PRECALCULUS: 2015-2016

Teacher: Mrs. DuBois

Room: A-23

Phone: (360) 709-7693



Text: Precalculus with Limits, second addition


This course is an intensive study of skills needed to succeed in calculus and other college level math courses. Areas of study include a review of advanced algebra techniques, conic sections, as well as a thorough study of trigonometry, and conclude with several other advanced topics. The class will move at a rapid pace through the material and you will be expected to demonstrate a high level of ability and work ethic. The goal of this course is for each student to leave a confident and motivated problem-solver, prepared for Calculus.

The outline for the course is tentatively as follows:

§  Linear and Quadratic Functions
§  Polynomial Functions
§  Inequalities
§  Functions
§  Exponents and Logarithms
§  Analytic Geometry / §  Trigonometric Functions
§  Trigonometric Equations and Applications
§  Triangle Trigonometry
§  Trigonometric Addition Formulas
§  Sequences and Series
§  Limits and An Introduction To Calculus


A 93-100% B 83-86.99% C 73-76.99% D- 60-66.99%

A- 90-92.99% B- 80-82.99% C- 70-72.99% F 0 – 59.99%

B+ 87-89.99% C+ 77-79.99% D 67-69.99%

You are required to have a A/B average throughout the year to move on to Calculus next year.

Your grade will be calculated using the following weighted categories:

§  Assessments: 90%

§  Homework/Quizzes: 10%

** See handout How Do I Earn My Grade for more information on grading **


§  Your notebook will be comprised of warm-ups, notes, exit activities, journal entries, and homework. It is your responsibility to keep this neat and organized. You will turn in your notebook prior to each chapter test.

§  If absent, please get notes and warm-ups from a friend or from my website. You are still responsible for the material whether you are present or not.


§  You can expect approximately 45 minutes of homework per night. The majority of your homework will be done in your math notebook and corrected by you.

§  Each homework assignment will be worth 4 points and graded as follows:

4 points à All problems completed, work shown, corrections clearly shown.

3 points à Most (80%) problems completed, work shown, corrections clearly shown.

2 points à Approximately 50% of the problems completed, work shown.

1 point à Less than 50% of the problems completed with work shown.

0 points à No problems completed/attempted.

§  In general, homework should be done the night it is assigned. Most assigned homework problems are odd and the solutions are in the back of the book. I strongly encourage you to ask questions and get clarification on concepts that you had difficulty with or did not understand. You will have an opportunity to do this daily, after the lesson. Homework is vitally important to your success in this class. You are strongly encouraged to complete it all, always and your opportunity to re-test is tied directly to homework completion. All homework for each chapter will be collected before each chapter test.


NOTE: Math can be extremely challenging if you skip material or get behind. Do not let this happen to you. Email or call me, check my website, check with your friends, and read your book at home.

If you are absent it is your responsibility to get the assignment, any handouts, and any required notes as soon as you return to school. You will have as many days as you were absent to complete missed work before it is considered late. I also want to encourage you to be proactive if you are absent: email or call me for the assignment, check with your friends, and read your book at home.


Required daily: Math notebook (either small 3-ring binder or spiral notebook), pencil, pen, paper, and scientific calculator.

Optional, but helpful: ruler, graph paper, and colored pencils. Also, a graphing calculator may be a good investment if you are planning on continuing in mathematics (TI-84 Plus recommended).


1.  Accurately assess and record student progress.

2.  Have a complete understanding of the material that is being taught, adequately teach that material, and be available to answer questions and clarify as needed.

3.  Provide adequate time and opportunities to learn, discuss, and practice new concepts.

4.  Establish and enforce a learning environment that is respectful, collaborative, and centered on the learning of mathematics.

5.  Communicate with parent(s)/guardian(s) regularly and to be available to answer questions.


1.  Bring all required materials to class.

2.  Be ready to learn when the bell rings: in your seat with materials out.

3.  Complete all work, monitor your own learning, and ask questions as needed.

4.  Use class time appropriately.

5.  Contribute to a learning environment that is respectful, collaborative, and centered on the learning of mathematics.

6.  Be attentive during all lessons, presentations, or when anyone is addressing the group.