This needs updated – 2013-01-27
Thank you for volunteering to be the Master of Ceremonies (MC) for the upcoming Troop 474 Court of Honor (COH).
As the title implies, you are the leader in running the COH. I will help you with the details of getting it organized and you will lead the evening’s activities.
Here’s a list of things to do:
- Need to see how we get drinks now.
- Please bring drinking cups. Bring your receipt to get reimbursed.
- Prepare an agenda/program for the COH. I will put together a draft version and e-mail it to you. You can revise it as necessary. Please make a suitable number of copies to give out to the attendees at the COH.
- One item on the agenda will be Activity/Outing reports. As you may recall, sometimes these can be interesting (amusing!!) in that occasionally the designated speaker doesn’t show up or is not prepared. Then we go in the “wing it” mode and drag a volunteer up from the audience! But really, try to put together a list of all activities/outings conducted over the lasts three months since the last COH. Usually five to eight items are sufficient. Then call a willing volunteer or appoint someone to give a presentation (usually short 2 to 3 minutes). Ask the speakers to make their presentations lively and interesting, giving some specific details or stories of the event.
- Another item on the agenda is advancement recognition. This is where we go through each rank, presenting the typed up certificates to the Scouts, presenting the Mother’s pin to the parent/guardian, and signing the Troop book of honor. For this, we have a parent read a little introduction to what each rank means. I have the write ups. You will need to ask an adult to read the introduction for each rank. I will give you a list of those Scouts advancing. Try to pick an adult representing a Scout in each rank group. Adults really like to be part of the program and are honored as well to represent their sons!
- After the rank advancement awards, we do the merit badge awards. I usually do this, calling up the Scouts and handing out the card (and MB patches if necessary).
- The rest of your duties are simply maintaining order and moving the program along. You may be creative. Have some fun.
So there it is. Not too bad at all. Again, thanks for volunteering to be the MC and for ALL YOUR EFFORTS. It is much appreciated!!