Program Evaluation Proposal Rubric Term II
Program Evaluation Project Problem Statement Rubric Term IIExemplary / Acceptable / Unacceptable
Purpose: Candidates describe the program they are evaluating and why they are choosing to evaluate it. / Candidate provides a detailed a description of the program he is evaluating and why he is choosing to evaluate it. / Candidate describes the program he is evaluating and why he is choosing to evaluate it. / Candidate fails to provide an adequate description the program he is evaluating and why he is choosing to evaluate it.
Candidate state the purpose for conducting the evaluation including if it is to: improve or better understand a program; persuade policy change; transform a current program or situation; increase awareness to the general public; or assess program effectiveness in terms of fidelity to the original goal. ELCC-2005.6.1 / Candidate specifically identifies the purpose of the program evaluation. / Candidate generally identifies the purpose of the program evaluation. / Candidate fails to adequately identify the purpose of the program evaluation.
Rationale: Candidates state their reasons for selecting this particular program to evaluate. / Candidate provides a detailed explanation of her reasons for selecting this particular program to evaluate. / Candidate states her reasons for selecting this particular program to evaluate. / Candidate fails to adequately explain her reasons for selecting this particular program to evaluate.
Candidates discuss their own personal connection(s) to this program. / Candidate thoroughly and intimately discusses his own personal connection(s) to this program. / Candidate discusses his own personal connection(s) to this program. / Candidate fails to adequately discuss his own personal connection to this program.
Candidates explain why this program evaluation is important to the stakeholders, the district, and the educational community at large. ELCC 4.2 ELCC-2005.4.3 / Candidate explains in detail why this program evaluation is important to the stakeholders, the district, and the educational community at large. / Candidate explains why this program evaluation is important to the stakeholders, the district, and the educational community at large. / Candidate fails to adequately explain why this program evaluation is important to the stakeholders, the district, and the educational community at large.
Goal(s): Candidates explain the intended goal(s) of the program evaluation. / Candidate thoroughly explains in detail the intended goal(s) of the program evaluation. / Candidate explains the intended goal(s) of the program evaluation. / Candidate fails to adequately explain the intended goal(s) of the program evaluation.
Candidates discuss how the goal(s) relates to improved student learning. ELCC-2005.2.2 / Candidate discusses in detail how the goal(s) specifically relates to improved student learning. / Candidate discusses how the goal(s) relates to improved student learning. / Candidate fails to adequately discuss how the goal(s) relates to improved student learning.
Research Question(s): Candidates identify general research question(s) that will guide the program evaluation. / Candidate thoroughly identifies general research question(s) that will guide the program evaluation. / Candidate identifies general research question(s) that will guide the program evaluation. / Candidate fails to adequately identify general research question(s) that will guide the program evaluation.
Candidates identify specific primary question(s) (i.e., sub-questions) that will be driving their program evaluation research. ELCC-2005.6.2 / Candidate identifies immediately actionable question(s) that will be specifically driving his program evaluation research. / Candidate identifies specific primary question(s) that will be driving his program evaluation research. / Candidate fails to adequately identify specific primary question(s) that will be driving his program evaluation research.
Candidates identify related questions. / Candidate identifies appropriate actionable related questions. / Candidate identifies related questions. / Candidate provides limited or no details/evidence from the case to support her individual interpretation.
Research Design Overview: Candidates provide a research design overview for their program evaluation. / Candidate provides a thorough research design overview for his program evaluation. / Candidate provides a research design overview for his program evaluation. / Candidate fails to provide an adequate research design overview for his program evaluation.
Candidates explain why they believe their research design/methodology will help them respond to their research question(s). ELCC-2005.6.2 / Candidate provides a detailed explanation for why she believes her research design/methodology will help her answer her research question(s). / Candidate explains why she believes her research design/methodology will help her answer the research question(s). / Candidate fails to adequately explain why she believes their research design/methodology will help her answer her research question(s).
Participants: Candidates identify in an ethical manner (i.e., by maintaining anonymity, confidentiality, etc.) the key participants from whom they will be gathering data. ELCC-2005.5.3 / Candidate specifically identifies in detail and an ethical manner the key participants from whom he will be gathering data. / Candidate identifies in an ethical manner the key participants from whom he will be gathering data. / Candidate fails to adequately identify in an ethical manner the key participants from whom he will be gathering data.
Candidates explain how and why the participants were chosen fairly to conduct their program evaluation. ELCC-2005.5.2 / Candidate thoroughly explains in detail how and why participants were chosen fairly for her program evaluation. / Candidate explains how and why the participants were chosen fairly for her program evaluation. / Candidate fails to adequately explain how and why participants were chosen fairly for her program evaluation.
Data Gathering Technique(s): Candidates explain the types of data gathering techniques they will be using (i.e., interview, survey, focus group, observation, test scores, etc.) including why they chose to use this technique(s). / Candidate provides a comprehensive explanation of the type of data gathering technique(s) he will be using (i.e., interview, survey, focus group, observation, test scores, etc.) including why he chose use this technique(s). / Candidate explains the type of data gathering technique(s) he will be using (i.e., interview, survey, focus group, observation, test scores, etc.) including why he chose use this technique(s). / Candidate fails to adequately explain the type of data gathering technique(s) he will be using (i.e., interview, survey, focus group, observation, test scores, etc.) including why he chose use this technique(s).
Candidates explain how they plan to gather each type of data including how they could use the data (gathered by the technique(s)) to address their research question(s). / Candidate provides a comprehensive explanation of how she plan to gather each type of data including how she could use the data (gathered by the technique(s)) to address her research question(s). / Candidate explains how she plan to gather each type of data including how she could use the data (gathered by the technique(s)) to address her research question(s). / Candidate fails to adequately explain how she plan to gather each type of data including how she could use the data (gathered by the technique(s)) to address her research question(s).
Data Analysis Technique(s): Candidates explain how they plan use the technique(s) to analyze the data (i.e., SPSS, coding interviews, looking for themes, descriptive statistics from a survey, etc.). / Candidate comprehensively explains in detail how he plans use the technique(s) to analyze the data (i.e., SPSS, coding interviews, looking for themes, descriptive statistics from a survey, etc.). / Candidate explains how he plans use the technique(s) to analyze the data (i.e., SPSS, coding interviews, looking for themes, descriptive statistics from a survey, etc.). / Candidate fails to adequately explain how he plans use the technique(s) to analyze the data (i.e., SPSS, coding interviews, looking for themes, descriptive statistics from a survey, etc.).
Writing/Grammar/References using / Sections in the program evaluation are presented in the prescribed order; writing and grammar both accurate and compelling; strong evidence of editing and proofreading; citations within text consistent and accurate; and references complete, comprehensive, and consistent with APA / Sections in the program evaluation are presented in the prescribed order; writing and grammar accurate; evidence of proofreading and editing; citations within text accurate; and references complete and consistent with APA / Sections in the program evaluation are not presented in the prescribed order; inconsistent writing and grammar; no evidence of proofreading; no references; and/or references cited improperly