Marine Biology - Final Project
Spring Semester
For the Spring Semester Final Project you are to select one marine vertebrate species to present to the class. This project may be a partner (2) or single person presentation.
There will be no repeats of species in each class. Therefore, the first person to choose a particular species is the one that may do that species. The project must be emailed to me on the due date which will be different from the day of presentation. Every day the project is late is a 25% reduction in points. Before choosing a species it is recommended that advance research is completed to determine if there is enough information on that species to complete the project. There are many interesting animals but not all them have much information about them.
Marine Vertebrates include: Fish, Marine Reptiles, Sea and shore birds and Marine Mammals (whales, sea lions, seals, walrus, manatee, sea otters)
The presentation must follow the guidelines listed below:
- Must be a Power point or other multi-media presentation.
- Presentation must be a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes in length and must include
not only pictures, but diagrams, maps, tables, and video (no more than two video - maximum 5 minutes combined time).
- If the presentation is a partner project both people must participate equally in the presentation. Presenters will be graded on the quality of their presentation separate from the quality of the power point presentation itself.
- There will be no writing on the slides. The following exceptions for written information include the following: Title, presenter’s name(s) common name, scientific name, bibliography,labels for maps, and topic labels (for example for a slide on reproduction you can have Reproduction as a slide title
- Information required to be presented about the species:
a. all common names (some animals have different names in different places), scientific
name with correct scientific notation.
b. Physical characteristics: dimensions such as: weight, length, width, colors,
texture (fur, skin, scales, feathers), general appearance, body plan,
venomous, poisonous, life span
c. Reproduction: Age of sexual maturity, courtship behavior, mating (long term or
temporary) do they give live birth or lay eggs, numbers of offspring, size of offspring, do
they receive parental care; if so how long and by which
parent. Include a picture of the larval stage (if this applies such as some fish).
d. Behavior: Behaviors that are interesting that relate to hunting (where, what and how),
hiding (camouflage). Include any other interesting behavior
Are they diurnal, nocturnal, or crepuscular?
e. Habitat/ecosystem where found. Niche in the ecosystem/place in food web
in other words what do they eat and what eats them. In what type of habitat is
the animal found (such as coral reef, open ocean, kelp forest)
f. Distribution of species (where are they found) Include a map that shows the
distribution. Depth or depth range where commonly found
g. Status: endangered, threatened, status unknown due to lack of
information, status is okay. Include any threats to status if that
applies to your species
DUE DATE: May 14,2017considered late every day after.