Various August Happenings in History…
Western Kansas World Aug 1 1885 - Mrs. Gibb, wife of a minister has been delivering some very eloquent sermons at Delphos, to great satisfaction of her audiences.
Western Kansas World, Aug 3 1889 - Delphos is an important religious center. A meeting of the Presbytery of this district will be held here in September; the Spiritualists’ camp meeting begins August 10th; the M. E. district conference will be held here in connection with the Methodist camp meeting the first of September, and it is understood that the Universalist general conference will convene here in the fall.
The Globe Republican, August 5 1891 - Ezra Comfort and family have reached their home at Delphos from Topolobambo (Mexico), having hurried to escape the tropical fever. The eighteen year old son of Mr. Comfort was stricken before starting and died an hour after reaching home. Another son died at the colony. They went out in April and report much suffering among the colonists. The thermometer has been 145 degrees for two months and it is almost impossible to obtain good water. Many have died. (note: the 1885 census shows Ezra; wife Aurilla; sons, William, Sheridan, Herbert, & Carl; daughters, Bertha & Cora. Herbert shows to be 12. In 1900 Carl and Cora are still at home. William is evidently the boy who died in the Colony)
The Abilene Reflector, Aug 4 1887 - Mr. & Mrs. George Strickler, of Delphos, passed through here Monday morning.
Dodge City Times, Aug 16 1888 - The Delphos Kans. Carrier has bid the republican party farewell and will champion the prohibition party.
Wichita Eagle, Aug 17 1887 - The proposition asking $15,000 in bonds to the Solomon valley, Gypsum & Gulf Railroad company was carried in this Sheridan township today. This provides for the building and completion of the road to this place, June 1 1888. This will give Delphos two lines of road. Another rain, the heaviest for the past year, visited this section of the state last night. The ground is thoroughly soaked insuring considerable late corn and reviving pastures and fields.
Abilene Reflector Aug 19 1886 - Monday, in this city, the Delphos nine defeated the Abilene club by a score of 7 to 4. The Abilene club had too many errors. The Delphos club was composed of players from Minneapolis, Concordia and Delphos. Pleiser, Burke and Weaver did some fine batting. Tuesday the second game was played between Abilene and Delphos and won by the home club by a score of 9 to 3. Haddock and Bradley were Abilene’s battery and they done some fine work.
Abilene Reflector, Aug 21 1890 - Mr. C B Hoffman will spend a week at the Spiritualist camp meeting at Delphos. He has nearly recovered from his injury received a few weeks since.
SalineCounty Journal Aug 22 1872 - The Hawkins family, of Ottawa county, promise to give a musical entertainment in Salina soon. We believe we are safe in saying that Mr. Hawkins is the best musician in the State of Kansas – that is, that he plays more instruments and plays them more perfectly than any other man.
Western Kansas World, Aug 24 1889 -When the returns are all in it will be found that great damage was done to stock by hail besides the large amount of young stock killed outright. Many horses and colts were driven, in their fright, into barb wire fences, and were badly cut up.
Western Kansas World, Aug 28 1886 - Twelve members of the M E Church received the ordinance of baptism and were taken into full fellowship on Sunday, Mrs. Burr by immersion.
Abilene Reflector, Aug 31 1893 - The meeting of the 5th district G A R reunion at Salina was not largely attended. H F Billings, of Delphos, was chosen president for next year. The meeting of 1894 will be held in Delphos.