August 18, 2003

Supervisor David Mathis called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Supervisor – David Mathis

Councilperson – Alex Stempien

Councilperson – Robert Pratt

Councilperson – Frank Reid

Highway Superintendent – Ken Dutch

Others present were: James Ossont, Duane Ulrich and Todd McIntyre.

Dave Mathis led the pledge

Minutes. Board reviewed the August 2003 minutes. Corrected sentence to read: “Mr. Mathis…attempted to talk to Ermine Traxel’s attorney…”

On a motion by Frank Reid, seconded by Robert Pratt, the minutes were approved as corrected. Ayes 4;nays 0


Attorney – Solid Waste Authority is suing the town regarding their assessment for five pieces of property. Town needs to hire an appraiser to validate the assessor’s estimates. On a motion by David Mathis, seconded by Alex Stempien, the board approved, by a 4 ayes to 0 nays vote, the hiring of an appraiser.

Some discussion of making a purchase offer for the Traxel gravel pit. Value difficult to determine, thought attorney for Traxel family has a figure in mind. Might need the opinion of an expert to determine an appropriate purchase offer price. Traxel attorney is on vacation until Labor Day. Mr. McIntyre asked that town provide him specifics of a proposal for purchase so that he might include that in a letter to the Traxels’ attorney.

Paper work is complete for the Ava Test Site which is now owned by the town. Insurance company needs to be notified.

Board discussed timing of demolition of damaged highway department storage building. Mr. McIntyre suggested demolition be delayed until check was received. After some discussion of demands on highway department’s time, board agreed that demolition could proceed after notarized proof of loss was mailed(certified) to the insurance company. Mr. McIntyre agreed.

ACAL – Nothing to report.

Assessor – Absent. Mr. Mathis observed that the deadline had past for submission of request for a special assessment rate. July town board minutes reflect that assessor had applied for a special rate.

Dog Control Officer - $450 bill for Humane Society services for six dogs.

Highway Superintendent – Nothing to report.

ZEO – Absent.

ZBA – No representative

Planning Board- Advertising for new members.

NOCOG – Steve Hunter arrived at 8:35 p.m. Nothing to report.

Supervisor – Some discussion of snowmobile and ATV trails and lack of property owner permission for use of land regularly used by these groups.

Cable is partially installed at the Town Hall and Highway Department Barn.

$15,000 retainer agreement signed with Arnold and Porter for landfill legal services

Public Forum – No comments

Payment of Bills – Steve Hunter suggested town explore use of a cable modem service rather than installation of a second telephone line as a cost reduction measure.

Motion to pay General Bills #106-117 in the amount of 2694.78 by Frank Reid, seconded by Robert Pratt. Ayes 4; Nays 0.

Motion to pay Highway Bills #111-121 in the amount of 1912.45 by Frank Reid, seconded by Alex Stempien. Ayes 4; Nays ).


New Storage Building – might consider including space for records storage since room in basement of Town Hall has proven too damp for storage. Board. Dave Mathis made a motion that the board approve the construction of a pole barn-style shell, 50 feet by 50 feet, that includes provisions for petroleum and records storage. Robert Pratt seconded. Ayes 4; Nays 0. Architecture stamped construction documents will be required. Dave Mathis will contact Andy Jackson to determine how those documents would be developed.

Ava Test Site – Some discussion of obtaining and posting signs that identify site as Town of Ava property. Robert Pratt will inspect the roof for leaks. Ken Dutch will modify doors to make entrance ways higher. Some discussion of interior contents that may have value.

Traxel Gravel Bed – Will ask attorney to sent a letter to Traxels’ attorney expressing town’s interest in making a purchase offer on the gravel bed, plus five acres.

On a motion by Robert Pratt, seconded by Frank Reid, the meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.