Report to eBoard, Compensation Disclosure Fiscal Year 2016-2017 As required byArticle 5.4e
Steward Council of Constitution
Compensation Disclosure Notes: for the period 6.1.16 – 5.31.17
General: Except for the President’s compensation that is paid by both stipend and load, officers are paid either by stipend (Table 1) or as based on load as part of their district paycheck (Table 2), but not both.
Compensation paid by a load equivalent ratio per semester (paid to executive board members, negotiators, and fact-finders) is indicated in the left column of Table 1 and Table 2 following each name. The President’s load is at the full load, full-time step level. The load equivalents are determined by executive board vote.
Table 1: Table 1 shows payments by stipend. Dollar amounts in each column are quarterly payment totals. The column at far right shows fiscal year-to-date totals. Stipend payments are calculated based on the associate step rate for each individual, as shown following each name. Payments are made three times per semester.
Table 2: Table 2 shows compensation based on load. Compensation based on load for faculty serving in the union is initially paid by the district, either as an overload or in lieu of some or all of regular full teaching load, as part of gross pay on paychecks. By agreement, the union then reimburses the district for a portion of this amount (see below). Based on Executive Board vote, individuals are granted equivalent load amounts for the purpose of compensating their time spent on behalf of union interests. The loads total to an academic year amount of 3.398.
By prior agreement, the district absorbs a fixed amount of this cost, calculated at 1.6 load (0.8 per semester), associate step level 10, resulting in a balance reimbursement obligation from the union to the district for the difference between total paid and 1.6 load at step 10. This load cost to the union is $50,379.96. This was further reduced by any other reimbursements to the union from other sources, at this time, the California Federation of Teachers (CFT). The resulting net load cost to the union is $50,379.96 - $9,100 from CFT = $41,279.96.
The compensation paid by load is shown as two rows per individual. The first line “payment received” is the amount received by paycheck at the individual’s overload rate, which assumes that the payment is made as part of overload. If the payment was made as part of regular full-time load, the amount received will be higher than the amount shown, based on the loadat full-time rate. For the current reporting periods, individuals Wassebauer, Hopkins, and Davis fall into this category. The second row for each individual shows the cost to the union. As an example: “payment received”for the treasurer is $13,311.60 for the total year. Of this amount, $5,930.54 is the cost to the union as part of its reimbursement obligation to the district. The union cost amount is calculated based on the individual’s pro-rated share of total allocated load: (e.g., for treasurer: 0.4 / 3.398 = .1177).