Test information P&S I: test Friday April 3, 3.30 MDI-1

Topics: Introduction, Combinatorics, Conditional Probability, Distributions and Joint discrete distributions.

Review and prepare by making the following exercises as a trial test: Introduction: 6, Conditional Probability: 7 , Distributions: 10, 16, 24.b and Joint discrete distributions: 6.a,b.
A second trial Test (find an overview of the formulas you have to know after this trial test):______
The use of a calculator is allowed. Tables are given if necessary.
The following formulas are given:

Variances: Uniform: , Geometrical: and Hyper geometrical:

1.  State the definition of the correlation coefficient and compute if X and Y are independent and Poisson distributed random variables, both having parameter µ = 2.

2.  A person claims to clairvoyant (can see things, that “normal” people can not see). To test his claim he is shown ten closed boxes. In each of these boxes there is small bottle that is filled with either water or oil (with equal probability for each box). The person has to guess (“see”) whether each of the 10 boxes contains a bottle with water or a bottle with oil. X is the number of correct answers he gives.
Determine P(X ≥ 9), E(X) and var(X), supposing he is not clairvoyant at all.

3.  A gynaecologist found out that about 60% of the women who are pregnant according to a “home-test” for pregnancy are not pregnant at all. The producer of the test claims that the test is positive for 100% of all pregnant women and will be negative for 90% of non-pregnant women.
Assume that both claims (of gynaecologist and producer) are correct and find the probability p that a user of the test is pregnant.

4.  The random variable X has a probability density function given by the formula:
f(x) = c x2 for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 and f(x) = 0 for other values of x. (c is a unknown constant).

a.  Show that c = 3.

b.  Compute E(X) and var(X).

c.  Find the density function of Y = X 2

5.  (The wine tasting problem) Somebody claims to be a connoisseur of wine. To test his expertise he gets 6 cards with the names of 6 types of red wine. He is presented 6 glasses of these wines and, after tasting them, he has to put one card at each glass. Suppose he is not an expert on wines at all. What is the probability he will guess all wines right?

a.  What is the probability he will guess all wines right?

For i = 1, 2, ..., 6 we define Xi = 1 if he gives the i-th glass the correct name and Xi = 0 otherwise.
So the number of correct named wine types is S = X1 +....+ X6

b.  Find E(X1) and var(X1)

c.  Are X1,...., X6 independent? Motivate your answer.

d.  Compute E(S), the expected number of correctly named wine types.

e.  Compute cov(X1, X2) and var(S).

Overview: Definitions:
E(X) =…………………………...... (discrete) E(X) =……………………...... (continuous)

var(X) = …………………………………………. cov(X, Y) =………………………………………..
Eg(X) =…………………………...... (discrete). Eg(X) =………………………...... (continuous)
Eg(X,Y) =………………………...... (discrete).

Var(X) = …..E(X2 ) ………………… / cov(X, Y) = ……E(XY)………………..
E(aX + b) =….E(X)………………. / var(aX + b) =……var(X)………………
E(X + Y) =…..E(X)………………..
E(X - Y) = …..E(X)…………………. / var(X + Y) =….. var(X)……………..
var(X - Y) =…….var(X)…………….
E(X1+…+Xn) = E(X1)………………… / …………………………..
cov(aX, Y) =……cov(X, Y)………….. / cov(X, X) =……………………..
cov(X, Y + Z) = ….cov(X, Y)……………………………………….

X en Y are independent ó P(X = x and Y = y) = ……………………………………. (discrete)

=> E(XY)= ……..., cov(X, Y) = ……….., var (X ± Y) = ……………………. X1,…,Xn are independent and all have variance σ2 => …………………………………
Common Distributions:

Name + parameter(s) / Probability (density) function / E(X) / Var(X)
B(n, p) /
P(X = k) =………………………….. / …… / ......
µ / P(X = k) = / …… / ......
p / P(X = k) =…………………………. / …… /
R, N, n / P(X = k)= ………………………… / ……
U(a,b) /
f(x) =………………..for a ≤ x ≤ b / …… / ......
E(λ) /
f(x) = …………………….. / …… / ......
Standardnormal N(0,1) /
………………………… / …… / ......
N(µ, σ2) / f(x) = / …… / ......
Relations between
distributions / Distribution X / (approximating) distribution / Rule of thumb
Hyper geometrical
R, N, n / Binomial B(…...,……..) / N > ……….
B(n, p) / Poisson, µ = ….. / np(1-p) <……..
X ~ N(µ, σ2) / Normal
Y = aX +b ~ N(……… ,…………)

Solutions for the trial test 1

1)  . We only use that var(X) = var(Y) and that X and Y are independent

2)  X ~ B(10, 1/2), so and

3)  Define A = “User of selftest is really pregnant” and T = “Test is positive (indicates pregnancy)”.
Given: , en
Question = ? . Solution:
=> , or

4)  a. Û =>
Now we use that for , so:
, for (and for all other values of y)

5)  a.
b. ~ B(1, 1/6), so and
c. No: if=…==1, then =1, (or, e.g.,)

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Total
3 /
4 / 3 / a / b / c / d / e / a / b / c / 23
1 / 2 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 2 / 2

Mark = (#points +2)/2.5

Overview: Definitions: E(X) = or E(X) = (continuous)
var(X) = E(X – EX)2 cov(X, Y) = E(X – EX)(X – EY) Formulas Eg(X) = (discrete).
Eg(X) = (continuous) Eg(X,Y) =(discrete).

Var(X) = E(X2 ) – (EX) 2 / cov(X, Y) = E(XY) – E(X)E(Y)
E(aX + b) = aE(X) + b / var(aX + b) = a2 var(X)
E(X + Y) = E(X)+ E(Y)
E(X - Y) = E(X) – E(Y) / var(X + Y) = var(X)+ var(Y) + 2cov(X,Y)
var(X - Y) = var(X)+ var(Y) - 2cov(X,Y)
E(X1+…+Xn) = E(X1) +…+E(Xn) / +
cov(aX, Y) = a cov(X, Y) / cov(X, X) = var(X)
cov(X, Y + Z) = cov(X, Y) + cov(X, Z)

Independence: X en Y are independent ó P(X = x and Y = y) = P(X = x)×P(Y = y), (discrete)

=> E(XY)= E(X)E(Y), cov(X, Y) = 0, var (X ± Y) = var(X) + var(Y)
X1,…,Xn are independent and all have variance σ2 => n σ2

Name + parameter(s) / Probability (density) function / E(X) / Var(X)
B(n, p) / P(X= k) =, k = 0,...,n / np / np(1-p)
µ / P(X= k) =, k= 0,1,… / µ / µ
p / P(X= k) = , k = 1,2,… / /
R, N, n / P(X= k) =, k = 0, 1,..,n / np
/ np(1-p)×
U(a,b) / f(x) = , for a ≤ x ≤ b / /
E(λ) / f(x) = , for x ≥ 0 / /
N(0,1) / / 0 / 1
N(µ, σ2) / f(x) = / µ / σ2
Relations between
distributions / Distribution X / (approximating) distribution / Rule of thumb
Hyper geometrical R, N, n / Binomial B(n, R/N) / N > 5n2
Binomial B(n, p) / Poisson, µ = np / np(1-p) < 5
Normal X ~ N(µ, σ2) / Normal Y = aX +b ~ N(aµ+b, a2σ2)