“A place for well being for mind, body & spirit”
Thank you for your interest in my services.
Enclosed, you will find information for your review and the following forms that I kindly ask to be filled out for the services I provide:
- Intake form
- Learning Style Inventory
- Form for Handwriting Analysis
- Client Bill of Rights
Please complete all forms as indicated and either mail, fax (978-664-9858) or return them to my office. Once I receive your information, I will call you with any further questions and together, we can decide how best to proceed.
I thank you in advance for your confidence in my services.
Services are always tailored to your needs.
I will do what is in your best interest,
to address these needs.
Pearlan Feeney-Grater, M.S., CGA, CH
The SelfCenter
805Main Street
Winchester, MA01890
NOTE: All information will be kept strictly confidential. If you are in anyway uncomfortable with any of these questions, feel free to skip them. Please be aware that the more you tell me about yourself, the more I may be of assistance to you. Feel free to use the back of the questionnaire to give more detail about yourself. Include anything else you wish me to know about you or to help you with. It is my honor and pleasure to assist you.
Name______Date of Birth ______Sex ______
Daytime Phone______Evening Phone______
Email Address______
- List your three favorite colors in order of preference ______
2. List your favorite places in order of preference: ______
3. On a vacation do you prefer relaxation or excitement? ______
- Do you exercise regularly or play a sport? _____Yes _____No.
- List your favorite three jobs you would like to have when you grow up: ______
- List your three favorite past-times/hobbies ______
- List any fears / phobias______
8a. Are you being treated by a physician? ____Yes ____No. If yes, for what?______
8b. Are you being treated by a psychologist/psychiatrist? ___Yes ___No. If yes, for what?
- List any medications that you are currently taking ______
- What do you like to do with your friends? ______
11a. Do you enjoy school? Yes ___ No ____ Explain ______
11b. What 3 subjects do you do best in at school: ______
12. List things that you like to do but that you want to be better at:______
13. What would you wish for if you could be, do, have or become anything with no limits?
14. Why are you seeking help? ______
15. If you could wish for any changes in your life, name the three most important to your
health and well being ______
- How did you hear about this office? ______
- Are you currently experiencing any of the following (Please check all that apply.)
__nervousness__inability to relax __sleeplessness __depression __compulsive tendencies __nightmares
__nail biting __current illness__teeth-grinding
__eating disorder __cigarette smoking __drug abuse
__alcohol abuse__compulsive overeating __self-mutilation
__poor health__fear of enclosed areas__fear of speed
__fear of heights__inability to focus __poor memory
__codependency__ attention problems__lack of energy
__relationship problems __lying__childhood trauma
__death of a loved one__lack of energy__lack of friendships
__poor self esteem__lack of success__diagnosed ADD/ADHD
__diagnosed learning disability __abusive school situation __abusive home situation
- Do you follow any religious or meditative practices? If so, please describe______
- Briefly list any other condition occurring in your life that you believe is effecting you
in anyway. This will be discussed further:
RELEASE STATEMENT: I hereby authorize Pearlan Feeney-Grater, to use the techniques of Hypnosis and/or Neuro-linguistic Programming in my session(s) for the purposes outlined on this intake form and for future purposes that I may request. I understand that the success of each session depends greatly on my own ability to relax and my desire to create change in myself. I understand that because the results of my session(s) depends greatly upon my own serious participation, that Pearlan Feeney-Grater cannot offer any guarantee of the success of my treatment. I am aware however, that she will do everything reasonably within her expertise to ensure my success. I may ask for recommendations from past clients.
Signature Date
Signature of adult, if under 18 yrs. Date
Important Instructions for Submitting Handwriting to Be Analyzed
Submit 1 page of your most frequently used style of writing be it print or cursive on an 8 1/2" by 11" unlined paper. If you think you have two distinct styles of writing - one print & one cursive - please submit a separate sample of each. Indicate when you would tend to use each style of writing be it at work, correspondences, grocery list, etc. When you complete your sample, end with your signature (as you would write a check)
The content of the sample should not be copied from a text. It is best to just write off the "top of your head". Content is irrelevant.
Use a black ink pen. Ballpoint will do. No felt tips, please.
Be sure your writing surface is smooth.
If this sample is for a workshop or hypnosis, thank you.
If it is for a private analysis:
Soon you’ll be sitting down with a Certified Graphoanalyst (CGA) to go over a short sample of your handwriting. If you do not have time to come in, just send us a sample in the mail or even fax it. We can do the analysis over the phone (taped for your convenience) or send the analysis recorded on cassette.
Wherever you are, we can reach you.
My Handwriting Sample
RELEASE STATEMENT: I hereby authorize Pearlan Feeney-Grater, to analyze my handwriting for the purposes of understanding my personality including traits, behaviors, perceptions and responses and whatever other information I may request now or in the future. I understand that the information provided by this HandwritingAnalyst is based on her professional opinion and experience. In interpreting the results given, it is recognized that the degree to which an individual possesses a particular trait is not absolute and may vary within a range of degrees. Further, I understand that my educational background and life experiences may alter the interpretation of any given trait or trait clusters.
Signature Date
Parent/Guardian signature required if under 18 years of age. Date
Checklist for Discovering Learning Channels
(Please circle all that seem to fit your nature in each category.)
- Prefers to have someone else read instructions when putting a model together.
- Reviews for a test by reading notes aloud or by talking with others.
- Talks aloud when working on a math problem.
- Prefers listening to a cassette to reading the same material.
- Commits zip codes to memory by saying them.
- Uses rhyming words to remember names.
- Plans the upcoming week by talking it through with someone.
- Prefers oral instructions from an employer.
- Likes to stop at a service station for directions in a strange city.
- Prefers talking/listening games.
- Keeps up on news by listening to the radio.
- Uses free time for talking with others.
- Sings or plays a musical instrument well.
- Likes to keep written records.
- Typically read billboards while driving or riding.
- Puts model together correctly using written directions.
- Follows written recipes easily when cooking.
- Reviews for a test by writing a summary.
- Writes on napkins in a restaurant.
- Can put a bicycle together from a mail-order house.
- Commits a zip code to memory by writing it.
- Uses visual images to remember names.
- Loves to read books.
- Plans the upcoming week by making a list.
- Prefers written directions from an employer.
- Prefers to get a map and find own way in a strange city.
- Prefers reading/writing games like SCRABBLE.
- Likes to build things.
- Uses sense of touch to put a model together.
- Can distinguish items by touch when blindfolded.
- Learns touch system rapidly in typing.
- Moves with music.
- Doodles and draws on any available paper.
- An out-of-doors person.
- Moves easily. Well coordinated.
- Spends a large amount of time on crafts and handwork.
- Likes to feel texture of drapes and furniture.
- Prefers movement games to games where on just sits (if age appropriate).
- Finds it fairly easy to keep physically fit.
- One of the fastest in a group to learn a new physical skill.
- Uses free time for physical activities.
Client Bill of Rights
© 2001
Contact Information: My name is Pearlan Feeney-Grater. I can be contacted through my office at
805 Main Street, Winchester, MA01890 or by telephone at 781-721-7299.
Education and Training: I am a Certified Member of the National Guild of Hypnotists and the American Board of Hypnotherapy. I hold the Certificate of Membership in the International Association of Counselors and Therapists. I am also a Certified/Licensed Speech-Language-Hearing Pathologist, M.S., CCC, through the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association; Certified/Licensed Teacher of Grades K-9; Certified/Licensed Administrator of Grades K-9 through the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; Certified Member of the National Federation of Neurolinguistic Psychology; Certified Member of The International GraphoAnalysis Society practicing as a Handwriting Analyst and attained Mastership in the USUI SHIKI RYOHO REIKI Method of Natural Healing. I do annual continuing education to maintain my training at a high level.
Notice: “THE STATE OF MASSACHUSETTSHAS NOT ADOPTED ANY EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING STANDARDS FOR THE PRACTICE OF HYPNOTISM, NLP, HANDWRITING ANALYSIS OR REIKI. THIS STATEMENT OF CREDENTIALS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Under law those practicing Hypnotherapy, NLP, REIKI or Handwriting Analysis, may not provide a medical diagnosis or recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatments. If a client desires a diagnosis or any other type of treatment from a different practitioner, the client may seek such services at any time. In the event my services are terminated by a client, the client has a right to coordinated transfer of services to another practitioner. A client has a right to refuse my services at any time. A client has a right to be free of physical, verbal or sexual abuse. A client has a right to know the expected duration of treatment, and may assert any right without retaliation.”
Redress: In any services I provide, I practice in accordance with each Association’s Code of Ethics and Standards. If you ever have a complaint about my services or behavior that I cannot resolve for you personally, you may contact the above Associations to which I belong to seek redress. Other services than my own may be available to you in the community. You may locate such providers in the telephone book.
Fees: The charge for my services are discussed and agreed upon prior to scheduling an appointment
You will be given 30days notice of any change in fees. At this time, I do not take insurance or credit cards.
Confidentiality: I will not discuss or release any information to anyone without a written authorization from you, except as provided for by law. You have a right to be allowed access to my written record about you.
Insurance: I suggest you think of my services as something that you will pay for personally. That will both protect your privacy and help you value the work you are doing more. In general, insurance companies do not as of yet cover Hypnosis, NLP, REIKI or Handwriting Analysis services, and I caution you not to expect them to do so.
My Approach: My approach is educational and coaching in providing clients with options for self-help techniques that facilitate agreed upon enhancements or changes. I do not represent my services as any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite research to the contrary, by law I may make no health benefit claims for my services. I take a therapeutic approach to my Speech-Language-Hearing Services as allowed by the American Speech-Language Hearing Association.
Touch: I do/do not (circle one) authorize Pearlan to use the supportive and appropriate touch of EFT and/or Reiki in our work together.
I have received and read this Client Bill of Rights and understand what I have read.
Client Name(print):______Signature ______Date______
Parental/Guardian signature required if under 18 years of age:
Name (print)______Signature ______Date______