TFaculty Development Committee-York College of Pennsylvania
Application for Travel Funding
The primary purpose of this funding category is to encourage faculty scholarship and creative works by supporting travel to present material within the applicant’s area of expertise.
Who is eligible?
- All full-time faculty members, including those on sabbatical.
- Adjunct faculty who have taught at least 45 credits (or equivalent as determined by chair) at York College.
- Full-time instructional personnel (e.g. lab coordinators) who have worked at the college for at least twoyears and have teaching responsibilities.
- Applicants who have exhausted all available departmental travel money.
What activities are funded by this category?
Travel to:
- Present scholarly works, including but not limited to the presentation of empirical or theoretical research papers and the exhibition or performance of creative works.
- Attend business or committee meetings of professional organizations of which the applicant is an officer or member.
- Attend a professional conference in the applicant’s field of expertise.
What activities are not funded by this category?
- Travel for the purpose of data collection.
- Travel for the purpose of curricular development.
- Travel for students, including student research assistants.
- Renting a car, unless it is: 1) a demonstrated necessity, or 2) more cost effective than other forms of transportation.
Maximum award amount:
- Full time faculty and instructors: $1,500 per academic year
- Adjuncts: maximum award based on average credit load as an adjunct for the two most recent years. (Provide list of courses taught at YCP as an adjunct over the last two years.)
Less than 6 credits/year, $400 per academic year
6-12 credits/year , $750 per academic year
12+ credits/year, $1050 per academic year
Name: / Click here to enter text. /Today’s Date: / Click here to enter a date. /
Email: / Click here to enter text. /
Phone: / Click here to enter text. /
Department: / Choose an item. /
Status: / Choose an item. /
What is the most recent FDC grant you’ve received? (category and date): / Click here to enter text. /
Have you submitted a Summary of Activities for all prior grants you have received? / Choose an item. /
Application Deadlines: / Choose an item. /
Title of proposed activity: / Click here to enter text. /
Date of activity: / Click here to enter text. /
Location: / Click here to enter text. /
Include the following materials in this application:
1)A brief (200-word maximum) abstract describing the work to be presented or what you hope to accomplish by attending this conference (for non-presenters).
2)A call for papers or a copy of the conference announcement.
3)A copy of the letter of acceptance or the conference program with the applicant’s name listed as a presenter. Conference presenters are encouraged to apply for funding even if this information is not immediately available; however, disbursement of funds will be contingent upon receipt of supporting materials.
4)Proof of registration, including information about the cost of registration. The FDC does not pay for professional association membership fees.
5)A printout from the hotel website or conference website indicating the cost of the daily room rate.
6)A printout from the airline or search engine website that indicates the cost of the airfare at the time you prepared your expense statement.
7)Provide a clear explanation for each item in the expense statement (e.g. Airfare – departure and arrival cities; Hotels - daily rate x no. of days; Meals – per diem x no. of days; Mileage for own auto - departure and arrival cities, miles x rate ; etc)
Please do not alter the formatting of the application.
Complete the application, copy and paste required documentation/information into the application, and submit the file to the department chair for electronic signature. The completed application should then be emailed by the applicant to the Faculty Development Funding Subcommittee Chair –
Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
1)The quality of the proposal.
2)Whether the applicant is presenting research or a creative work. Applicants who are not presenting will not receive priority consideration.
3)Applicant’s academic rank. Non-tenured faculty will be given priority. Senior faculty developing new areas of expertise will receive strong consideration.
4)Applicant’s prior Faculty Development funding history.
5)Availability of funds within the application cycle. Requests may be tabled until a future cycle.
6)Correspondence of the travel to the funding deadline. Requests may be tabled until a future cycle.
Proposals that are late, incomplete or not submitted as instructed will not be reviewed for the intended deadline. Late proposals will be considered for the next application deadline. Proposals that are incomplete will be reviewed for the deadline following submission of missing material.
The fine print:
1)Applications will not be considered before the application deadline.
2)Applications must be received by the committee chair before the dates of the activity.
3)Applicants may only request funding from one FDC fiscal year for a given activity.
4)Grants must fall into ONE fiscal year (July 1-June 30). Spending may not extend across fiscal years.
5)Requests for travel for pedagogical training should explain how campus resources (e.g. CTL, faculty fellow) have been utilized and exhausted.
Upon completion of a funded proposal, a concise account of the activity is to be submitted by email to both the FDC Funding Subcommittee Chair and the Dean of Academic Affairs.
All departments have a departmental representative serving on the FDC Funding Subcommittee. Applicants are encouraged to contact that person with any questions.
Expense Statement for Travel
- Total amount requested from all sources:
- Available department funds:
(If no department funds available, chair letter should explain)
Amount requested from Faculty Development Committee: (Amount should equal A. – B. from above)
Explanation of All Anticipated Expenses
Category / Must provide explanation for all categories / Amount requested*Documentation provided? (Underline one) / Rate or other explanation for expense
Registration (Note: FDC requires documentation of rate and does not pay membership dues) / Y or N
**Car Rental / Y or N
Parking / Y or N
Mileage by own auto (current IRS rate: 0.54/mile) / Y or N / ______total miles X .54per mile
Hotel cost / Y or N / ______per night X ______nights
Meals (Per diem rates found at: ) / Y or N
Other (please explain): / Y or N
*Documentation should be copied and pasted directly into the application and sent as one document via email to the FDC Funding Chair.
**A rental car will only be considered if its cost can be demonstrated to be less than that of other means of transportation. (This includes travel to the airport.) Documentation of the comparative costs should be provided.
Information to be completed by Department Chair
*If the applicant is a department chair, then the recommendation should come from the Dean of Academic Affairs.
Department Chair Recommendation / Choose an item. /Amount of available department funds: / Click here to enter text. /
Please provide a detailed statement addressing whether you support the applicant’s request, how the faculty member and department will benefit from the activity, and whether department funds are available or expended. Please note funds may not be encumbered for future meetings.
Click here to enter text. /
Department Chair Signature:
(Note: Sign using scanned image of signature) / Click here to enter text. /
Date: / Click here to enter text. /
Information below to be completed by Faculty Development Committee
Faculty Development Committee Recommendation / Choose an item. /Amount Funded
Click here to enter text. /
FDC Funding Chair Signature: / Click here to enter text. /
Date: / Click here to enter text. /
Information below to be completed by the Dean of Academic Affairs
Dean of Academic Affairs Recommendation / Choose an item. /Comments
Click here to enter text. /
Dean of Academic Affairs Signature: / Click here to enter text. /
Date: / Click here to enter text. /
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