
World Studies


World Studies

Textbook: Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction. Evanston, IL: McDougal

Littell, 2005.

1st 9-Weeks
OGT Prep. / ·  Ch.6: Enlightenment & Revolution (1550-1789)
·  Ch.7: The French Revolution & Napoleon (1789-1815)
·  Ch.8: Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West (1789-1900)
·  Ch.9: The Industrial Revolution (1700-1900) / ·  Enlightenment Philosophies, Music
·  Scientific Revolution, Discoveries, Inventions
·  American Revolution
·  King Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, Guillotine
·  Napoleon’s conquests
·  Mexico & Brazil’s fight for independence
·  Music, Literature, Art
·  Child Labor, Coal Mines, Textile Industry, Railroads
2nd 9-Weeks
OGT Prep. / ·  Ch.10: An Age of Democracy & Progress (1815-1914)
·  Ch.11: The Age of Imperialism (1850-1914)
·  Ch.13: The Great War (1914-1918)
·  Ch.14: Revolution & Nationalism (1900-1939)
·  Ch.15: Years of Crisis (1919-1939) / ·  Democratic Reform (voting, women’s rights)
·  Colonial independence
·  American Civil War
·  Edison, Ford, etc.
·  European takeover of Africa
·  British control of India/Gandhi
·  Causes/events/results of WWI
·  Anastasia, Lenin & Bolshevik Revolution
·  Stalin & Rise of Communism
·  Great Depression
·  Hitler’s rise to power
3rd 9-Weeks
OGT Prep. / ·  Ch.16: World War II (1939-1945)
·  Ch.17: Restructuring the Postwar World (1945-Present)
·  Ch.18: The Colonies Become New Nations (1945-Present)
·  Ch.19: Struggles for Democracy (1945-Present)
·  Ch.20: Global Interdependence (1960-Present)
·  OGT Preparation
·  OGT / ·  Hitler, Mussolini
·  Pearl Harbor, D-Day, Stalingrad, Iwo Jima
·  Holocaust
·  Allied victory
·  Cold War, space race, Mao Zedong
·  Korean War, Vietnam War
·  Gandhi & India’s independence, Pakistan
·  Middle East conflict
·  Collapse of Soviet Union
·  Apartheid in S. Africa
·  Bush in Iraq, Hussein, WMDs, 9/11
·  AIDS, Genetic Engineering
·  Review of American History, Amendments, Government, Supreme Court Cases, Practice tests
4th 9-Weeks
Post-OGT / ·  The Renaissance
·  Ancient Rome
·  Ancient Egypt / ·  Art of Renaissance, New World
·  Roman Republic, Julius Caesar, emperors, gladiators, Jesus, fall of Rome
·  Pyramids, Pharaohs, Mummies, Artwork, & symbolism