JOHN 8:30-32

Salvation is not an end in itself, it is the start of an exciting journey into knowing God, experiencing Christ, discovering the truth that sets free.

Immediately following their salvation, Christ told the people of the necessity of continuing in His word. This is one of the marks of the truly converted, the real disciple. Just like new babes take a liking to milk in the natural, the new babe in Christ ought to take a liking to the mike God’s word (1 peter 2:2). Not to have a liking, a relish from God’s word is an indication either of the absence of spiritual life or a serious spiritual sickness that needs urgent attention.

Desire for the word, addiction to the truth, continuance in God’s word is an evidence of vitality, of a healthy spiritual state (Acts 17:11; Job 23:12).

Continuance in God’s word has a transforming effect upon our life. Just like a dirty basket constantly and repeatedly immersed in water and drawn out becomes cleaner, the word cleanses as we dip into it. We are changed into the likeness of Christ. In particular God’s word is meant to alter our lives in three major areas: (1) PRIORITIES IN LIFE (2) PATTERN OF LIVING (3) PACE OF LIVING.


Matthew 6:33; 13:44-46; Job 23:12; 1 Peter 2:2; Jeremiah 15:16; Psalm 119:72,82,97,103-105,140,163; 19:7-11; Deuteronomy 8:3; 17:19; Acts17: 11.

Before conversion, our priorities were focused on carnal, ephemeral, temporal, earthly things but God’s word will help us to alter our priorities so that we can now focus on spiritual, eternal, heavenly realities.

(Matthew 6:33). We hunt for God’s word as for hidden treasure and a pearl of great price (Matthew 13:44-46). We consume it day and night more than our physical food (Job 23:12).


Ephesians 4:17-32; 5:1-12; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; 1 Corinthians 6:18-20; 1 John2: 6; Colossians 2:6.

Before conversion, we lived our lives like all the other people around us. We don’t want to look odd, so we join the crowd even when we know that the crowd is wrong. However God’s word now shows us that we no longer have to walk as other unbelieving gentles walk in the vanity of their mind (Ephesians 4:17).

We need to walk as Christ walked (1 John 2:6; Colossians 2:6). We need to come out of darkness and be completely separate from the world (2 Corinthians 6:14-18). We are bought with a price, so we need to glorify God in our bodies and spirits ( 1 Corinthians 6:18-20).


Romans 13:14; 1 Peter 4:2-5; 2:11; Galatians 5:24-26,13-16; 2 Corinthians 10:12; 1 Samuel 8:5,19,20; Exodus 23:2; 2 kings 17:15; Matthew 23:2; Proverbs 1:1-20.

Before conversion, we were moving and living in the frantic and frenetic pace of the world. It was all a rat race full of carnal competition and comparison where everyone is trying to catch up with Jones’s. However after conversion, we walk and live in the spirit, we walk in step with the spirit, no more according to the speed dictated by the world.

We no longer subject ourselves to the demands, dictates, customs and standards of the world. We no longer succumb to the pressures of the world.