Literacy Plan ~ Year
Year 3+4+5 Unit 3 Stories from other cultures Genre: Fiction Phase
Phase 2 Week commencing:
Journey to Jo’burg by Beverley Naidoo
Y4 Interactive Literacy Multimedia Texts for Whole class Teaching Ginn (Term 3 unit 14 Text 24) / Learning outcome:
Phase 2
  • Begin to read another story, for example from a different culture but with a similar theme. Pause at a key point in the story and discuss children's predictions about how the main characters will act. Do they think that the setting has an effect on their actions? Would they act in the same way?
  • Note ideas in a journal. Demonstrate how to use evidence from the text to support a point of view.
/ Building assessment into teaching:
Are chn able to demonstrate evidence from the text to support a point of view?
Can chn predict how Naledi will act?
Chn demonstrate understanding of the culture through their selected journey objects.
Can chn use descriptive language to describe setting?


/ Learning objectives: /

Whole Class:

Text, Word & Sentence Level


Guided group:


Independent & group tasks:



1st / Identify descriptive words / Play African music to set the scene and atmosphere. Explain to chn they will listen to a story extract. Ask them to listen for characters and at the end of reading with their talking partner be able to give a character and 1 fact.
Display Journey to Jo’Berg using interactive literacy text. Look at text. Invite chn to share where they found their character fact. / Where you think most appropriate. / Highlight descriptive words and phrases in the text.
LA – Adult support to read the text.
MA – Adjectives and verbs
HA – Distinguish between verbs, adjectives and adverbs. / Start a word wall on Naledi and Tiro. Give chn a postit to write a descriptive word and then add to display.
2nd / To be able to feel empathy towards Naledi dilemma / Read on to the end of the extract. What have chn learned about the characters and their situation. Look at character picture of Naledi Identify the dilemma that faces Naledi, and the decision she takes and her reasons. Class discussion – use conscience ally to consider reasons to stay in the village and reasons to leave for Jo’Berg. / Where you think most appropriate. / Give chn blank copy of reasons for and against and ask them to sort into 2 columns.
LA - adult aided
MA – Independent
HA – Give copy of text and ask them to refer to it to explain reasons for and against going to Jo’Berg
* highlight from text p.g. 12 + 13 / Hot seat Naledi about her decision.
What would you do?
Read p.g. 13 ‘The children went to find Naledi’s friend….. to p.g. 14


3rd / To understand the immensity of the journey undertaken. / Ask chn to say briefly where they think this story is set and why? Encourage them to indentify specific clues. Point out that is a real place: Johannesburg. Use espresso to show geography- distance. In pairs ask chn to find South Africa and Jo’berg. If appropriate ask chn to use scale to say where the village could be.
Would you like to travel that far on your own? / Where you think most appropriate. / You’re going on a long trip. What would you take with you and why?
LA – Bullet point objects and reasons
MA – Bullet points objects and reasons
HA – Write a paragraph explaining their choices. / Share objects and discuss whether they are relevant to the culture the story is set in.
Read ‘The Road’ for the next lesson.
4th / To predict a stories outcome / Quick recap on the story so far. What stands out as different to our culture? (The pass) Explain why Naledi’s mum is in South Africa, she works hard to send back money so her chn can go to school, have food and somewhere to live.
Show the picture of the road in front of Naledi and her brother. Will they reach Jo’Berg? What do you think might happen? Remind them of their taken objects. / Where you think most appropriate. / Remind chn of last wks predictions, same skill – different story.
MA - Ask chn to write predictions. What is going to happen next?
LA –small picture of the road – adult aided.
HA – Complex sentences to explain their predictions. / Read ‘Oranges’
Did they think something like this would happen to the pair?
5th / To write a characters journey descriptively / Ask chn to imagine Naledi in modern Burton. She has to deliver an urgent parcel to a family member. How will she make that journey? Imagine she must find the family member in Paris. In talking partners discuss how she would travel. Give success criteria dependent on age and group ability. / Writing – Describe her journey. How does she feel? What has she seen? How did she travel?
Differentiation by outcome. / Self assessment against shared success criteria.
Outside of literacy hour.
Read chapter ‘Ride on a Lorry’ and ‘The city of Gold’. Is this what the chn predicted would happen?
Cross-curricular links:
Music – African music or animal sounds
Art - landscape / Speaking & Listening opportunities:
Talking partners
Resources: / Homework:
Find out what apartheid means (If appropriate for your class)
Teacher comments/evaluation: