Borough Council Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2014
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April 2, 2014 Meeting
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.
Council President Stagliano noted that there was an executive session prior to this meeting to discuss legal and personnel matters.
ROLL CALL: Stagliano, Mann, Keenan, Tulio, Braun, Kernen, Rees
Also present were Borough Manager, Geoffrey Thompson, Police Chief Bart Bucher, and Borough Solicitor Mark Hosterman; Mayor Stagliano absent
MOTION by Ms. Kernen to approve the March 5, 2014 Meeting minutes; seconded by Mr. Mann. Motion carries 7-0.
Presentation of an award from Bill Messerschmidt of the Montgomery County Dept. of Public Safety to Brian Freas for completing the Emergency Management Coordinator Level One Certification.
Streets, Roads, Lighting Committee: Mr. Mann reported that PennDOT is not doing a very good job keeping up with the potholes on Main Street. The Borough is trying to keep up with the potholes on the Borough’s roads.
MOTION by Mr. Mann to approve check numbers 10422 up to and including10471; seconded by Mr. Rees. Motion carries 7-0.
The beginning balance in the General Fund checking account was $109,844.41; disbursements were $213,315.26; receipts were $175,701.67 leaving a balance of $72,230.82. Total funds available are $566,503.80.
MOTION by Mr. Mann to approve the Treasurer’s Report; seconded by Ms. Tulio. Motion carries 7-0.
CTMA/PUBLIC WORKS: Report on File. Mr. Keenan stated that work on the chlorine contact pipe should be starting soon. There were 88 red tag shut off notices delivered. They are amending the Aveo lease. T-Mobile is doing work on the Collegeville tank. Public Works is trying to move the contract negotiations with the union forward. A labor attorney has been interviewed and it is recommended that Brian Leinhauser be appointed as the contract negotiator for the Public Works Union contract.
MOTION by Mr. Keenan to appoint Brian Leinhauser as the negotiator for the Public Works contract; seconded by Mr. Mann. Motion carries 7-0.
Planning Commission: No Report.
CPVRPC: Report on file. Ms. Kernen reported that the Montgomery County Planning Commission is promoting a multi-regional greenway and stewardship study and also an assessment for municipal-owned land. The MCPC also sent out a 2013 summary of subdivision, land development and zoning activities in our area.
Mrs. Stagliano also noted that Collegeville Borough must appoint a Planning Commission representative to the Central Perkiomen Valley Regional Planning Commission. Brian Dubas has agreed to be the representative.
MOTION by Ms. Tulio to appoint Brian Dubas to the Central Perkiomen Valley Regional Planning Commission; seconded by Ms. Kernen. Motion carries 7-0.
Parks Committee: No Report.
Public Safety Committee: No Report.
Facilities Committee: No Report.
Personnel Committee: No Report.
Engineer: Mr. Leh reported that he has completed the specs for this year’s paving project. This year Eighth Avenue from Clahor Avenue to the Upper Providence Township line will be paved. He is looking for authorization to go out to bid this month and hopefully award the bid at the May meeting.
MOTION by Mr. Mann to authorize advertisement of the Paving Project; seconded by Ms. Tulio. Motion carries 7-0.
Also he is working on the design for the Handicap Ramp project. He is hoping to go out to bid in May and to award the project in June.
Solicitor: No Report.
Manager / Zoning Officer: Mr. Thompson reported that the annual audit has been completed and Council should be receiving the report by the next meeting. Also, the pension audit is finishing up and the workmen’s comp audit has been completed.
Police: Report on file.
Fire: Report on file.
Ambulance Report: Report on file.
Jr. Council Member Report: Report on file.
Mayor: No Report.
MOTION by Mr. Mann to approve the Committee and Administrative Reports; seconded by Ms. Tulio. Motion carries 7-0.
Public Discussion:
Eileen Johnson, Perkiomen Valley Library – The library has a lot of activities going on; she also introduced Kim Gilliam who is the secretary of the Board.
Andy Feick, Ursinus College – Reminder that April 11 and 12 is the Pandemic Awareness Conference; Main Street has a couple of potholes in front of the college and a couple on Fifth Avenue. Also, he spoke with the Public Safety Committee about button activated lights for crosswalks to provide safer crossing. He is asking for support from Borough Council and permission to work with the traffic engineers to design something for the crosswalks for safer crossing.
MOTION by Ms. Tulio to authorize Dave Leh of Gilmore & Assocs. to work with Ursinus College on the crossing safety issue; seconded by Mr. Braun. Motion carries 7-0.
Jim Taylor – 424 Chestnut Street – He agrees with the push button light idea; also feels that flood lights should be put up as night is the worse for seeing students.
Consideration of Zoning Hearing Board Application for 55 W. Fourth Avenue – Larry Wargo, of 55 Holdings, LLC presented information on the Zoning Hearing Board application. This is the former flag factory which they want to convert into 10 high end loft apartments.
Kelly Taylor, 424 Chestnut Street – Has concerns about the parking.
Jim Taylor, 424 Chestnut Street – There is activity at Sabre’s. It looks like the restaurant is going to re-open.
Steve Rush, 455 Chestnut Street – He appreciates the desire to improve the building.
Eric Aker, 150 Chestnut Street – Have there been studies were done to show what would happen to the property values if apartment went in there?
Jim Taylor, 424 Chestnut Street – There are a lot of apartments and rentals in town; what happens if they are not rented?
MOTION by Ms. Kernan to stay neutral; seconded by Mr. Mann. Motion fails 3-4, with Mr. Keenan, Ms. Stagliano, Mr. Braun and Ms. Tulio voting no.
MOTION by Mr. Keenan to send a letter to Zoning Hearing Board stating that Borough Council has concerns with parking issues; seconded by Mr. Braun. Motion carries 5-2, with Mr. Mann and Ms. Kernen voting no.
Consideration of Resolution No. 2014-03, Approving the DCED Keystone Communities Grant Agreement – Mr. Thompson explained that he needs Council’s authorization to allow the Council President to sign the contract for the DCED Keystone Communities Grant.
MOTION by Mr. Keenan to approve Resolution No. 2014-03, Approving the DCED Keystone Communities Grant Agreement; seconded by Mr. Mann. Motion carries 7-0.
Consideration of the Street Sweeping Bids – Mr. Thompson stated that Arena Sweeping of Norristown is the low bidder.
MOTION by Ms.Tulio to award the street sweeping bid to Arena Sweeping, pending appropriate references; seconded by Ms. Kernen. Motion carries 7-0.
COMMENTS FOR THE GOOD OF COUNCIL – Ms. Kernen gave a report on CEDC activities.
There being no additional business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Geoffrey D. Thompson,