Friday June 15, 2015
St. Johns C.H.S.
9:15am start
- Open Championships for 2010/2011 – Deb and Bryan
-Addressed by Deb and Bryan; schools have done a good job of volunteering to host but several championships available
b. Discussion Questions: Declining enrolment and job action were the two topics of discussion
1.0 Call to Order and Voting Cards
Moved : Dale Huddleston Seconded: Paul Carriere Carried
2.0 Roll Call
Absent schools: Napanee DSS; QECVI; Tagwi; MVDHS; Sharbut Lake; ESJL; Academie Seigneurie; ESMille-Iles; Equinoxe
3.0 Additions to the Agenda
None forwarded
4.0 Approval of the Agenda
Moved: Suche JamesSeconded: Patrick ChilderhoseCarried
5.0 Approval of the minutes from EOSSAA AGM 2011
Moved: Jason Wimmer Seconded: Luc GuenetteCarried
6.0 Business arising from minutes
7.0 Business arising from Local Association Discussion Questions– Suche
Thoughts on changing classification criteria:
UOVHSAA: Fluid system that changes year by year that is representative of whole province; based on percentage of provincial breakdown of 3 schoolclassifications; are we better off competing at AA level rather than one rural school in the association moving up a level (which might happen if the numbers are adjusted for classification i.e. A schools are 400 and down)
SD&G: EOSSAA needs to look at balancing the breakdown of school classifications so all classifications are somewhat equally represented i.e. there is a somewhat equal number of schools in each classification
Lanark: Look at a rec. division in some sports; rural disadvantage at some schools
PRSSAA: Reduce the number of A schools; concern is that at some OFSAA champ. it’s A/AA combined therefore AA schools are the losers in this scenario
KASSAA: Open to looking at changing number criteria; like the “fluid idea” by UOVHSAA
LGSAA: looking at dropping numbers to balance A schools; leave AAA number as is
Re: Question 2 (Labour Action)
All associations do not want/like labour action but realistically understand the action. Don’t want to have it in middle of seasons
It was said that to reduce the likelihood of labour action (work to rule), a strong vote in favour a strike is better than a weak vote
8.0 Retiree Plaques – Pat Childerhose
Norie Spence; Colin McCue; Marc Sauve; Steven King; Mike Harman; Jean Pye
All have contributed to sports and extra-curricular at EOSSAA and local levels; they will be missed by many students and staff. Thank you for your time and dedication
9.0 Pete Beach Award – Mark Lewis
To Jean Pye presented by Dale Huddleston
10.0 EOSSAA Championship Summary and Concerns – Deb Walden/Bryan English
-AELS has made registration easier and will be continued
-Sponsorship at championships has been an issue: you can have your own website with sponsorship but nothing will be accepted on the EOSSAA website
-Anyone convening a championship (EOSSAA or local) need to see Bryan. All championships should be decided by end of June
-Oct 25 cross country & Sept. 27 golf
-If postponement is necessary for any EOSSAA championship, please contact Deb and Bryan to give them the information and they can help disseminate information or assist the convenor with logistics.
-Everything you need to know about convening a championship is online on website (forms, budget, timeline etc); code of behavior for spectators will be added in near future
11.0 EOSSAA Championship Calendar 2011/2012 – Deb Walden/Bryan English
12.0 Classifications Report – Tammy Bovaird
-discussion of changing to 3 classifications=: 0-538; 539-1008;1009+
-got numbers from all schools and then divided by 3 equal groupings(number of schools)
-Or 2 groups (0-783; 784+)
-When do we implement these changes (do we wait until 3-year championship calendar is ready to change)
-Must look at A/AA championships; how would they be affected?
-These changes stem mainly from changing enrolment; OFSAA is wondering if associations could come up with suggestions
-Dale Huddleston: worth looking at population density (the way it used to be); not just straight numbers (are you a rural or city school); rural schools may meet number criteria but at a disadvantage due to rural location, lack of facilities, increased travel time
-Is there an option to keep 4 classifications? Tammy says anything is possible but not much has been said at any meetings.
-34 credit cap has not been discussed in terms of declining enrolment but it will be
-Many rural schools do not volunteer for championships so changing classifications may lead to more difficulty in getting championships filled
-Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer run all 4 classifications and don’t have issues finding convenors so these sports probably oppose any change to classifications.
13.0Principal’s Report – Joellen Bauder
-Joellen is representative of other administrators from Ontario: Overall, school administrators are in favour of school sport but do have concerns of cost (to students and schools); revenue has diminished with new legislation (i.e.vending machine). New fundraising guidelines may also be restrictive\
-Keep administrators in the communication chain
-Congratulations to all schools who hosted OFSAA championships; thank you to all coaches; proud of assisting at OFSAA t&f
-difficult to host the AGM later since some schools finish earlier than others
14.0Transfer Chair Report – Tony Quick
-two official meetings; big issues are: Timeline (Sept.) need to get info in quickly and knowledge of how process works
-Tony will be sending two forms (Transfer Update and Policy) to all guidance counselors today; make sure they get the forms
15.0Financial Report and Approval – Leanne Watt
-most of revenue came from fees
-associations are late paying fees therefore fees have been based on numbers from last year and due date is Sept.30 of present school year
-Leanne wants on cheque from each association and levy included therefore association needs to collect from individual schools
Motion to approve: Geoff StewartSeconded:Deb WaldenCarried
16.0EOSSAA Website Update and Future Directions – Dave Loken
-if there are problems with website, let Dave know so he can change it
-list of championship links was added this year
-if you know of a change you can update it
17.1Local Sports Convenor Database
17.0 Order Paper – Suche James and Pat Childerhose
18.0 OFSAA Report – Mark Lewis/Jean Pye
-Girls AA by St.Mary and Girls AAA Holy Cross; A soccer Rideau and T&F TISS—all were successful
-11 team medals—most ever
-Next year: AAA boys volleyball at RND
-A girls soccer could be hosted by UOVHSAA pending location
-Swimming convenor needed for OFSAA; openings in the three year calendar
-AELS; passwords are changing for schools
-Make sure everyone in your school or at least one person from your school knows the password
-Sports Day Sept 24-28: all schools are encouraged to participate in a day event; reg’n deadline is June 30
-encourage all schools to explore and regularly look at website to look at possible scholarships for your athletes; subsidy program for officials’ clinics
-second entry issue: thanks to all people who responded
Boys (Mark)
-pg 8 and 9 of current bulletin shows all changes to playing regs
-much conversation about sports schools and fairness (students who go to a school for a specific sport will not be allowed to compete in that sport)
-some motions that were defeated and not mentioned could come up again (FIBA rules in basketball)
-motion about disabled athletes: more information needed (any schools that have these student/athletes need to voice their concern)
19.0 President’s Report
-EOSSAA Website Updating of Information
-Local Association websites
-Liability Insurance- $75/school has worked well (teacher/coach is covered; convenor is not covered)
-AGM date 2013: (Friday June 14)
OFSAA executive will meet on June 17 and discuss if OFSAA championships will run if there is labour action
-Thank you to St.John’s CHS for hosting the AGM
-If you have concerns about playing regs. Contact Suche, Deb or Bryan and they will make plans to have a meeting for your particular sport. These changes will be given to executive in April and then onto AGM if approved
20.0 Executive Positions 2011/2012 – OFSAA Girls Rep, Boys Championship Coordinator, Secretary (1 year), President
-Pat Childerhose acclaimed as secretary (Lynn Carrs former secretary)
-Suche James acclaimed as president
-Bryan English acclaimed as Boys Championship coordinator
-Jean Pye is retiring therefore OFSAA girls rep is up
Tammy Boivard approved as new OFSAA girls representative
21.0 New Business
22.0 Championship Calendar 2012/2013 Approval – Deb / Bryan
Refer to website for convenors of championships
-People who signed up as convenor need to go through the championship bidding process on website to have all information
Championships without a convenor:
-AAA girls hockey
Motion: Deb WaldenSeconded: Jean Pye