Mrs. Reid

6th Grade Mathematics

Alto Middle School

Room #6

Welcome to 6th grade mathematics! It is my honor to teach each of you this year, and I hope you are just as excited as I am. In my classroom the standards will be set at the HIGHEST level and you will be expected to reach these standards. Throughout this course, you will encounter material that might be easy for you to understand, but there will also be some things that you find difficult. I DO NOT want you to become discouraged if some things come more naturally to you than others. I am here to help and encourage you throughout this journey and I WILL NOT leave you behind. "Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it." - Lou Holtz

Course Description: 6th grade math reinforces basic mathematical concepts and introduces skills that are essential for all students. Concepts, procedures, and vocabulary that students will need in order to be successful in upper-level algebra and geometry courses are introduced and continually practiced. Students begin with a general review of the four basic operations. They are introduced to exponents, geometric formulas, algebraic concepts, ratios, percentages, and adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing signed numbers. 6th grade math students work extensively with fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and estimating. Problem solving strategies are also an integral part of the curriculum.

Grading Policy:

Daily Grades: 40%

Test: 50%

6 Weeks Test/Benchmark: 10%

Homework Policy: Homework is due next day, unless stated otherwise. Late work will be accepted with a 10 point deduction each day that it is considered late.

Tests: Test dates will be given days in advance and review material will be given a few days prior to the test. You are expected to be present on test days and if you are absent, the test will be taken the day that you return to school. Being absent will not exempt you from taking the test.

Absences: The student will be responsible for making up all work that is missed while he/she is absent, and the student will get the same amount of time to complete the work. If a student knows that he/she will be out, you need to get work before being absent.

Extra Credit: I will offer multiple chances for the students to receive extra credit points, but I will not stay on top of the student about getting it done. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF EXTRA CREDIT!!

I expect that each and every student will have a great year in my classroom, and I urge that parents be as involved as possible with their student’s academic lives. You can contact me if you have any questions/concerns, or you may set up a meeting to discuss things during my conference period.


Conference: Monday-Friday, 6th period, 11:52-12:38.

For documentation purposes, I ask that parents and students sign, date, and return the bottom portion of this note.

I have read and understand Mrs. Reid’s policies and classroom procedures.

Student Signature ______Date______

Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______

Parent Contact Information: