Forensic Biology

Ms. Livson


E-mail: or

Phone: (510) 618-4600

Text Book:Forensic Science for High School

Room: 247

Welcome to Forensic Biology. During this class we will study evidence, crime scene investigation, fingerprints, hair analysis, enzymes, genetics, DNA, blood and blood spatter evidence, poisons, entomology, and human remains. We will also examine issues of social justice and the criminal justice system.

Materials: Every student will need:

-3 Ring Binder

-7 Dividers

-Pens /Pencils/Erasers

Attendance: Regular daily attendance is required to receive a passing grade based on achievement. Be sure to have absences excused properly. Being on time is also very important. Multiple tardies will reduce your grade.

Grades: Your grade in Forensics Biology is based on:

30% Class Work and Lab Work

10% Homework

10% Attendance / Participation

40% Quizzes and Tests

10% Final

Need Help? Forensics Biology builds on each unit, so if you don't understand something it will come back to haunt you. If you do not understand, ask for help. Let me know if there are any special circumstances outside the classroom that might affect your work. I am here to help you succeed.

Cheating: Cheating of any kind is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Violators may face punishment including confiscation, detention, referral, parent conference and/or suspension from school. Examples of cheating include: copying work of another student, permitting another student to copy your work, doing someone else’s assignment, using unauthorized sources of information during quiz or test, copying ‘word for word’ information from a text/web page and turning the work in for credit without quoting the work and citing the source - this is called plagiarism.

Lab and Class Procedures: By now you have been in school for many years. You know what is expected in class. Here are a few rules specific to this class:

  1. Follow directions the first time. If you do not understand, ASK!
  2. Use all equipment safely, correctly, and as directed. No unauthorized experiments without permission.
  3. Respect the rights of others to learn and work.
  4. Everyone is expected to participate in all lab work, crime scenes, and discussions.
  5. You are expected to clean your work area and help maintain the common areas.

6. Keep all electronic items and cell phones OFF at all times during class!!!

If cell phones are out they may be taken at the discretion of the instructor, in alignment with school policy. The instructor, school and staff are NOT responsible for lost or stolen items that have been confiscated due to school policy violation.

7. Discrimination or harassment based on race, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation (perceived or confirmed), or religion will not be t tolerated and may result in detention or suspension from class.

Consequences: Breaking the rules or not following procedures will result in the following actions.

-Verbal Reminder

-Call home

-Conference and Action Plan



Note: Detention is 15 – 45 minutes and will be served the same day or the day after the detention is assigned. If detention is missed, the student will be referred to the Assistant Principal.

Make up work policy:

Homework and class work: It is the student's responsibility to find out what they missed if absent. Assignments must be completed and turned in within two days of their return from an excused absence. I will not accept late work one week after its assigned due date.

Tests and Quizzes: Students have two days from the test date to make up any missed tests or quizzes with excused absences. You must arrange time to make up the test or quiz ON YOUR OWN TIME, not during class. Failure to make up a test or not show up to a test appointment will result in a zero.

Return this Page for Credit!

Forensic Biology 2015-2016

Students and Parents/Guardians:

We have read the expectations for Ms. Livson’s Forensic Biology Course for the 2014-2015 year. We have read the policies concerning homework, class work, and behavior and understand the consequences regarding them.

Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Name (printed): ______

Signature: ______

Student Name (printed): ______

Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Phone and email:

Parents/Guardians: Do you have any comments, questions or anything you would like me to know about your student?

Thank You!