Per-Rectal Bleeding – Assessment Questionnaire
Patient Demographic
Date of birth:
I.D. No.:
Current age of patient
ð < 40 years old ð 40 years old
History of PR bleeding
- Duration of bleeding
ð long / intermittent ð short / recent
- Nature of bleeding
ð fresh blood-streaked ð stale / mixed blood with stool*
- Bowel habit
ð same as before or no persistent bowel habit change
ð increased frequency or looser stool or both persistently over 6 weeks*
ð less frequency of defaecation and harder stool persistently over 6 weeks
- Anorectal symptoms (can choose more than one symptoms)
ð anal pain ð anal discomfort
ð itchiness ð lump(s)
ð prolapse
Other history
1. Personal history of
ð colorectal cancer
ð colorectal polyp
ð inflammatory bowel disease
2. Significant family history of colorectal cancer: 1 first-degree relative (brother, sister, parent or child) had colorectal cancer before the age of 50; or 2 first-degree relatives had colorectal cancer at any age
ð yes* ð no
3. Significant recent weight loss
ð yes* ð no
Physical examination
- Abdominal examination
ð definite palpable abdominal mass
- Digital rectal examination
ð definite palpable rectal mass
- Proctoscopy
ð haemorrhoids or anal fissure
Investigation result
1. Anaemia: Hb < 11 g/dL in men or Hb < 10 g/dL in postmenopausal women without obvious cause
ð yes* ð no
ð not done
N.B.: * - high risk features
Referral Guidelines upon Completion of PR Bleeding Assessment Questionnaire
- Patient of ALL AGES and at least one of the high risk features à Colorectal Clinic
- Patient ABOVE AGE 40 with PR bleeding but WITHOUT any of the high risk features à Direct Access Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Service
- Patient BELOW AGE 40 with PR bleeding but WITHOUT any of the high risk features shown by the PR Bleeding Assessment Questionnaire à Initial Conservative Treatment in General Practice