Sensory Dimensions

Volunteer consumer sign-up form – electronic version

Thank-you for expressing interest in becoming a volunteer consumer for Sensory Dimensions

This document aims to provide you with information on what we do as well as a form to complete so that we can register you on our consumer database.

Information about us

Who are we?

Sensory Dimensions is a consumer testing facility, and manufacturers of all types of products ask us to carry out consumer studies. This gives them an idea as to what consumers like or dislike about their products and, at times, how they can be improved.

It is really important for you to know is that everything consumed here at Sensory Dimensions is safe and ready for sale in a supermarket.

How does it work?

Before studies take place, a member of our Consumer Recruitment team will contact you to carry out a screener. This will determine whether or not you are suitable to take part, with some basic questions about your eating habits. At the end of the screener, we will let you know if you are able to take part and, if so, offer you a choice of times on a specific date. If you don’t want to take part or find these times inconvenient, do not feel obliged to come… our studies are voluntary and the choice is yours. The only thing we ask is that once you have committed to take part, if you then find you are unable to attend for any reason you give us a call to cancel so that we are aware of the numbers needed for that study.

We pay a typical rate of £10 per hour to cover your expenses but this can vary depending on the study. In Reading this is paid in cash and in Nottingham, asMorrisons, Love to Shop or Tesco shopping vouchers.

We aim to invite you to take part in a study every few months, but this again may vary depending on how busy we are and the requirements for our studies. To ensure fairness, we endeavour to alternate our lists of consumers so that everybody has the opportunity to take part in one of our studies.

Next steps – registering on our consumer database

In order for you to take part in our studies, we register you on our consumer database. These contact details are data protected and arenot shared with anybody – they are taken purely for our information.

If you would like to sign up to ourReadingdatabaseyou can email your form to:

If you would like to sign up to ourNottinghamdatabaseyou can email your form to:

Where did you hear about us?
Please delete as appropriate / Friend / Leaflet / Word of Mouth / Other (please write here)
Title (Miss, Ms, Mrs, Mr, Master, Dr.)
First Name
Please tell us what you would prefer to be called when we call you
Date of Birth / DD/MM/YYY
Post code
Home phone (including STD code)
Work phone (only if we can contact you at work)
Mobile phone
Email address
Occupation of chief wage earner in your household:
Please provide us with the occupation (job title) of the chief wage earner in your household. If this is your mum or dad, please provide their job title.
Please delete as appropriate. Please tell us your year of graduation. / I am a student / I am not a student
I graduate in -
Where do you do most of your regular grocery shopping?
Do you have any dietary or health issues that may prevent you from testing some food products? (e.g. allergies/strict diets) / What foods can’t you eat? If none, please write ‘none’
Do you have any pets? What kinds?
In case we have any studies on pet food etc.
Do you smoke? / Yes/no
Do you have any children under the age of 18yrs living in your household?
Please delete the information in the box to the right as you see fit.
From time-to-time we have studies forparents and children – may we put your children onto our database? We speak with you as the parent/responsible adult and ask for permission, and you accompany your children to studies. / Yes – please add my children. Their details are as follows:
Child’s Full Name / Date of Birth
No, I don’t have any children
No, I don’t wish to disclose their details
Do your children have any allergies or dietary issues? (e.g. allergies or strict diets)
Partner on DB
DB number & full name

For office use only:

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