Theregular meeting of the Page City Council was held on June 13, 2011 at 6:00 p.m.with Larck, Knott and Evertpresent. Erickson and Atkinson were absent. Brian Julius of Moore Engineering and Tim of H & H Coatings were also present. Mayor Larck opened the meeting.
Motion by Knott and second by Evert to approve the April and May minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
The Auditor's report was given and the following bills presented for approval:
GENERAL FUND: Waste Management - $82.37; Inter-Community Telephone - $89.61; Farm Plan - $601.11; Bob Stevens - $181.98; Quality Bank - $131.70; Otter Tail Power Co. - $760.43; New Century Press - $22.28; Bayshore Cityside - $252.08; Fargo Tractor - $191.30; Judy Johnson - $104.23; Hope Electric - $34.05; EEE - $1900.00; SGC Horizon LLC - $539.00. WATER & SEWER: Waste Management - $1,201.50; City of Fargo - $14.00; Quality Bank - $234.60; Otter Tail Power Co. – $258.53; Cass Rural Water Users - $1,841.25;Ferguson Water Works - $277.14; Bob Stevens - $2.73; ND One Call - $3.90; Waste Management - $974.00.
Motion by Knott and second by Evert to approve Auditor's Report and to pay the bills presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Brian Julius of Moore Engineering was present at the meeting to give a report on the bids received on the Water Tower Project. Three bids were received. It is the recommendation of Moore Engineering to award the bid to
H & H Coatings. Tim of H & H Coatings was present at the meeting and introduced himself to the Council and also explained the lead containment procedure. Motion by Evert and second by Knott to award Water Tower Project contract to H & H Coatings contingent upon funding approval. Motion carried unanimously.
Julius stated that the CDBG funds should be available by the first of July and work should begin during the third week of July on the Water Tower. The project will take six weeks to complete.
Motion by Knott and second by Evert to authorize Mayor Shane Larck to sign Release of Funds for the CDBG grant through Lake Agassiz. Motion carried unanimously.
Julius presented a letter to the Council from Moore Engineering’s Building Inspector regarding the building on Morton Avenue. It is the inspector’s opinion that the property may meet the violations as so defined under Article 5. Dangerous Buildings Section 9.0501 Dangerous Buildings Defined item numbers c, d, e, f, h and i. He also stated that it may be necessary to inspect the interior of the structure to determine if it has more violations within.
The Council will discuss this further at a later meeting.
The Sewer Re-lining project is still on hold as there are no funds available at the State level. It is possible some funds may become available at the national level in July.
It was determined that more input and discussion was needed regarding a Renaissance Zone and the subject was postponed to a later meeting.
Evert stated that there are some issues regarding long term parking of semis on city streets. It was discussed that perhaps some procedures should be developed for this.
The Drinking Water Quality Report was presented to the Council. The auditor advised the Council that the report is available on the city website and copies are also available at the Page Post Office, Elm River Credit Union, Quality Bank and M&M Grocery or by calling the City Auditor at 668-2226.
Correspondence was reviewed. No action taken.
Past due water bills were discussed. Shut off notices will be sent to two accounts.
A job description for Public Works Supervisor was reviewed.
Larck stated that a resident has complained of dirty water coming from his outside tap. Larck stated that perhaps fire hydrants need to be flushed and will talk to Stevens regarding this. He will also stop by this resident’s home and check out the problem.
There being no further business brought before the Council, the meeting was adjourned. The next regular council meeting will be Monday, July 11, 2011 at 6:00 pm.
Judy L. Johnson
City Auditor