunity to apply their in-classroom learning with experiences that promote self-discipline, teamwork, leadership and self-confidence---personal qualities and intellectual skills that contribute to the College’s goal of graduates who, do indeed, live lives of purposeful consequence.

Founded in 1846 to serve a frontier society, Beloit College is Wisconsin's first college. A four-year, independent, national college of liberal arts and sciences, Beloit offers a world class and world-referencing education that encourages independent research, fieldwork, and collaboration with peers and professors. The mission begins and ends with students.

Beloit College Mission Statement

“Beloit College engages the intelligence, imagination, and curiosity of its students, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives marked by high achievement, personal responsibility, and public contribution in a diverse society. Our emphasis on international and interdisciplinary perspectives, the integration of knowledge with experience, and close collaboration among peers, professors, and staff equips our students to approach the complex problems of the world ethically and thoughtfully.”

Beloit College Athletics provides intercollegiate varsity level competitive opportunities for men and women in the NCAA D-III through 19 intercollegiate varsity teams; 9 for men and 10 for women. The mission of the department states:

Athletics Department Mission Statement

“The Beloit College Department of Athletics & Recreation seeks to advance the mission of the college by empowering student-athletes toward lives marked by high achievement, personal responsibility, and public contribution in a diverse society through teaching standards of fair play, sportsmanship, amateur competition, and ethical conduct. The Department's commitment to student health and well-being is demonstrated through the provision of fitness and athletic opportunities fairly and equitably provided to all students. The character of the athletic and recreational program reflects the priorities of health, fitness, teamwork, and a desire to achieve excellence as critical factors in a well-rounded liberal arts education.”

Beloit College Athletics accounts for approximately 25% of the students enrolled at Beloit College which means it plays a critical and strategic role in the recruitment and retention of students while contributing to the College’s goals for diversity and beyond the classroom learning. Beloit’s storied athletic history also contributes to the College’s reputation as a national and international college.

In keeping with the spirit of Beloit’s first athletes, the entrepreneurial vigor evidenced in our founding and mission, as well as the shared commitments college-wide to preparation and outcomes, we set forth a new athletic board, The 1889 Council.

1889 Council Mission Statement

The 1889 Council is mandated to enrich the Beloit College community through strategic support of the Department of Athletics and Recreation. The Council believes that an unwavering commitment to excellence in athletics provides extensive direct and indirect benefits to the College.

The Council fulfills its mandate through active leadership in alumni engagement and accountable financial support.


Purposes of the Council

Section 1.01 Purposes. The 1889 Council (“Council”) provides a coordinated and comprehensive source of financial support for Beloit College Athletics to ensure continued opportunities for student-athlete success. The Council will be comprised of individuals who, first and foremost, share and act on the mission, values, and vision of Beloit College and its athleticsprogram. Leading by philanthropic example, members of the Council also engage others who have interest, contacts, and the capacity to support Beloit College Athletics.

The Council is specifically organized to support the unfunded financial needs of the College’s athletics program and is not engaged in setting or executing policy on personnel or programmatic matters. The Council, in consultation with the Director of Athletics and Recreation (“Director”) and her/his staff, will identify and prioritize the needs within the department where funding and assistance is necessary or desired.

The Council will receive regular updates from the Director of Athletics and her/his staff concerning strategic planning and budget priorities. The Council will coordinate with the Athletics Department, Admissions and the Development and Alumni Relations staff on plans, events or activities which promote Beloit College Athletics and raise funds which meet the Council’s annual goal. The Council will serve as a proactive communication link between athletics and the above mentioned offices as well as the broader Beloit College community.



Section 2.01 Location. The principal office of the Council shall be located within the Athletics Department at:

Beloit College

700 College Street

Beloit, WI 53511


Council Membership

Section 3.01. Role of Council Members. The Council serves as an advisory body and reports directly to Director of Athletics and Recreation (“Director”). As evidence of shared values, the Council will be comprised of members willing to support the Athletics Fund with a minimum annual gift of $2,500 to the Athletics Fund in addition to any other financial support of the college by Council members. The same level of financial support is not expected from the “recent graduate” position or ex-officio members. In the event of unexpected financial circumstances where meeting this expected level of financial support is not possible, a member may discuss the matter and proposed relief with the Director or his/her designee.

The Council will include a member(s) from the following groups: one (1) recent alum (within 10 years) who will serve a two (2) year term but may be elected as a regular member, one (1) parent of a Beloit student-athlete,one (1) representative from the local community, one (1)student serving as an ex-officio member selected from the Student Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) and one(1) faculty member serving as an ex-officio member appointed by the Director. Typically this appointment will be the faculty representative to the Midwest Athletics Conference. Ex-officio members will serve on one of the Council Sub-Committees.

The 1889 Council will:

  • Set strategic goals for the Council based on the Athletics Department’s strategic plan;
  • Develop annual goals for promoting the athletics program, establishing Council priorities and setting fund-raising initiatives;
  • Play an active leadership role in promotional and fund-raising initiatives, programs and activities;
  • Develop and promotethe Beloit College network;
  • Appoint members to serve roles on various committees and assignments as needed including the Hall of Honor Committee, Alumni Council, search committees and special College or departmental commissions which may be established for purposes where Council input may be required.

Section 3.02. Number of Council Members. The number of Members will be not less than fivenor generally more than 21, although the membership may increase the size of the Council with a majority of the Council voting in favor of such a motion. Additionally, ex-officio members of the Council will include:

  • The Dean of Students,
  • Director of Athletics and Recreation,
  • one (1) additional representative from the athletics department,
  • a representative from Development and Alumni Relations who also serves as secretary of the Council,
  • a currentstudent,
  • afaculty representative.

Section 3.03. Selection and Term of Council Members. Selection of Council Members, other than the current Dean of Students, will be made by the Director of Athletics in consultation with the Chair(s) of the Council. Names placed in nomination for the Council will be submitted to the Finance Committee for review and submission to the full Council for a vote. Provided that Council Members maintain the required annual minimum financial contribution as set for in Section 3.01, members may serve one (1) year terms with no limit on the number of consecutive terms that can be served.

Section 3.04 Qualifications. Council Members should represent the College’s vision and commitment to diversity and inter-cultural excellence. They must have involvement or interest in supporting Beloit College Athletics and understand and appreciate the value of a liberal arts education coupled with an athletic experience and how this can lead to life-long success.

Section 3.05. Vacancies. Vacancies will be filled with names put in nomination by Council members or staff. Nominations will be submitted to theFinance Committee and, with staff assistance, will vet names submitted for membership and will bring to the full Council for a vote.

Section 3.06 Resignation or Removal of Members. A Council Member may resign at any time by giving notice to the Director or Chair. Council Members may be removed by the Director in consultation with the Chair(s) of the Council.

Section 3.07 Quorum and Voting. A majority of those present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. If a quorum is present at any time during a meeting, a quorum will be deemed present throughout the meeting. Each Member shall have one vote. All voting at meetingsshall be done personally and no proxy shall be allowed. See Section 3.08 regarding personal presence at meetings.

Section 3.08 Meetings of the Council. The Council will meet twice a year, typically on the Friday preceding the Beloit Relays (April) and during Homecoming Weekend. Members may participate in a meeting by means of a conference telephone or similar communications devices and participation by such means will constitute presence in person at a meeting. Actions required or permitted to be taken by the Council may be taken without a meeting if amajority of the members consent in writing through fax, mail, or by electronic mailauthorizing the action.

Section 3.09. Absence. Each Council member is expected to communicate with the Director and/or the Chair in advance of all meetings stating whether or not s/he is able to attend or participate by conference telephone or other agreed-upon means of communication. Any Council Member who fails to communicate with the Director or Chair and who is absent from three (3) successive meetings will be deemed to have resigned due to non-participation.



Section 4.01 Committees. The Members may designate and appoint ad-hoc committees or tasks forces as needed. Such committees and task forces shall have the power and duties designated by the Council, and shall give advice and make non-binding recommendations to the Council. Each committee and task force may adopt rules for its meetings.

Executive Committee

Membership: The Executive Committee consists of the 1889 Council Chair, Vice Chair, Immediate Past Chair and the Chair of the Finance Committee who also serves as the Council Treasurer. Members of the Executive Committee also serve as members on one of the Council’s Sub-committees. The Executive Committee is responsible for consulting with Council members, especially the Chairs of Council Sub-Committees and staff when setting meeting agendas, developing a yearly calendar of full Council and Sub-committee conference calls and other duties as requested and agreed to by the membership. The Executive Committee will consult with the Director of Athletics and College staff as needed to accomplish its responsibilities. The representative from Development and Alumni Relations serves as secretary for all Executive Committee and Council meetings.

The Chair of the 1889 Council is elected by the full membership of the Council andtypically will serve a two year term effective at the Fall campus meeting; the Vice Chair is elected by the full membership of the Council and typically will serve a two year term; The Immediate Past Chair assumes this role upon completion of their two year term and will serve a one year term; The Treasurer of the Council is the Chair of the Finance Committee. (Note: for the purpose of the 2016-17 year the current co-chairs will meet to discuss which position they will assume for the year and a 1 or 2 year term)

Social Events Committee

Mission: The Social Events Committee of the 1889 Council strives to support, perpetuate and enhance BeloitCollege’s Athletics Department and their efforts to work closely with the alumni office and the admissions office by helping plan and assist with social events for alumni, current athletes and prospective recruits.By promoting and assisting with strategically selected events, the 1889 Council hopes to develop and maintain the Athletics Department’s connections and serve as stewards of the College.

Alumni Engagement Committee

Mission:The Alumni Engagement Committee seeks to personify and promote a life cycle of engagement with Beloit College by working with alumni, families, members of the community, and school administration to highlight Beloit’s value proposition for student-athletes.

Recruitment Committee

Mission: The Recruitment Committee is dedicated to supporting the Department of Athletics and Recreation in the area of recruiting student athletes to the College. Committee members will coordinate the efforts of the entire council and leverage personal contacts with our non-council alumni network (athlete and non-athlete) to support the recruitment efforts of all Beloit coaches. The Recruitment Committee will actively support the Admissions Office in formal on- and off-campus admission events. Under the 1889 Council banner, the Committee will leverage the college’s signature and Council events to grow non-council athletic alumni involvement in recruitment efforts and overall athletic support.

Finance Committee

Mission: The Finance Committee is a standing committee of the Beloit College 1889 Council responsible for reviewing and providing guidance for the Committee's financial matters. The Finance Committee will review all financialstatements prepared by the Committee's Treasurer, which shall be the College's Athletic Director or theirdesignee, and report the financial activity to the full Council at each Council meeting, and at such other times as directed by the Council Chairperson(s). The Finance Committee will vet the names of potential members of the Council and will propose nominees to the full Council for a vote. The Chair of the Finance Sub-Committee is the Council Treasurer and is a member of the Executive Committee.



Section 5.01. Officers. The Council will have a Chair, Vice Chair, Immediate Past Chair and Treasurer who also serves as the Chairperson of the Finance Committee. The Chair and Vice Chairwill be elected by the Council Members. The Chair and Vice Chair must be a Member of the Council. The secretary of the Council is the representative from Development and Alumni Relations and is ex-officio.

Section 5.02 Term of Office. The Chair and Vice Chair will both serve two (2) year terms; both the Chair and Vice Chaircan serve consecutive terms. The Chair or Vice Chair may resign at any time by providing written notice to the Director.In the event of a resignation, nominations will be taken from eligible Council members followed by a vote which can be conducted at a regularly scheduled campus meeting or electronically. A simple majority is required to elect the Chair or ViceChair.

Section 5.03 Powers and Duties. The Chair or Vice Chair will preside at all meetings of the Council. The Chair andVice Chair will play a major role in resource development and in representing Beloit College Athletics.



Section 6.01 Staffing of Council. A.The Council will be staffed jointly by the Athletics Department and from the Office of Development & Alumni Relations.

Section 6.02 Amendment of Charter. The 1889 Council Charter may be amended or repealed by the Director in consultation with the Chair andViceChair.

[Charter last revised4.29.16]

“Shared Experiences that last a lifetime” Dr. Ben Galloway Beloit College Class of 1962